Janis Zaurins


Covid Metamorphosen
Harald (voice)
Three roommates on lock-down over Christmas. With the big date approaching, everything gets more and more mythological. Will all of them make it out alive? Surreal Christmas comedy, inspired by Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Минута молчания
60-е годы, рыбацкий посёлок на Балтийском море. К началу учебного года после нескольких лет жизни в Англии в поселок возвращается Стелла и устраивается учителем английского в местную школу. Там и вспыхивает у нее бурный роман с 18-летним Кристианом. Но только длился он недолго…
Das Romeo-Prinzip
Tom does not have it easy. At the student theater, his friend Jan and his beloved Annelie play the leading roles; the inconspicuous Tom, on the other hand, makes the prop. When he realizes that he must finally take his life, and especially love, into his own hands, he turns to his janitor, Mr Müller. What Tom does not know: Müller was once a psychologist of the Stasi! In the so-called "Romeo" program, he prepared male agents to address women in Germany and make them available as a source.
Beerboy und der Lauf um den See
Die Flunder