Aggie Edwards
Mary Herries has a passion for art and fine furniture. Even though she is getting on in years, she enjoys being around these priceless articles. One day she meets a strange young painter named Elcott, who uses his painting skill to enter into her life. Little does she expect that his only interest in Mary is to covet everything she has.
Gary and his dog Pal are having fun working on make-believe crime cases, though Gary's father, a city detective, disapproves. Gary and Pal soon find themselves involved in a real case involving fur thieves.
Selina as a Child
Roland Dane finally retires to the house he was brought up in. Lost in thoughts of his lost love Lark, he does not want to be disturbed in his last days. However, the appearance of his niece and her subsequent romance with Lark's nephew causes him to reevaluate his life and offer some advice so the young couple doesn't make the same mistake he did, all those years ago.
English Child (uncredited)
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
Little Girl (uncredited)
Джо считал себя счастливчиком, еще бы, ведь ему завидуют все собаководы Йоркшира — такой породистой колли не было во всей Англии. Каждый день Лесси приходила к школе встречать Джо, и вот, однажды, она не пришла, дома его ожидало ужасное известие — родители продали собаку чтобы выбраться из долгов. Но для верной собаки существует только один хозяин — мальчик Джо. Высокий забор, железная цепь и огромное расстояние не испугали Лесси — впереди у нее был долгий и опасный путь домой. ..