Beppie Melissen

Beppie Melissen

Рождение : 1951-05-26, Mijdrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


Beppie Melissen


Vaders & Zonen
Two adult brothers set out to find a stand-in for their deceased father in order to keep living off his retirement income.
Немножко беременны
Одинокая акушерка Мерел решает завести ребенка от суррогатного отца. Когда случается долгожданная беременность, героиня узнает, что вместе с ней в интересном положении оказывается молодая супруга ее 60-летнего отца и 23-летняя племянница Ева. На голову Мерел сваливается не только токсикоз, но и проблемы ее родственников, которые оказываются не готовы к трудностям, которые несут с собой дети.
Rebels @School
The eccentric Miss Ank tries to pick up the pieces at her primary after the loss of their principal. Faced with a shortage of teachers, and increasingly demanding parents, the board hires an interim head to get things in order. Pretty soon e-teaching takes over, with an actual robot replacing the teachers, and CCTV enabling over-involved parents to keep a constant eye on what’s happening. Finding themselves up against this heartless new regime, pupils and teachers decide to join forces and rebel.
Салон Роми
Stine Rasmussen
Роми 10 лет, но она считает себя гораздо умнее бабушки, хозяйки парикмахерской, с которой девочке скучно. Однако она вынуждена подолгу проводить время с 69-летней старушкой, после того, как мать Роми находит сверхурочную работу. Девочка предпочла бы жить с весельчаком-отцом, который катает ее в машине на переднем сиденье, водит в кино и китайский ресторан, но у него новая жена. Натянутые отношения Роми со строгой бабушкой постепенно меняются, когда героиня узнает семейную историю и понимает, что старики тоже умеют удивлять. Пораженная бабушкиными сумасбродствами, Роми начинает чувствовать взрослую ответственность за близкого человека и входит в роль будущей хозяйки салона.
Shit Happens
When they are confronted with the disease of the pater familias, all the members of the Liefhebber family have to face their fears, faults and their troubled interrelationships.
So What Is Love
Cato is given the opportunity to become a partner in a commercial office where there is a need for change. Cato seems to be the right person to teach the grumpy lawyers a bit of morale.
Короткая икроножная мышца
Это чёрная комедия об Андерсе. Андерс не такой как все, хотя он об этом не подозревает. Он ещё и гей, но это не так уж и важно – просто есть ещё кое-что, что другие замечают, а он нет.
In an urban neighbourhood overcome by rapid gentrification, recently widowed Harry has a hard time adapting. Scrambling to protect his traditional way of life, Harry spearheads a protest committee. When even his friends cave in to a relocation bonus, they urge Harry to stop wasting his life living in the past.
Безумно счастлива
Мать-одиночка Лена пишет любовные песни, но из-за отсутствия романтики в жизни, у нее ничего не выходит.Ее лучшая подруга, известная певица Валери, придумывает выход: она нанимает безработного актера Хью
Love Revisited
When their son suddenly dies the long divorced Ton and Fransje seek comfort with each other.
Home is where your heart is
Axel is Dutch Surinamese, but after 20 years of living in the Netherlands he has become 100% Dutch. He has married a Dutch girl, Victoria, and has never been back. When his free-spirited mother Gladys summons the family to her guesthouse in Surinam for Christmas and an important announcement, Axel, his wife and her sister Mirna reluctantly make the journey. They have barely arrived when the situation gets completely out of hand, with his brother Virgil winding him up and his daughter Wonnie, who is doing an internship in Paramaribo, admitting that she is pregnant...
After 21-year-old student Tonio dies in a traffic accident, his novelist parents face sorrow and regret as they suffer the agony of losing their only child.
Выходные в кругу семьи
Престарелый человек, который прожил не легкую жизнь, но при этом умудрился заработать миллионное состояние, собирает своих детей и членов большой родни в своем замке, чтобы объявить им неожиданную новость: он намерен жениться. Все в шоке от этой затеи, особенно дети, невеста-красавица, которая моложе его на полвека, похоже хочет урвать свою часть огромного состояния. Никто не поверил в искренность чувств девушки, дети решают доказать, что она настоящая шарлатанка. Сорвать свадьбу — это единственный способ уберечь свое наследство, в ход идут все доступные способы…
Viper’s Nest 2
When Claire returns from Burkina Faso, she is totally transformed and her girlfriends barely recognize her. Cheryl discovers Martin is cheating on her yet again and for her, this time it's the last straw: she files for divorce. Anouk, also unhappy with her love life, threatens to develop an eating disorder. Roelien, however, accepts Evert's wedding proposal. Then, a fatal and thoroughly bizarre accident transports the girlfriends to the snowy mountaintops of Austria...
Gift from the Heart
