Cameron Schwartz


Rest Stop.
It's 1975, and John Dykstra, a lowly college professor, with not much confidence but a semi-successful author, is on his way home from his monthly meet up group with fellow authors, when he decides to pull off to the nearest rest stop. What he encounters there is an unnerving domestic assault, that will force him to embrace his alter ego, Rick Hardin, the hitman in his novels, and finally decide what kind of man he wants to be.
Rest Stop.
Executive Producer
It's 1975, and John Dykstra, a lowly college professor, with not much confidence but a semi-successful author, is on his way home from his monthly meet up group with fellow authors, when he decides to pull off to the nearest rest stop. What he encounters there is an unnerving domestic assault, that will force him to embrace his alter ego, Rick Hardin, the hitman in his novels, and finally decide what kind of man he wants to be.
Rest Stop.
It's 1975, and John Dykstra, a lowly college professor, with not much confidence but a semi-successful author, is on his way home from his monthly meet up group with fellow authors, when he decides to pull off to the nearest rest stop. What he encounters there is an unnerving domestic assault, that will force him to embrace his alter ego, Rick Hardin, the hitman in his novels, and finally decide what kind of man he wants to be.
Rest Stop.
It's 1975, and John Dykstra, a lowly college professor, with not much confidence but a semi-successful author, is on his way home from his monthly meet up group with fellow authors, when he decides to pull off to the nearest rest stop. What he encounters there is an unnerving domestic assault, that will force him to embrace his alter ego, Rick Hardin, the hitman in his novels, and finally decide what kind of man he wants to be.
Second Assistant Camera
Команда физиков во главе с Джимом Билом строит маленькую копию Большого адронного коллайдера и открывает червоточину в пространственно-временном континууме, делающую путешествия во времени реальностью. Заветное словосочетание будоражит умы корпоративных магнатов, но создатель машины времени, как водится, не хочет, чтобы грязными сапогами топтались по благородному делу. В попытках сохранить права на свое изобретение он встречается с загадочной femme fatale Эбби, но невольно выдает ей все свои секреты. Незадачливый ученый, уверенный что девушка заодно с одним из толстосумов, отправляется в прошлое, чтобы исправить ошибку, но путешествие преподносит ему сюрпризы — правду о девушке, о машине и о будущем самого Джима…