John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

Рождение : 1917-05-29, Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1963-11-22


Американский политический, государственный и общественный деятель, 35-й президент США (1961-1963). В современном общественном сознании Кеннеди чаще всего связывают с его загадочным убийством, потрясшим весь мир, многочисленные гипотезы разрешения которого выдвигаются по сей день. Ветеран Второй мировой войны в звании «лейтенант», Кеннеди прошёл всю кампанию на Соломоновых островах в качестве командира торпедного катера PT-109[8]. За храбрость, проявленную во время военных действий, удостоен множества наград. Сразу же после окончания войны начал политическую карьеру, в 1947 году был избран от штата Массачусетс в Палату представителей США, где пробыл до 1953 года. С 1953 по 1960 был сенатором от Массачусетса и занимал эту должность до 1960 года, когда на очередных президентских выборах демократ 43-летний Кеннеди с незначительным отрывом победил республиканца Ричарда Никсона, и, таким образом, стал единственным президентом США-католиком и первым президентом, родившимся в XX веке. Почти трёхлетнее президентство Кеннеди ознаменовано Берлинским кризисом, Карибским кризисом, операцией в заливе Свиней, космической гонкой между СССР и США, которая привела к началу космической программы «Аполлон», а также серьёзными шагами по преодолению расовой дискриминации. 22 ноября 1963 года, совершая предвыборную поездку в открытом лимузине на одной из центральных улиц города Даллас, штат Техас, Джон Ф. Кеннеди был смертельно ранен в 12:30 из снайперской винтовки во время поездки. Кортеж Кеннеди был открытым. Президент был незамедлительно доставлен в госпиталь, где после безуспешных попыток реанимации скончался около 13:00 по местному времени. Специально созданная Конгрессом комиссия Уоррена показала, что убийцей Кеннеди был стрелок-одиночка Ли Харви Освальд. Огромное количество социальных опросов, проведённых по всей стране, показало, что не менее 60 % населения Америки не верят в то, что Освальд убил президента или по крайней мере действовал один.


John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy


Диана Наяд
Self (archive footage)
Пловчиха Дайана Найад поставила перед собой на 60-летний юбилей практически невозможную цель: проплыть 177 километров и пересечь Флоридский залив от Кубы до США.
In the Grip of Gazprom
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The war in the Ukraine has changed the way many European countries view Russian politics. Suddenly it became clear how dependent countries had become on Russian gas imports for decades and what Vladimir Putin was up to. However, no country needs more gas than Germany. It was only after Russia's invasion of the Ukraine that the German government realized that Russia had long used gas as a weapon to impose its will on states. The instrument created for this purpose is the natural gas production company GAZPROM. So how did Germany become so dependent on Russian gas? The documentary shows how, over several decades and several changes of government, a broad alliance of politicians and business representatives did everything possible to secure Germany's energy supply with cheap Russian gas, while the Kremlin's foreign policy became increasingly aggressive and the warnings of experts went unheeded.
Ничто не сравнится
Self (archive footage)
История восхождения Шинеад О'Коннор к всемирной славе и того, как ее иконоборческая личность привела к ее изгнанию из мейнстрима поп-музыки. Сосредоточившись на пророческих словах и делах за шестилетний период (1987–1993), фильм размышляет о наследии этого бесстрашного первопроходца через призму современных феминисток.
Believe It 2: You Butter Believe It
Self (archive footage)
One year after butter truther Thomas Tyndall shocked the world with his groundbreaking discoveries regarding the magarine-like spread I Can't Believe It's Not Butter estranged investigative reporter Reed Milliken seeks revenge.
Тайна Мэрилин Монро: Неуслышанные записи
Self (archive footage)
Расследование загадочной смерти Мэрилин Монро, включая впервые показанные интервью с близкими знаменитой актрисы.
The Assassination & Mrs. Paine
Self (archive footage)
One woman's unshakable connection to the JFK assassination continues to haunt her fifty years later.
Аполлон-10½: Приключение космического века
Self (Archival Audio)
Мужчина рассказывает о своей жизни в Хьюстоне 1969 года, когда ему было всего 10 лет, переплетая воспоминания с фантастическим рассказом о путешествии на Луну.
Dean Martin: King of Cool
Self (archive footage)
Dean Martin had a laid-back charm that made him successful in everything from big-screen comedies to television variety shows to live acts in Las Vegas. Filmmaker Tom Donahue explores Martin’s varied career, including his complicated relationships with Jerry Lewis, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, and others. We hear from admirers such as critic Gerald Early, actor Jon Hamm, and Hip-Hop artist RZA who testify to Martin’s enduring mystique.
Как убили Джона Кеннеди
Self (archive footage)
Более полувека правительство скрывало от всего мира детали убийства 35-го президента США Джона Кеннеди. Мы по-прежнему не знаем, кто организовал это дерзкое убийство и на самом деле спустил курок. Режиссер Оливер Стоун, вооружившись новыми секретными документами, одним из первых пытается докопаться до истины.
Tunnel to Freedom
Self (archive footage)
13 August 1961: the GDR closes the sector borders in Berlin. The city is divided overnight. Escape to the West becomes more dangerous every day. But on September 14, 1962, exactly one year, one month and one day after the Wall was built, a group of 29 people from the GDR managed to escape spectacularly through a 135-meter tunnel to the West. For more than 4 months, students from West Berlin, including 2 Italians, dug this tunnel. When the tunnel builders ran out of money after only a few meters of digging, they came up with the idea of marketing the escape tunnel. They sell the film rights to the story exclusively to NBC, an American television station.
Лето соула
Self (archive footage)
During the same summer as Woodstock, over 300,000 people attended the Harlem Cultural Festival, celebrating African American music and culture, and promoting Black pride and unity. The footage from the festival sat in a basement, unseen for over 50 years, keeping this incredible event in America's history lost — until now.
