Leon Voorberg

Leon Voorberg


Leon Voorberg


Громкое дело
Вечером 23 сентября 1999 года в собственном доме была убита Жаклин Виттенберг. Её тело нашли лишь несколько дней спустя. Все улики указывали на её личного налогового консультанта Эрнста Лауса. Именно он был последним, с кем разговаривала Жаклин перед смертью. Однако это преступление оказалось намного запутаннее. Известный тележурналист Бас Хан решает бросить вызов полиции, правосудию и СМИ и раскрыть правду об этом загадочном убийстве.
A Noble Intention
1888: a luthier, Vedder, has to step aside when his home, opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs, pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and his wife Martha, but also for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed - or is it pride? - the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences.
Sword of D'Artagnan
When her grandfather has a car accident, Isabel (11) takes on his search for the sword that has been promised to her ancestor centuries ago by the world famous musketeer D’Artagnan. Assisted by her nephew Rik (12) and friend Jules (13), she will need just as much bravery, loyalty and perseverance as the illustrious musketeer to find his lost sword, to save her grandfather and to reunite her family.
Ivan is a true number cruncher and 'surfs the waves of the stock market' like a natural trader. He rakes in big profits for the bank. But all is not well. The new job gives Ivan sleepless nights. As Ivan rapidly becomes the most successful trader in town, he feels increasingly alienated from himself and the world around him. In spite of his unprecedented success Ivan has to get out. Before it's too late...
Small events in the lives of three people eventually lead to the moment at which a boy throws a rock from a bridge to hit a car. Small, unimportant causes can have big consequences.
Преуспевающий наркодиллер, за пристрастие к черной одежде прозванный "Священник", неожиданно начинает ощущать, что кто-то из его сообщников ведет нечестную игру. Пытаясь вычислить предателя, Священник вдруг осознает, что это его лучший друг... и избавляется от него. Но предателем оказывается совсем другой человек...
To show the many lovers of his mother how he feels about them, a young boy buries the gifts he gets from them in the woods. But then one of them gives him a dog, called Dajo.