Kevin Rhoades


После того, как романтические выходные начались, молодая пара оказывается в устаревшем отеле, попав в смертоносную петлю смерти и становясь приманкой для демона.
Mommy's Deadly Con Artist
After Denise, loses her husband, she is determined to find who did it, which leads her to tracking down Stephanie and her "mother."
Deceived by My Mother-In-Law
Kristen suspects her new family isn't what they seem after her mother-in-law moves in unexpectedly.
The Wrong Valentine
As Valentine's Day approaches, a high school senior attracts the attention of a new student who may have ulterior motives.
The Wrong Mr. Right
Jessica moves back home after college and finds her single mother, Tracy, has a new boyfriend, Paul, moving in as well. While working at a restaurant owned by her mother's best friend, Sandra, Jessica sees Paul fighting with another woman and immediately enlists the help Sandra and Hal who suspect something very strange. When Jessica discovers Paul is not who he seems, she sets out to prove Paul is the wrong Mr. Right.
The Wrong Fiancé
When photographer Abby is sent out of town on a job assignment by her editor, Charlotte, she thinks it is the perfect opportunity to escape her nightmarish ex-fiancé, Richard. However, Abby quickly discovers it is impossible to elude him.
Не тот агент по недвижимости
Работающая мать-одиночка Джули и ее дочь-подросток Мэдди снимают красивый дом на нескольких акрах земли у дружелюбного агента по недвижимости Чарльза, которого они хорошо знают и который живет неподалеку. Однако после въезда матери и дочери странные звуки и происшествия заставляют их подозревать, что кто-то еще живет на их территории, и они никуда не денутся.
Вместе на Рождество
Эйва живёт в Нью-Йорке, но на Рождество решает отдохнуть от суеты и проблем большого города и едет в "мировую столицу Рождества", городок Тинсел. Там она знакомится с очаровательной девочкой, которая сдаёт ей в аренду гостевой домик, и влюбляется в её отца.
The Wrong Stepfather
A happy engagement to a charming college adviser soon turns into real fear when a teacher worries her fiancé may be the wrong stepfather for her daughter.
The Wrong Wedding Planner
Detective Jones arrives at the house of a young couple, Ashley and Brad, blissfully engaged and preparing for their upcoming marriage. They had a mysterious break in at their home. While Det. Jones discovers nothing at the scene, we later find out it is their wedding planner, Mandy, who starts stalking them. She goes as far as sabotaging Brad at work. Ms. Johnson, his boss, has no choice and places him on permanent leave as this Wrong Wedding Planner will stop at nothing to exact revenge.
Осторожней с домоработницей
Деб, успешный редактор, отправляет Дэна в командировку после того, как он недавно переехал в дом своей мечты. Когда он встречает Кристен, все его проблемы решены, потому что она кажется ему идеальной домоработницей. Однако это только начало, ведь Кристен обустраивает дом, выдает себя за его новую девушку и не собирается уходить из его жизни.
Рождественские сводники
Джен и Джон работают помощниками генеральных директоров двух крупных компаний. Они с утра до ночи заняты в своих офисах и у них совершенно не остаётся свободного времени. Чтобы немного разгрузить себя в праздники они решают свести своих трудоголиков-боссов. Удастся ли им провернуть задуманное или их план будет обречён на провал?
It Came from Below
A nameless immigrant crosses the border leaving behind him a trail of blood and death. On his trail is an aging lawman seeking justice and redemption
It Came from Below
A nameless immigrant crosses the border leaving behind him a trail of blood and death. On his trail is an aging lawman seeking justice and redemption
The Wrong Neighbor
A recently separated father and his teenage daughter become the deadly obsession of their neighbor -- a beguiling, deranged young woman willing to do whatever's necessary to take her rightful place as their wife and mother.
The Wrong House
Rebecca Lassiter and her husband Brian leave New York City to move to Los Angeles and find the perfect suburban house for them and their young daughter. Shortly after moving in, Rebecca and Brian notice strange things start to happen--food deliveries they did not order, rat and pest control dispatched without their knowledge, and finally--a rock thrown through the window. The Lassiter's ideal life quickly begins to unravel and their family's safety is put in jeopardy.
Moving Mountains
A determined housewife goes head-to-head with a $1 billion mining company after its negligent operation ruins her town's water supply.
Moving Mountains
A determined housewife goes head-to-head with a $1 billion mining company after its negligent operation ruins her town's water supply.
Year of the Donkey
Four girls settle into a remote cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway. Add three guys accidentally booked for the same weekend, an axe carrying caretaker and a fetish Donkey Mask, and there's bound to be a little excitement.