Diana at Sixty
Self (archive footage)
A new insight into Lady Diana's life, loves and looking at where she might be today. Loved the world over and became bigger than The Crown itself.
The Wikipedia Promise
Self - Politician (archive footage)
In 2001, Jimmy Wales published the first article on Wikipedia, a collaborative effort that began with a promise: to democratize the spreading of knowledge, monopolized by the elites for centuries. But is Wikipedia really a utopia come true?
I Am Jackie O
Self (archive footage)
Jackie Kennedy Onassis was the most famous woman in the world, impossibly glamourous and universally admired. She was also complex, layered, and extremely guarded, making her endlessly fascinating and enigmatic. This incredibly compelling film provides a definitive exploration of her life, from iconic first lady to widow, unofficial royalty and fashion icon.
The Real Right Stuff
Self (archive footage)
The story of America's first astronauts, known as the Mercury 7, told through archival news & radio reports, newly transferred & previously unheard NASA mission audio recordings, and more rare & unseen material.
The Longest Voyage
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Spain, 1519. Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese navigator in the service of King Charles I, undertakes, at the command of five ships, a commercial expedition to the Moluccas. The story of the first circumnavigation of the world, completed by Juan Sebastián Elcano in 1522.
The Soul of America
Self (archive footage)
Writer, journalist, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and presidential biographer John Meacham offers his timely and invaluable insights into the country’s current political and historical moment by examining its past. Based on his 2018 bestseller of the same name.
American Deep State
Self (archive footage)
Examines the possibility that elected U.S governments must follow the rules set by Washington bureaucratic institutions.
Uncle Tom
Self (archive footage)
In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America's most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a unique look at being black in America. Featuring media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber, the film explores their personal journeys of navigating the world as one of America's most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative. In this eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.
Killing John F. Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
John F Kennedy was one of America's greatest presidents. He was the voice of the people who was a natural public speaker and a cool calm figure in front of the cameras. His influence helped push America through the most dangerous moments of the cold war, diffusing what could have been world nuclear destruction. But in November 1963, his life would come to a devastating end through the hands of an assassin. But who would kill one of the most popular presidents? Why was he a target? Join us as we investigate the life and career of JFK and ask the question...Who was really behind the killing of JFK?
The Most Dangerous Man in Europe
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Waffen-SS officer Otto Skorzeny (1908-75) became famous for his participation in daring military actions during World War II. In 1947 he was judged and imprisoned, but he escaped less than a year later and found a safe haven in Spain, ruled with an iron hand by General Francisco Franco. What did he do during the many years he spent there?
Camp Century: The Secret City Under the Ice
Self - Politician (archive footage)
How in 1959, during the heat of the Cold War, the government of the United States decided to create a secret military base located in the far north of Greenland: Camp Century, almost a real town with roads and houses, a nuclear plant to provide power and silos to house missiles aimed at the Soviet Union.
Mike Wallace Is Here
Self (archive footage)
For over half a century, 60 Minutes' fearsome newsman Mike Wallace went head-to-head with the world's most influential figures. Relying exclusively on archival footage, the film interrogates the interrogator, tracking Wallace's storied career and troubled personal life while unpacking how broadcast journalism evolved to today’s precarious tipping point.
Apollo: The Forgotten Films
Self (archive footage)
Recently discovered footage reveals the secret history of NASA's first landing on the moon, and using this brand-new evidence, former astronauts and experts challenge everything known about the Apollo missions.
Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress
Self (archive footage)
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
Apollo: Missions to the Moon
Self (archive footage)
National Geographic's riveting effort recounts all 12 crewed missions using only archival footage, photos and audio.
The Kennedy Who Changed The World
Self (archive footage)
Bill Clinton, Nicole Scherzinger and members of the Kennedy family reveal how JFK's sister Eunice used sport to change the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.
Self (archive footage)
Рассказ о миссии пилотируемого космического корабля «Аполлон-11», под руководством командира Нила Армстронга, который в 1969 году совершил посадку на Луне. В фильм включены редкие кадры, интервью очевидцев и участников, доказывающие реальность произошедшего, подвергающаяся сомнению многие годы.
Безнадежное дело Хаммаршельда
Self (archive footage)
Датский режиссер Мадс Брюггер и частный детектив из Швеции Гёран Бьёркдаль пытаются выяснить причину смерти генсека ООН Дага Хаммаршёльда. В ходе расследования они проливают свет на еще более чудовищные преступления.
Self (archive footage)
A psychiatrist makes rounds in ERs, jails, and homeless camps to tell the intimate stories behind one of the greatest social crises of our time. A personal and intense journey into the world of the seriously mentally ill.
How the Moon Conquered Pop
Self (archive footage)
Musicians inspired by the Moon. Since the Apollo landings, the Moon has entered popular consciousness like never before. A journey through pop music's lunar obsession.
Moon: The Battles of Space
Self - Politician (archive footage)
July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 lands on the surface of the Moon. Such a feat was apparently performed to the greater glory of all mankind, but actually it marked the end of the space race disputed by the two great superpowers of the time in their eagerness to arrive before and the beginning of the spread of the Cold War into space. Nowadays, the struggle continues, but the main competitors and their purposes are others.
Above Majestic
Self (archive footage)
A look at the origins, history and conspiracies behind the "Majestic 12", a clandestine group of military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.
