Lee Eung-jae

Рождение : 1976-10-15,

Смерть : 2013-03-15


Four Season Romance
A reality romance film that gathers everyday things. As the first phrase 'three lies about self-esteem' appears, the film talks about self-esteem with three stories. Rather than talking about pride, we talk about love and release our pride.
Looking for My Wife
Older male cousin 2
With a body and voice that’s easy on the eyes and ears, popular music critic Sung-hee announces his plans for divorce on live radio without informing his wife. He takes off to a seaside town with long-time friend Dong-min but when his wife doesn’t answer his call, he rushes back home. He arrives only to be greeted with a letter and his wife is nowhere to be found. Sung-hee wanted to divorce his wife in style but his wife jumped the gun and left him a day early. With his pride in shambles, he decides to go on a search for his wife. To his bitter surprise, he discovers sides of his wife that he never knew about including a supposed brother of hers.
The Case of Itaewon Homicide
Legal assistant
On the night of April 8, 1997, an innocent college student was brutally murdered in a burger shop washroom for no apparent reason. 2 Korean-American teenagers are brought for questioning and are charged with murder and possession of lethal weapon and withholding evidence. Neither is remorseful for their heinous crimes and blames each other for the killing.
Male office worker
Мелкий бандит и рэкетир Сан-хун крышует малых предпринимателей, выбивает деньги из должников, решает споры между недовольными. Однажды он встречает старшеклассницу Юн-хи. Они такие разные, но у них гораздо больше общего, чем может показаться на первый взгляд.
Кондитерская «Антик»
Taxi Couple Man
Само собой разумеется, что если речь пойдет о кондитерской, то все и начинается с торта… Брошенного в лицо…
Вторжение динозавра
Man from Couple (uncredited)
Прямо посреди Сеула, в реке Хан завелся огромный монстр. Растревоженная зеваками, зверюга выбралась на берег и устроила форменную вакханалию. В центре событий оказывается одна корейская семья: пожилой отец семейства, трое его детей и внучка.
A Vital Activity
A 20-something couple is having a date. They want to make love but they don’t have enough money or time. They look for a place where they can have sex.