Brothers Tom and Niek are running the family's costume rental store. Former soap star Tom doesn't take his job and his relationships very seriously. Niek on the other hand, is a workaholic, which recently led to a separation from his wife Karin. When the brothers are preparing for the busy holiday season, attractive Julia walks through the door with an offer they can't refuse: participating in a bold ad campaign that will rock Dutch holiday traditions to their core. Soon enough, Tom and Niek find themselves in a whirlwind of family issues, national cultural matters and love, after which neither of them will ever be the same.
Miracle Monks
Nun Ursula
Five monks live harmoniously in the monastery but suddenly their peace is disturbed by a gang of construction workers. The leader of the church sold the monastery to the town council, and now their beloved home is destined to become a spa! The monks' desperate attempts to stop this situation seem in vain, but then - a miracle! The monastery is saved. But that is just the start of their troubles...
Похищение Хайнекена
Mrs Humbrechts
Этот фильм рассказывает о дерзком похищении, которое затеяла группа молодых людей, ради наживы. Они похитили очень влиятельного человека и хотят получить выкуп, но их планы срываются и всё выходит далеко не так как они планировали. Заложник вскоре начинает свою игру, и неизвестно кто же всё таки находится на крючке…
Приходит женщина к врачу
Carmen's mother
В названии фильма, как и книги, по которой он снят, преднамеренно используется первая фраза расхожих голландских мальчиковых анекдотов. Этот анекдот, однако, оказывается совсем не смешным. Южанин-провинциал Стейн становится успешным рекламщиком в Амстердаме, женится на не менее успешной коллеге Кармен, с рождением дочери они переезжают в большой загородный дом. И тут «судьба стучится в дверь».
Vox Populi
Vox Populi is a black comedy about an experienced politician suffering from a midlife crisis. When he comes into contact with the common-man's logic of his new in-laws, this has a far-reaching effect on both his political and his personal life.
Punk Lawyer
A young Amsterdam lawyer seems to be doing well, but occasionally he is overwhelmed by an unstoppable need for booze. During one of his delirious episodes, he witnesses the death of a squatter at a police station. Worried about his career, he hesitates to speak out.
The Penknife
Accidentally still in possession of his best friend's pocket knife after they move all the way to a different city, a young boy sets out to return it.
Winkelmeisje Stella
История о том, как обычная деревенька в голландской глуши превратилась в настоящий сумасшедший дом, где каждый сходит с ума по-своему. Абсурдистская деревушка, невелика — в ней всего одна улица, но зато какие колоритные персонажи ее населяют! Страсти там кипят нешуточные, и это не может не приводить к различным смешным ситуациям. В курсе всех проблем местного населения — любопытный почтальон, который не может отказать себе в удовольствии почитать чужие письма.
Theo en Thea en de ontmaskering van het Tenenkaasimperium
Theo and Thea want to make a movie of Snow White, but Gerard Joling, who should play prince, cries off. Someone suggests to ask opera singer Marco Bakker. First he doesn't want to, but when Theo and Thea dress up like jazz singers Bea and Ans, he decides to join in. Marco even falls in love with the dressed-up Theo. Written by Clausule
De orionnevel
The three very different men in this film have become friends out of their common dissatisfaction with their lives. Beard is now more or less a street person since his wife left him. Before that, he was a social worker. "Foureyes" is a nebbish science teacher, who can't get anyone to take him seriously -- certainly not his students. He seeks solace in the quiet of the stars, which he views in his telescope at night. Finally, Gerdo is a fellow who is a master of many trades, successful at almost everything he does, except in his own eyes. Each new challenge proves unsatisfying when met. The only thing he wants is the one thing he can't bring about: the return of his old girlfriend, who left him for some boring civil servant. He sees her everywhere, and images of her haunt him constantly. (
Broken Mirrors
Vrouw van Jean-Pierre
A murderer is at large: a well-dressed businessman incarcerates his victims, chains and starves them, and documents their death amid their filth with Instamatic snaps. Meanwhile, in another part of town, a woman joins a brothel...
Het veld van eer
One day, Louis - who seems obsessed by weapons and all things related – visits his old school friend Ada. She is quickly won over and not long after they marry. After the wedding their honeymoon takes them to Verdun in northern France, where over 500,000 soldiers died during the First World War. Louis runs from one monument and cemetery to the next, like someone possessed, salivating because of how hard the fighting was there. Ada feels increasingly uneasy with her new husband. One day, he purposely has himself and Ada locked in at Fort Douamont where terrible events took place during the war. There he turns out to be a stark raving maniac.