Emanuela Minoli


Production Manager
Three sisters, Stella, Luce and Aria, live in an isolated house, immersed in the shadows, submitted by a violent and authoritarian father, a religious fanatic obsessed with the end of the world, who keeps them prisoners behind locks and closed windows, under the pretext that the Apocalypse has finally arrived.
Location Manager
Three sisters, Stella, Luce and Aria, live in an isolated house, immersed in the shadows, submitted by a violent and authoritarian father, a religious fanatic obsessed with the end of the world, who keeps them prisoners behind locks and closed windows, under the pretext that the Apocalypse has finally arrived.
Primo Levi's Journey
Production Manager
In February, 1945, Primo Levi (1919-1987) and other Auschwitz survivors set off for home. The journey took more then eight months. Sixty years later, a film crew retraces Levi's steps. Levi's words, mainly from "The Truce" (1963), tell us what he experienced. In turn, we see Poland's hollow post-war factories, nationalism in the Ukraine, Soviet-style Communism in Belarus, the abandoned town of Prypiat (Chernobyl), poverty and emigration from Moldavia, Italian factories in Romania, and on across Hungary and Slovakia to Munich where Levi's rage found no listeners. Then home to Turin. An aged Mario Rigoni Stern remembers his friend. What has changed? Some issues of the war remain unsettled.
Страсти Христовы
Second Second Assistant Director
Попытка детально воссоздать последние двенадцать часов из жизни Иисуса Христа. Действие начинается в Гефсиманском саду, куда Иисус пришел помолиться после тайной вечери. Иисус сопротивляется искушениям, которым подвергает его сатана. Преданный Иудой Искариотом, Иисус арестован.
Новое платье императора
Third Assistant Director
Фильм в комедийном ключе рассказывает о противоречащих утверждениям историков событиях, произошедших с Наполеоном после заточения на острове Святой Елены.