Go Dong-eop

Go Dong-eop

Рождение : 1961-02-15,


Go Dong-eop


Rainbow Goddess
The Gateless Gate
A Zen believes in Buddhism and abides by the Gateless Gates. How does one pass by these Gateless Gates? To find spiritual enlightenment, Monks from all over head to Mountain Oh Dae and perform asceticism to find peace and pass through the gates.
Maundy Thursday
Yun-soo's Father
Yujeong is suicidal, yet she reluctantly goes to prison for volunteer work. There, she meets a prisoner who is waiting for death penalty. The two quickly fall in love despite their differences, yet they do not have much time.
Субмарина 'Призрак'
В ответ на тайные планы Японии обзавестись ядерным арсеналом, Южная Корея решает задействовать свое сверхсекретное оружие — мощную русскую атомную субмарину «Призрак». Её экипажу, отряду смертников, данные о которых стерты из всех архивов, приказано отправиться с миссией устрашения во вражеские воды, чтобы на далеких рубежах защитить свою страну от смертельной угрозы, не надеясь на помощь извне. Отважные моряки готовы отдать свою жизнь во имя Родины. Но они не знают, что высшее командование предназначило их в жертву политическим интригам, а первый помощник капитана намерен коварно напасть на Японию, развязав масштабную войну…
When Adam Opens His Eyes
Adam fails in the college-entrance exam but he tries again for next year. His age if 19 What he wants to have are a typewriter, a Mook picture book a cassette radio and a turntable. Those are all he wants in this big world He has an elder brother. Their mother works hard to get them a college education His brother was a college student activist, and is now studying abroad at government expense. One of his wishes is ful-filled when he works for an old lady painter how gives him a Mook picture book for being her model And he receives a turntable for his part-time work for an audio-equipment shop owner Now he finds a nice girlfriend.
The Night Before the Strike
There are 200 miserably impoverished people working in the Dongseong Metalworks Factory. JU Wan-ik is introduced to the forging team as a new member of the team and they all go drinking together to welcome him.