Человек на Луне
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Нилл Амстронг известный астронавт. Он давно имеет заветную мечту и грезет об её осуществлении. Будучи совсем ребёнком, Нилл мечтал стать известным космонавтом и слелать в космос для осуществления путешествия во вселенной. Став взрослее, парень решает посвятить всему этому, всю свою жизнь и осуществить мечту детства. В детстве он не раз видел картину как приближается к Луне и делает свои первые шаги в космосе. Совсем вскоре, его мечта осуществится и он станет известным космонавтом. В истории он будет называться как "Человек на луне". Самый первый гражданин, кто смог покорить космос.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about the life of Giovanni "Gianni" Agnelli, an influential Italian industrialist and principal shareholder of Fiat.
The Newspaperman: The Life and Times of Ben Bradlee
Self (archive footage)
An intimate portrait of Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee, tracing his remarkable ascent from a young Boston boy stricken with polio to the one of the most pioneering and consequential journalistic figures of the 20th century.
How the Beatles Changed the World
Self (archive footage)
The fascinating story of the cultural, social, spiritual, and musical revolution ignited by the coming of the Beatles. Tracing the impact that these four band members had, first in their native Britain and soon after worldwide, it reappraises the band and follows their path from young subversives to countercultural heroes. Featuring fresh, revealing interviews with key collaborators as well as a wealth of rarely-seen archival footage, this is a bold new take on the most significant band in the history of music and their enduring impact on popular culture.
El Che
Self (archive footage)
Ernesto "Che" Guevara's controversial story told by the Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II. He revisits places where the guerrilla and revolutionary leader has passed and interviews people who knew Che, making revelations about this important figure in Cuba's political history.
JFK: The Making of a President
Self (archive footage)
A documentary of the life leading up to the election of John F. Kennedy as president and the controversial life prior that created the legend.
Займись мной, Роджер Стоун
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм о печально известном любителе грязных политических игр и давнем советнике Дональда Трампа - Роджере Стоуне, который помог акуле бизнеса построить политическую карьеру.
De Gaulle, the Last King of France
Self (archive footage)
Charles de Gaulle, the first president (1958-1969) of the Vth Republic, France’s current system of government, left his mark on the country . He was statesman of action and has been compared to a monarch. This film depicts the general’s personality through the great events of his presidential term, at a time when the world was undergoing considerable changes.
From Jackie to Camelot
Self (archive footage)
An intimate documentary charting the production of Jackie, from ideation through execution.
Houston, We Have a Problem!
Self (archive footage)
The cold war, the space race, and NASA’s moon landing are landmark events that defined an era. But they are also fodder for conspiracy theories. In Houston, We Have a Problem! filmmaker Žiga Virc adds new material to the discussion on both fronts. This intriguing docu-fiction explores the myth of the secret multi-billion-dollar deal behind America’s purchase of Yugoslavia’s clandestine space program in the early 1960s.
Robert Drew in His Own Words
Self (archive footage)
An overview of the life and career of documentary filmmaker Robert Drew, in his own words.
Andrew Cohen on Crisis and Its Outtakes
Self (archive footage)
Historian Andrew Cohen discusses Robert Drew's 1963 documentary Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment.
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick
Self (archive footage)
The real reasons and orchestrators behind Hitler, to an incredible theory of the JFK assassination, all the way to 9/11 and the current age of the terrorist. Taken from an historical perspective starting around World War 1 leading to present day.
Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Words
Self (archive footage)
From 1971 to 1973, Richard Nixon secretly recorded his private conversations in the White House. This film chronicles the content of those tapes, which include Nixon's conversations on the war in Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers leak, his Supreme Court appointments, and more--while also exposing shocking statements he made about women, people of color, Jews, and the media.
Unwarranted Influence
A brief look at the military industry in the United States.
Dark Legacy II
Self (archive footage)
Jaw-dropping evidence of foul play in the death of JFK Jr., all based on official gov't documents. The prime suspect, George W. Bush, though very publicly running for president, disappeared the day of the murder, and stayed missing for 3 days.
The Saturn V Story
In 1961, no one believed President Kennedy’s pledge to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. To win the race to space, the USA needed to create a multi-billion dollar space program. Using stunning NASA footage, this inspirational film tells the story of the colossal challenges NASA faced to fulfill Kennedy's pledge. With the accolade of flying 24 men safely to the moon, Saturn V is considered one of mankind's greatest technological achievements. This is the story of the most powerful machine ever built, and the men and women who believed it could fly.
Killing Oswald
Self (archive footage)
From the director of RFK Must Die, Killing Oswald explores the mystery of how and why John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald were assassinated in 1963, tracing Oswald's strange transformation from US Marine radar operator in Japan, monitoring U2 spy planes over Russia; to 20-year-old Marxist defector, decamping to Moscow threatening to share military secrets with the KGB; to pro-Castro activist in New Orleans and self-proclaimed patsy in Dallas.
JFK: The Lost Tapes
Self (archive footage)
JFK Remembered: 50 Years Later
A look back at the 1000 days of the John F. Kennedy presidency.
Newsflash: Stories That Stopped the World
This Shiver (ITV Studios) documentary reveals what happened behind-the-scenes on some of the most momentous breaking news events in our lifetime - as told by those caught up in the real-life drama, those in the newsrooms and those responsible for delivering these newsflashes into millions of people's homes. News stories covered include the death of Diana, Princess of Wales (1997); the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas (1963); the coal-tip landslide in Aberfan (1966); the Lockerbie Air Disaster (1988); the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York (2001); the start of Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War (1991); the dramatic end of the Iranian Embassy siege in London (1980); and the announcement of the death of the Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother (2002).
