Connor Holden


Horny Teenagers Must Die!
Horny Teenagers Must Die is an over-the-top homage to '80s slasher fare with a difference, pitting a tale of sexual intrigue and weekend hedonism against a violent and bloody dead-teens-in-the-woods backdrop. A group of recent high school graduates head out into the woods for a weekend of sex, drugs and booze-drenched debauchery...only to meet their maker at the hands of a demented killer who uses anything from farm tools to sex toys in a non-stop orgy of eye-popping slaughter. Part pitch black comedy, part body count horror, Horny Teenagers Must Die. fuses the narrative structure of the Friday the 13th movies with the caustic wit of Heathers and the gory, anarchic insanity of cult classics like Re-Animator, Street Trash, Cabin Fever and The Evil Dead.
Leo and the Shark
The kid
An ambitious young man’s aimless ways cause a huge blowout with his manager, leading to a bigger fight to survive the lethal aim of a deadly stalker.
Мера человека
Carnival Player (uncredited)
Затравленный тинейджер переживает переломное в жизни лето и учится стоять за себя.
Контракт на убийство
Сюжет строится вокруг четырех студентов престижного университета, чье блестящее будущее может не состояться из-за того, что они вдруг оказываются связаны со случайным убийством однокурсницы. Когда одна из студенток заявляет, что знает об их причастности, они начинают строить план ее убийства.
The Bootlegger
Jake Weissman
A rogue CG Commander plots to eliminate a rum runner and its crew. When his machine gun jammed, the Captain survived. Newly released military intelligence files disprove the long-held theories of this dramatic historic event.