Sayoko Kasumi


The Betrothed
Adaptation of the Yukio Mishima novel.
Dancing Girl
In Asakusa, Tokyo, a couple of a violinist Yamano and a revue dancer Hanae lives in poverty. One day Hanae’s little sister rolls into their apartment and begins to stir things up with her riotousness.
Сезон дождей в Иге
Знаменитый фехтовальщик Матаемон Араки должен встретиться со своим лучшим другом, поскольку они вынуждены принять противоположные стороны в кровной мести, вызванной убийством члена семьи.
Phantom Castle
Early Japanese three-part samurai / fantasy serial.
Based on the old tale of Jiraiya, this 1937 version is essentially a revenge story with fantastic visuals.
Akanishi Kakita
A samurai is ordered by his lord to go to Edo and investigate the truth behind the rumor of a rebellion against him.