Speeches That Shook the World
Self (archive footage)
Speech-making is the art of persuasion. Well-honed rhetoric appeals not just to the mind, but to the heart and, deeper down, in the guts. Examining the speeches that provoked radical change, surprised pundits or shocked listeners, poet Simon Armitage dissects what makes a perfect speech. Simon gets the inside story behind some of the famous speeches of the modern age, talking to Tony Blair's speechwriter, to Earl Spencer on his controversial address at his sister's funeral and the woman who challenged the rioters in Hackney. We hear how Peter Tatchell confronted the BNP, Paul Boateng on how Enoch Powell's divisive speech personally affected him as a child, and Colonel Tim Collins, whose charge was to motivate his troops on the eve of the Iraq war. Simon discusses the nuts and bolts of speech writing with Vincent Franklin, aka the blue-sky thinking guru Stuart Pearson from The Thick of It, and gets tips on powerful delivery from actor Charles Dance.
The Presidents' Gatekeepers
Self (archive footage)
An analysis of what the role of the Chief of Staff is in his position at the service of the President of the United States of America and how it has been in the past: a in-depth look, through the corridors of White House, at the internal affairs of nine presidential administrations.
Self (archive footage)
Dr. Steven Greer—an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher—discloses top secret information about classified energy and propulsion techniques, investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He does so by accumulating over 100 Government, military and Intelligence-community witnesses who testify on record about the cover-up.
Lee Harvey Oswald: 48 Hours to Live
Self (archive footage)
Documentary - This special seeks to explain the enigmatic Oswald using a brand new approach. No other documentary has exclusively traced Oswald's actions in the minutes, hours and days following the events in Dallas. By shifting the focus on that November weekend, we're able to tell a familiar story in an unfamiliar way, providing a refreshing new perspective on Oswald himself, as well as on the Kennedy assassination. - Michael Baker, Jason Lee Boyson, Sarah Joy Byington
JFK Assassination: The Definitive Guide
Self (archive footage)
Documentary - tember 11th... Pearl Harbor... the assassination of JFK. Days that forever changed America. But the Kennedy assassination is different: 50 years after it happened, most Americans think we don't know who did it. Now History has conducted the largest nationwide survey ever attempted on the topic to learn exactly what the country believes. Who do Americans suspect was really responsible for JFK's death? - Jonathan Adams, Vincent Bugliosi, Z. Dieterich
Jackie Without Jack
Self (archive footage)
“Never, ever, publish them!” What was it Jackie Kennedy wanted to keep secret? Acclaimed director Patrick Jeudy has access to a series of conversations recorded a few months after her husband’s assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The Lady in Pink was continually driven by a dual purpose: that of molding her own image, whilst managing that of the president. She cannot change the past, so she may as well rewrite it and start to build the legend of JFK.
JFK: The Private President
Self (archive footage)
In January 1961, a new generation in the guise of John F. Kennedy moved into the White House. All of a sudden politics were youthful, dynamic and sexy. During the brief period in which he was in office, the first pop star of politics accompanied America through the darkest days of the Cold War. At the same time, his signal to embark in new directions was eagerly welcomed by younger generations all around the world. Later on, Jackie Kennedy was to compare his presidency with Camelot - the legendary court of King Arthur. Yet, there were also dark sides to this popular president's life.
Премълчаваната история на САЩ
Self (archive footage)
Oliver Stone charts the history of the United States from the Second World War to the present.
The Man Who Saved the World
Self (archive footage)
During the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Soviet Navy officer Vasily Arkhipov refused to launch a nuclear strike and saved the world from nuclear war and total destruction.
Self (archive footage)
Filmmaker Rory Kennedy interviews her mother, Ethel Kennedy, who discusses family, marriage and politics.
JFK: The Lost Bullet
Self (archive footage)
JFK: The Lost Bullet is a documentary by National Geographic that tries to answer the question: "Who killed John F Kennedy?" It re-evaluates the famous Zapruder film that shows the murder of JFK and states that Zapruder stopped filming and missed the first shot fired which changes the timeline of the bullets fired making it possible that Lee Harvey Oswald could have fired three shots. It argues that the magic bullet that hit JFK and Governor John Connally was in fact possible. The documentary also features other home movies taken on the day.
The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby
Self (archive footage)
A personal exploration into the life of America's controversial former CIA Director told through the eyes of his wife and filmmaker son, Carl. Through extraordinary events in twentieth century history, this consummate soldier/spy stood at the center of the Agency's most clandestine activities and operations. The film reveals the 'cover life' of this CIA operative, who followed orders and took on the dirtiest assignments until the Nixon Administration ordered him to 'stonewall' Congress about the CIA's past abuses, but he refused. This film reveals why, for the first time, he could not obey.
Люди Икс: Первый класс
Himself (archive footage)
Фильм нам расскажет о профессоре Ксавье и Магнито, о процессе основания школы Ксавье для детей-мутантов и, наконец, о том, что же произошло между двумя закадычными друзьями и почему они расстались.
Self (archive footage)
Свежий взгляд на карьеру Рональда Рейгана, его путь к власти и его наследие. В фильме рассматриваются различные мнения на его счёт, высказываемые его коллегами, историками, сторонниками и семьёй, что в купе с архивными съёмками, фрагментами из не видевших свет интервью и комментариями самого Рейгана, создаёт подробный портрет человека, который променял статус звезды киноэкрана на карьеру в политике, и в итоге стал лидером свободного мира.
The Kennedy Detail
Self (archive footage)
Based on the book by Gerald S. Blaine With Lisa McCubbin "The Kennedy Detail", this documentary interviews the men who served on President JFK's Secret Service Detail and their memories of the man, president, and perceptions of Camelot. Some of these men were there on the fateful day when life changed on the streets of Dallas, TX in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963.
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics
Self (archive footage)
A look at the history of the comic book publication that launched such legendary characters as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
Himself (archive footage)
By presenting archive footage along with his own life story, filmmaker Gabriele Salvatores mediates an illustration of the economic boom in Italy during the 1960s.
