The simulation is corrupt - repair the core.
A series of nightmarish and narrative-free images of the "Rick and Morty" series, animated by Paul Robertson in pixel-art format.
A series of nightmarish and narrative-free images of the "Rick and Morty" series, animated by Paul Robertson in pixel-art format.
In a time of gods and kings there was naught but chaos and war. A crazed 8Bit epic going where only animation can.
Очередное вторжение инопланетян на Землю… Вы скажете: «Что может быть банальнее?!». Да, если бы на этот раз они не предстали в виде героев вселенски популярных компьютерных игр. Сражаться с пришельцами призвана команда бывших геймеров, в числе которых: Президент Соединенных Штатов Америки; карлик-зэк, большой ценитель прекрасного пола; зануда-параноик, свято верящий в теорию вселенского заговора; профессиональный неудачник и циник, в детстве подававший большие надежды. А помогает новоиспеченным героям очаровательная ученая фея.
The planet is being rained on by countless trouble making schoolboy aliens, so a group of legendarily powerful epic people all run around kicking ass, only to converge on the aliens target; the prison bus. Alas, they are too late! The boys in the bus have transformed into the Violence Kings, and go on a bloody rampage, devastating the world.
Two young men have to battle monsters, freaks and many other horrors inside a building to rescue their friend from the evil Pirate Baby.
Two young men have to battle monsters, freaks and many other horrors inside a building to rescue their friend from the evil Pirate Baby.
A toy panda and a damaged toy kitty's relationship turns from sweet to terrifying.
A toy panda and a damaged toy kitty's relationship turns from sweet to terrifying.
A toy panda and a damaged toy kitty's relationship turns from sweet to terrifying.