When Tom realizes that he has fallen in love with a boy, Bastien, his life changes: the hostile world of the high school that surrounds him quickly makes it clear that he will not have a school life as beautiful as he is. hope. Gaëlle, also a high school girl, is secretly in a relationship with Lola, but when both decide to announce it to their parents, the life of one of them is turned upside down ...
Samantha, who works in a chicken factory in Saint-Étienne, loses her job. She lives with her best-friend Céline. She is also her little sister Kim's guardian and must find another job quickly or run the risk of losing her sister. She meets Paul, a lawyer who would like to raise a child with his partner. As a result, he asks Samantha if she would like to be hired as his surrogate.
Клэр и Марк уезжают на все выходные, оставив своего сына под присмотром «хорошего парня» Фрэнка. На следующее утро парочку будит звонок полицейского, который сообщает, что их дом перевернут верх дном, а сын исчез! На месте происшествия полиция находит камеру, на которой запечатлены все события предыдущей ночи. Только посмотрев видео родители смогут узнать куда исчез их сын и что случилось в эту ночь… когда Фрэнк праздновал 30-летие.