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
Self - President of USA (archive footage)
Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group, which were born out of the historical Round Table groups first set up by Cecil Rhodes. The film traces the lineage of the evolution of global governance from Samuel Zane Batten’s 1919 manifesto New World Order, through to Hitler’s vision of a 1000 year Reich, to the modern incarnation of the conspiracy which has its roots in the evil deeds of people like George H. W. Bush, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.
The Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination
Self (archive footage)
President John F. Kennedy's 1963 assassination in Dallas has sparked decades of questions and controversy. The "lost" JFK recordings made available for this documentary -- including local TV and radio reports -- shed new light on the tragedy. The rarely seen material has been organized to capture the drama as it unfolded, including the shocked reactions of Dallas citizens, many of whom were caught up directly in the sweep of events.
Did the Mob Kill JFK?
Self (archive footage)
Did the Mafia order the killing of JFK? The compelling evidence includes a never before seen interview with an FBI informant who shared a prison cell with a Mafia kingpin.
The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After
Self (archive footage)
A behind-the-scenes look at November 22, 1963 from the unique perspective of Lyndon Johnson. On his pivotal first day as President, Lyndon Johnson is put to the test as he contends with the jarring transfer of political power and the daunting challenge of securing the trust of a devastated nation. From new details about when JFK really died, to the truth behind LBJ's Oath of Office photo on Air Force One, this special uncovers an unfamiliar story born out of one of the most crucial days in American history
JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America
Self (archive footage)
The film is an unnarrated collection of archived news and home movie footage shot as events unfolded, some of it rarely seen. Part one deals with the time from President Kennedy's arrival in Dallas on November 22, 1963 through the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald less than 48 hours later. Part two deals with the Warren Commission, its critics and those who suspect a conspiracy, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 and the turmoil that followed, and the continuing doubt about the assassinations and the effects this has had on American society.
Conspiritus: The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy
The truth about who and what the " elites " true agenda, purpose, and motivations are.
Iran: The Hundred Year War
What kind of world power is Iran becoming, and how will Western countries deal with it?
Picturing the Presidents
Himself (Archive Footage)
We go behind the scenes and into the minds of artists as they capture, commemorate, and, at times, condemn our presidents.
Dark Legacy
Self (archive footage)
John Hankey sets out to establish his opinions as infallible fact. Making long leaps based on the thinnest thread of circumstantial evidence does not make it fact. It makes it one mans opinion. He is an absolute fruitcake with more accusations than evidence. In absence of any real fact do what Hankey does: lie and call it incontrovertible fact.
Virtual JFK: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived
Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House
Self (archive footage)
This documentary profiles iconic journalist Helen Thomas who has held a front-row seat at White House press conferences for more than 60 years.
All the Presidents' Wives
Self (archive footage)
A look at the women who has served as First Ladies of the United States.
Blood and Oil
The notion that oil motivates America's military engagements in the Middle East is often disregarded as nonsense or mere conspiracy theory. In Blood and Oil, bestselling author and Nation magazine defense correspondent Michael T. Klare challenges this conventional wisdom and corrects the historical record. The film unearths declassified documents and highlights forgotten passages in prominent presidential doctrines to show how concerns about oil have been at the core of American foreign policy for more than 60 years -- rendering our contemporary energy and military policies virtually indistinguishable. In the end, Blood and Oil calls for a radical re-thinking of US energy policy, warning that unless we change direction, we stand to be drawn into one oil war after another as the global hunt for diminishing world petroleum supplies accelerates.
Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open
Himself (Archive Footage)
At the 1960 U.S. Open, aging legend Ben Hogan dueled talented amateur Jack Nicklaus and emerging superstar Arnold Palmer play in an exciting final round clash to determine the 1960 U.S Open Champion.. This documentary chronicles a seminal event in golf that represented the changing of the guard as the three battled to the wire for golf supremacy of the era.
A President to Remember: In the Company of John F. Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
Bringing to life an American President who was widely respected by his countrymen and celebrated around the world. Composed from four break through films by Robert Drew, each an unprecedented record in candid photography of a phase of John F. Kennedy’s political life. Kennedy is seen in close up from young Senator campaigning for the Presidency, to an ebullient new President moving into the White House, to a burdened President trying to solve grave problems in the Oval Office. The shock of his death is seen through the faces of his compatriots. Now these four films are edited together with other footage of the time. This film is an intimate history of how one American President struggled to bring wisdom and honor to the office of the Presidency.
Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories
Self (archive footage)
Frame 313 examines several theories that have been offered about who was responsible for the JFK Assassination including the single bullet theory, the CIA/Mafia theory, the Soviet Union/KGB theory, the Mafia hit theory, and the CIA/Anti-Castro theory.
RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
A new investigative documentary exploring the controversies surrounding the assassination of Bobby Kennedy on June 5, 1968 as he looked set to challenge Nixon for the White House. Munir Sirhan tells how his brother Sirhan has never been able to remember the shooting. Sandra Serrano speaks for the first time in forty years about the girl in the polka-dot dress fleeing the scene, yelling "We shot him! We shot him!" And Dr. Herbert Spiegel of Columbia University describes how Sirhan was hypnotically programmed to kill Robert Kennedy.
Vision of a Future Passed: The Prophecy of 2001
Self (archive footage)
This documentary about "2001: A Space Odyssey" looks at some of the things that seemed fanciful in 1968, which don't seem quite as much anymore.
История Пиксара
Self (archive footage)
A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios - from the success of "Toy Story" and Pixar's promotion of talented people, to the building of its East Bay campus, the company's relationship with Disney, and its remarkable initial string of eight hits. The contributions of John Lasseter, Ed Catmull and Steve Jobs are profiled. The decline of two-dimensional animation is chronicled as three-dimensional animation rises. Hard work and creativity seem to share the screen in equal proportions.
