Camille Le Gall


For Better And For Worse
Jean has been the conservative mayor of a small town for several years. He intends to run for another term. Edith, his wife, is the paragon of the traditional devoted housewife and mother. So it comes as quite a shock when she tells her husband of forty years that deep down, she has always been... A MAN! Totally blindsided, Jean didn't see this coming. For a politician campaigning on family values, this is too much! But Edith, still the loving wife, make a deal with him: she will postpone her transition and stay a woman until after the elections. But as we know, campaigns are all about digging up dirt to keep the rumor mill turning
Electric Bodies
In a future where human memory is recorded on cards and biomechanical bodies are replaced by biological ones, anyone can change appearance following their mood, as long as they can afford it. But people who can not continue to rent their expensive bodies and are forced to abandon them. This is what threatens Emma Beaufort.
Belle Étoile
Thu Yen, 35, came to France to get married. However, things did not go as planned when she arrived. Her encounter with Marianne, a maid with a tormented past, will change her destiny.
Я буду танцевать
Свой день рождения Милен встречает на работе. И этот вечер принесёт ей много сюрпризов…