The Iranian refugee Amir finds two golden retrievers while jogging on the beach. They have slipped their leash in the hands of Marijke, a middle-aged woman who takes out her daughter Emma's dogs every day and does her housekeeping. Marijke is not capable of keeping her selfish daughter in line and has no authority over the dogs. Amir wants to help her. When Emma hears she has subcontracted the dogs to a refugee, mother and daughter come into conflict. Emma looks for a replacement, but is eventually forced to ask Amir. When they meet, they get on at once, until his residence permit runs out.
Последние дни войны. Голландия оккупирована фашистами. Около дома одного из жителей маленького городка партизанами был убит голландец, который сотрудничал с фашистами. Жители этого домика, опасаясь мести фашистов, перетаскивают тело к другому дому. В нем живет директор гимназии с семьей.Фашисты расстреливают всю семью, и сжигают этот дом дотла. Удается выжить только 12-летнему Антону.
A murderer is at large: a well-dressed businessman incarcerates his victims, chains and starves them, and documents their death amid their filth with Instamatic snaps. Meanwhile, in another part of town, a woman joins a brothel...
When three women with no previous acquaintance kill a male shopkeeper in the middle of the day, the female psychiatrist assigned to the case sets out to understand why.