Self (archive footage)
После того как в американском поселке в Саудовской Аравии произошел теракт, туда направляется группа лучших агентов ФБР для проведения расследования, на которое у них есть одна неделя. Но вскоре агенты выясняют, что методы ведения расследования, эффективные в западном мире, не дают ожидаемых результатов на востоке. Кроме того, перед ними встает новая угроза — ведь для террористов нет более заманчивой цели, чем группа следователей, направленная для их поимки.
Oswald's Ghost
Self (archive footage)
For the Baby Boomers, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy took on the same sense of tragedy as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks did for Generation Y - not only for the effect that it had on the nation's morale but for the conspiracy theories that would follow in its wake as well. In the aftermath of the assassination,
...So Goes the Nation
Self (archive footage)
A look at the role of the Buckeye State in the 2004 Presidential Election.
Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America
Self (archive footage)
Evidence of Revision is a six part documentary containing historical, original news footage revealing that the most seminal events in recent American history have been deeply and purposefully misrepresented to the public. Archival footage and interviews provide an in-depth exploration of events ranging from the Kennedy assassinations to the Jonestown massacre, and all that lies between. The footprints left in this archival footage reveal the coordinated, clandestine sculpting of the America we know today. Evidence of Revision proves once and for all that history has been revised even as it was written!
Doctor Who: Origins
Self (archive footage)
A 55-minute documentary, detailing the creation of Doctor Who, including a rare interview with creator Sydney Newman, and new interviews with producer Verity Lambert, directors Waris Hussein and Richard Martin, actors William Russell and Carole Ann Ford, title sequence designer Bernard Lodge, and TARDIS sound effect creator Brian Hodgson
Нет пути назад: Боб Дилан
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм о нескольких годах из жизни легендарного Боба Дилана.
Conquering Space: The Moon and Beyond
Himself - President of the United States (archive footage)
The Kennedy Mystique: Creating Camelot
Self (archive footage)
Over forty years ago, one extraordinary American family moved into the most famous house in the world and changed the nature of the Presidency forever. With glamorous Hollywood good looks and two camera friendly children, the Kennedys helped to usher in a youth culture that affected every aspect of American life. From behind closed doors in the White House to intimate family vacations, photography and television took the American public behind-the-scenes into the lives of its most regal...but just how true were the images projected? Featuring photographs that have never been shown before, and rarely seen home movies, this probing documentary captures private moments with the most well-known First Family as well as recollections from former White House staff, journalists, photographers and biographers.
Self (Archive Footage)
David Grubin's probing and perceptive biography reassesses the remarkable and tragic life of Bobby Kennedy, whose early life was spent in the shadow of his elder brother John. After JFK's assassination, he discovered his own identity in the forefront of American politics before his career was also tragically curtailed by an assassin's bullet.
Туман войны: одиннадцать уроков из жизни Роберта С. МакНамары
Himself (archive footage)
Фильм Эррола Морриса представляет собой рассказ об истории войн 20-го столетия из уст одного из самых спорных и влиятельных персонажей мировой политики, бывшего министра обороны США Роберта С. Макнамары. Почему прошлое столетие было наиболее насыщено всякого рода войнами и катастрофами? Действительно ли род людской обречен на совершение одних и тех же непоправимых ошибок? Начиная с бомбардировки 100 тысяч мирных жителей Токио в 1945 году и кончая ужасающими последствиями вьетнамской войны, «Туман войны» пытается проанализировать ход мыслей глав ведущих мировых держав, посылающих своих людей на войну.
Jack Paar: Smart Television
PBS documentary examining the work of Jack Paar.
Peter Jennings Reporting: The Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy
Self (archive footage)
Forty years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, more than 80% of Americans still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. This documentary attempts to separate fact from conspiracy theories to get to the truth, employing stunning forensic technology that makes it possible for the first time to be an eyewitness to this crime of the century – to see precisely what happened that November day in Dallas.
JFK Assassination Files: The Case For Conspiracy
35th President of the United States
For the first time, the complete filmed record of the "Crime of the Century" - the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, on November 22, 1963 - an event that shocked the world. Featuring the famous Zapruder film and other rare and exclusive assassination films.
JFK: A Presidency Revealed
More than forty years after his assassination, John F. Kennedy remains a towering figure in American life and politics. From his inaugural speeches and his meeting with the Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev to the Cuban missile crisis and the standoff over integration at the University of Mississippi, he presided over a nation committed to democratic leadership but threatened by external forces and unresolved divisions at home. JFK: A Presidency Revealed shows that like the nation he served, he was a flawed giant. This special presentation traces key events in his life and career. Family members, associates, and historians offer personal and compelling glimpses into the life of this influential President.
The Truth Behind the Moon Landings
Цикл документальных фильмов от канала Discovery. Базз Алдрин, Маркус Аллен, Патрик Мур, Йен Моррисон, Нил Мориссей, Джим Оберг, Ричард Андервуд О фильме: Высаживались ли астронавты "Аполлона" на Луне? Этот вопрос лежит в основе теории самого масштабного заговора в истории человечества. Детище эры политического недоверия и всеобщей настороженности. Инсценировка, художественная постановка? Теория лунного заговора раздражает тех, кто связан с полетами. С их точки зрения, любая мысль о мистификации выглядит совершенно безумной. Сможем ли мы, построив собственные лунные декорации, обнаружить научную истину и навсегда отмести разговоры о заговоре. Автор идеи: Вирджиния Куинн
JFK II: The Bush Connection
Self (archive footage)
Four part documentary about JFK's murder, and who had reasons and means to do it, and to escape. - Part 1: History is written by the winners. Part 2: Through the Looking Glass. Part 3: Who killed JFK?. Part 4: Deep History.
The Education of Gore Vidal
Self (archive footage)
A contrarian and wickedly funny man, "The Education of Gore Vidal" explores Vidal's extraordinary life and work, joining him at his cliff-side villa in Ravello, Italy.
