Joep Sertons

Joep Sertons


Joep Sertons


A film about relationships where expectations are out of joint, especially where both partners have different cultural backgrounds. Set in the Netherlands, 'Burden' gives a contemporary glimpse of the dynamics of two relationships between Eastern European women and Dutch men. The movie explores their respective cultural differences. It explores female friendships and the difficulties of being 'foreign' in your adopted country. Also, how fate puts the friendship of these two women, one from Russia, and one from Ukraine, to the test by outside forces.
The Knock on the Door
Meike and Ursula are planning to start a family. They arrange for a donor to help them. Meike is excited and ready. But is Ursula?
The Club of Ugly Children
President Isimo
Under president Isimo, the Netherlands must be made clean and fresh. All ugly children are deported, but some escape and launch an uprising. Adapted from Koos Meinderts’ children’s book.
После долгих лет подавления желаний Стелла находит, что больше не может так жить. Убегая от тоски и начиная секретную двойную жизнь, Стелла становится «юникорн», прозвище для незамужних женщин, которые балуются гедонистическим образом жизни, посещая сексуальные клубы и эротические вечеринки. Когда ее муж раскрывает секретную жизнь своей Стеллы, он не может сделать ничего, кроме как дать ей свободу, в которой она, очевидно, нуждается. Однажды она просыпается без сознания в подвальной клетке без памяти, как она прибыла туда. Дни проходят, когда другую женщину приносят в ее камеру. Это была Кристин, женщина в том же самом возрасте. В следующие дни они рассказывают свои жизнеописания друг другу. Кристин убеждена, что причина их захвата находится в образе жизни Стеллы…
Sinterklaas en het uur van de waarheid
When something bad happens at Aunt Til's exposition, the Sinterklaas fest seems to end once and for all. A series of terrible events is set in motion, which treatens to free the evil Dr. Brein and her accomplices.
The Skippers of the Cameleon
Two young boy twins receive a boat of their own by a stroke of luck. It turns out to be very fast and they use their boat to help out their friends.
Despite Diana's insecure nature, she and her husband Julian agree with the idea to sexually experiment with another couple. They put out an ad on the net to which the well experienced Alex and Timo react. We follow Diana and Julian as they prepare for the arrival of Alex and Timo, who they have invited to their home for the weekend. Diana is nervous. As soon as she is confronted with the self-confident and ravishingly sexy Alex, her insecurity increases even more. Timo seems disinterested, a sharp contrast to the boyish excitement of Julian. But as night falls and their sexual exploration begins, we notice Timo may not be as casual as he initially seemed and Diana on the other hand contains hidden strength. And so we realize there's more to 'Swingers' than just sex. Swingers: could your relationship stand the test?