Giannina Fruttero

Giannina Fruttero

Рождение : , Estación Central, Santiago, Chile


Giannina Fruttero


Место под названием «Дигнидад»
Двенадцатилетний мальчик по имени Пабло поступает в школу-интернат в Колонии Дигнидад, поселении немецких иммигрантов на юге Чили, с целью получить лучшее образование. Это кажется большой привилегией для такого ребёнка, как он, и он быстро становится любимцем директора колонии, дяди Пола. Со временем Пабло становится свидетелем каких-то странных происшествий, что заставляет его вести себя иначе, чем другие ученики.
Variable and Fleeting
Francisca and Sofía, an open couple, meet Anaís, a young Turkish woman, with whom they establish a beautiful friendship that makes them question their own relationship.
Giannina and David are two brothers entangled in an ambivalent love relationship. They secretly enter to houses that their owners have left empty for the summer holidays, to occupy them and live there, for a day, their secret intimacy.
Hay ropa tendida
In a dystopian Chile, during Pascual's birthday (18), his friends come up with a game: to do a panty hunt in the building where the single women have just arrived. Pascual cheats to avoid hurting a woman and is discovered by the 19-year-old Zángano, who threatens him by telling him that if he doesn't hurt a woman, he will hurt his younger sister Olivia, aged 12.
Эма: Танец страсти
У Эмы и Гастона, танцовщицы и хореографа из чилийского Вальпараисо, трудные времена: они отказались от усыновлённого 9-летнего колумбийца Поло. Неясно, кто тут виноват. Мальчик вроде бы проявлял деструктивные наклонности, но Гастон всё время обвиняет Эму, и после очередной ссоры та уходит к подруге и начинает свое путешествие по миру реггетона — уличного танцевального и музыкального стиля.
The Miracle
La Flaca is a young woman who lives with her two daughters in the house of the religious family of her partner David. As she thinks David is hiding a secret from her, she decides to confront him.
The Miracle
La flaca
La Flaca is a young woman who lives with her two daughters in the house of the religious family of her partner David. As she thinks David is hiding a secret from her, she decides to confront him.
The Man of the Future
Michelsen, an older trucker who is lonely and sick, while traveling through Patagonia meets someone on the highway who reminds him of his daughter, whom he has not seen in years.
Don't Let Anything Ruin Your Day
The daily life of a couple of young parents and their two daughters changes when they decide to go listen to the concert of The Cure in Chile. The money is not enough for tickets, so they will have to listen to it outside the National Stadium.