Himself (archive footage)
Уникальные документальные съёмки раскрывают реальное положение дел на Кубе и рассказывают об её истории. Они дополнены сенсационным интервью, взятым у бессменного коммунистического лидера Кубы — Фиделя Кастро — самим Оливером Стоуном.
Dark Side of the Moon
Self (archive footage)
A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick.
Тринадцать дней
Self (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)
Тринадцать дней в октябре 1962 года мир стоял на грани чудовищной катастрофы. Люди на всем земном шаре с волнением ожидали, во что выльется политическая, дипломатическая и военная конфронтация двух сверхдержав США и СССР, бросившим друг другу апокалиптический атомный вызов. Действие фильма переносится из Белого дома, где ведут ожесточенные дебаты военные и политики, в небо над Кубой, где американские самолеты-шпионы следят за развертыванием советских ракет, и в океанские просторы, которые бороздят американские и советские корабли, готовые в любую минуту вступить в бой.
Presidential Bloopers
35th President
A look back at some of the funniest presidential moments in history.
Secrets of the CIA
Self (archive footage)
It fought against international terrorism in South America and watched out for our allies abroad...but what else did it do?...What are the true secrets of the C.I.A.?
John F. Kennedy: A Personal Story
Self (archive footage)
Relive the glory moments of John F. Kennedy's life as A&E's award-winning "Biography" series presents the compelling story of this unforgettable leader and the rich dynasty he left behind. John F. Kennedy will always be remembered as the youthful president who inspired America, a charismatic leader who gave the nation a sense of pride and confidence. His sharp mind, quick wit, and boundless determination won him friends, confidantes, and devoted followers. A World War II hero, respected senator, and author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Profiles in Courage," Kennedy regarded life as a race against boredom. Through archival footage and interviews with friends, famous journalists, Hollywood actors, and former staffers- including ex-cabinet member John Kenneth Galbraith- "JFK: A Personal Story" revisits pivotel moments of Kennedy's life and presidency with clarity and insight.
The Great Debates (Kennedy-Nixon)
Discover the famous debates that propelled JFK to the White House and marked the beginning of a new era in presidential politics.
Inside the White House
Self (archive footage)
Featuring behind-the-scenes footage and unprecedented access to its hallowed halls, this program from National Geographic takes viewers on an in-depth tour of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- the White House. Interviews with presidents and first ladies offer a revealing look at what goes into running that famous household, and White House employees give viewers a taste of the preparations involved in hosting a state dinner.
Атомные бомбы: Тринити и что было потом
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм об испытаниях ядерного оружия. Фильм преимущественно сосредоточен на американской испытательной программе и охватывает период от начала преготовлений испытаний Троицы и почти до подписания договора о запрещении ядерных испытаний. Назначение фильма в том, чтобы описать программу испытания с точки зрения военных — что испытывалось, почему и для чего. В фильме представленны только интервью Эдварда Теллера и Франка Шелтона, двух военных физиков, чьи мнения касаемо атомного оружия недвойственны.
Малкольм Икс
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Впечатляющая сага о чернокожем лидере Малкольме Иксе. Он начинал в Гарлеме как гангстер, погрязал в пороке, но попав в тюрьму, очистился от скверны под влиянием идей ислама. Очень детальный и достоверный показ всех перипетий жизни и борьбы Малкольма Икса с расизмом, коррупцией, беззаконием, предательством в стане единомышленников.
Death Scenes 2
Self (archive footage)
DEATH SCENES II continues the exploration into the dark recesses of violence and rage that ended in such heinous crimes as the Manson Family's assault on society. You'll see the gruesome aftermath of mob reprisals, public executions and international terrorism. DEATH SCENES II uniquely ushers the brave and curious into a spellbinding trip through the reality that is our world today.
Джон Ф. Кеннеди: Выстрелы в Далласе
Self (archive footage)
1963-й год. Весь мир шокирован известием об убийстве президента США Джона Кеннеди в Далласе. Пока вице-президент Линдон Джонсон принимает в самолете присягу на верность американскому народу, полиция задерживает бывшего морского пехотинца Ли Харви Освальда. Именно ему в скором времени будет предъявлено обвинение в убийстве. Множество несоответствий и ошибок в проведении расследования, а также гибель 12 ключевых свидетелей, приведут к появлению новых версий убийства. Энергичный окружной прокурор Джим Гаррисон проводит собственное расследование, в ходе которого он смог ответить на вопрос: Кто убил президента Кеннеди?
Marilyn: Something's Got to Give
Self (archive footage)
Documentary on Marilyn Monroe's final days and the production of "Something Got to Give."
Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol
Self (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentary portrait of Andy Warhol.
Для всего человечества
Self (archive footage)
В 1969 году астронавты «Аполлона-11» ступили на Луну, положив конец космической гонке и выполнив наказ Кеннеди по высадке человека на Луну и благополучному возвращению его на Землю. Те, кто был свидетелем лунных высадок, никогда уже не смогут их забыть. Документальный фильм Ала Рейнарта «Для всего человечества» - это история 24 людей, отправившихся к Луне, рассказанная их словами, их голосами, с использованием редких кадров из архивов НАСА. Через сорок лет после первой высадки на Луну этот фильм по-прежнему остаётся одной из самых увлекательных и зрелищных киноработ об этом величайшем событии.
JFK: In His Own Words
Here is an intimate, revealing portrait of John F. Kennedy featuring never-before-seen news footage and private home movies. From his childhood through school days, World War II and the beginnings of his political career, you'll get to know him through his own words in his own voice, taken from the tape archives at the Kennedy Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
American Expose: Who Murdered JFK?
Self (archive footage)
Investigative reporter Jack Anderson hosts a two-hour investigation of the Kennedy Assassination featuring interviews with experts, eyewitnesses, government officials and authors. Includes dramatic recreations of key events.
The Killing of America
Self (archive footage)
A documentary of the decline of America. Featuring footage (most exclusive to this film) from race riots to serial killers and much-much more.
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
Self (archive footage)
Hosted by Orson Welles, this documentary utilizes a grab bag of dramatized scenes, stock footage, TV news clips and interviews to ask: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? And are there prophecies that have yet to come true?
On Company Business
Self - US President (archive footage)
A controversial three part critical documentary on the history of the CIA.
CBS Reports: The CIA's Secret Army
as Himself (archival)
This program examines Cuban exile terrorists living in Miami. These terrorists were secretly trained and employed by the U.S. government in the early 1960s to fight Fidel Castro. Now, without U.S. support, terrorist activities continue in Miami and Latin America. The program reviews secret U.S. policies toward Cuba in the 1960s and includes interviews with Castro and former top CIA officials. Members of this group, formerly secretly trained and employed by U.S. Government until 1967, have been active in Watergate crimes and anti-Castro terrorism including bomb explosion on Cuban Airline killing seventy-three. Includes interviews with Castro, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, and Rolando Martinez.' - The Paley Center For Media
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Television Assassination
TELEVISION ASSASSINATION is one of two major works that Bruce Conner began in the days immediately following the Kennedy assassination and the artist's own thirtieth birthday, in the fall of 1963. While REPORT utilized montage and a strongly articulated structure to analyze the forces at work in the killing of a President (including our own complicity), TELEVISION ASSASSINATION is a complex, synthesizing work that weaves together fragments from the flux and flow of that history as it was in the process of being constructed and displayed daily to a nation of spectators. A monument to the enduring potency of the Kennedy myth and to the marketers who created it, the installation brings Conner's critique full-circle into the very medium that formalized it. In so doing, the work seems to suggest that the final resting place for the slain President was neither Brookline nor Arlington National Cemetery, but rather in the box, on the tube, held suspended forever on the television screen.
Hearts and Minds
Self (archive footage)
Many times during his presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson said that ultimate victory in the Vietnam War depended upon the U.S. military winning the "hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese people. Filmmaker Peter Davis uses Johnson's phrase in an ironic context in this anti-war documentary, filmed and released while the Vietnam War was still under way, juxtaposing interviews with military figures like U.S. Army Chief of Staff William C. Westmoreland with shocking scenes of violence and brutality.
Владыки без масок. Гарольд Хант - апостол «ультра»
Self (archive footage)
Фильм о Гарольде Ханте, именуемом "самым страшным человеком Америки".
Владыки без масок. Игрок на Олимпе
Self/Cameo (archive footage)
Валентин Зорин побывал в Техасе, штат Аризона, проводя свое журналистское расследование убийства Джона Кеннеди. Зорин пришел к выводу, что имел место широкий, тщательно законспирированный заговор, за которым стояли весьма могущественные и влиятельные силы. В этой трагической цепи и родной брат президента Роберт, выдвинувший свою кандидатуру на пост президента и заявивший, что одной из его целей будет раскрытие заговора. Он был застрелен собственным телохранителем выстрелом в упор 5 июня 1968 г., когда его победа на предстоявших президентских выборах казалась предрешенной. Заговор в Далласе был организован группой техасских миллиардеров во главе с Гарольдом Хантом - приходит к выводу журналист.
The Two Kennedys
Life, career and death of the two protagonists of American life sixties, John and Robert Kennedy, from the days of their ascent to the White House, the first as president, the second as a minister of justice, to the death.
Four Days In November
Self (archive footage)
1964 American documentary film about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The Making of the President 1960
The story of the 1960 US Presidential election
Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment
During a two-day period before and after the University of Alabama integration crisis, the film uses five camera crews to follow President John F. Kennedy, attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, Alabama governor George Wallace, deputy attorney general Nicholas Katzenbach and the students Vivian Malone and James Hood. As Wallace has promised to personally block the two black students from enrolling in the university, the JFK administration discusses the best way to react to it, without rousing the crowd or making Wallace a martyr for the segregationist cause.
President Kennedy's Birthday Salute
President Kennedy's birthday celebration was held at the third Madison Square Garden on May 19, 1962, and more than 15,000 people attended, including numerous celebrities. The event was a fundraising gala for the Democratic Party. Features Marilyn Monroe singing to JFK.
A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy
Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy was a television special featuring the First Lady of the United States, Jacqueline Kennedy on a tour of the recently renovated White House. It was broadcast on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1962, on both CBS and NBC, and broadcast four days later on ABC. The program was the first ever First Lady televised tour of the White House, and has since been considered the first prime-time documentary specifically designed to appeal to a female audience.
The story of how the Bell System, in cooperation with NASA, developed the Telstar satellite and participated in the launch and the subsequent successful transmission of signals to and from the earth and space.
Adventures on the New Frontier
A look at the daily business of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with a focus on some of the political issues he faces six weeks into his term.
Primary is a documentary film about the primary elections between John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey in 1960. Primary is the first documentary to use light equipment in order to follow their subjects in a more intimate filmmaking style. This unconventional way of filming created a new look for documentary films where the camera’s lens was right in the middle of what ever drama was occuring.
UFO Invasion at Rendlesham
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The Unelected Statesman
Self (Archive Footage)
Billy Graham was a man known worldwide for his southern charm, unmistakable voice and most importantly to him, his love and devotion to Jesus Christ. Lesser known, however, is his role as a statesman of the United States. Despite never holding public office, Graham comforted the nation in some of its darkest hours, spread its causes and principles to all corners of the globe, and counseled every president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush. This is the story of the unelected statesman.
Kennedy: One Family, One Nation
Self (archive footage)