Jérémy Hassid


Sound Editor
Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.
The Green Perfume
Sound Editor
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Sound Editor
Брак между реставратором Лейлой и художником Дамиеном — это полный страсти и спонтанности союз. Когда у Дамиена обнаруживается биполярное расстройство, супругам предстоит вместе противостоять сложному заболеванию.
De Buttek
Sound Editor
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
Алиса и мэр
Sound Editor
Мэр Лиона после тридцати лет в политики оказывается в щекотливом положении, у него больше не осталось ни одной стоящей идеи. На помощь к нему приходит новая помощница — молодой и талантливый философ Алиса.
Sound Editor
Действие картины разворачивается в 1983 году. Здесь, посреди диких земель, сломленный и одержимый Ред Миллер открывает кровавую охоту на членов сатанинской секты, погубивших единственную любовь всей его жизни.
Étangs Noirs
Sound Editor
Jimi, a young man living in the Brussels' neighbourhood Cité Modèle, tries to pass on a parcel to a local woman that was delivered to his apartment by mistake. When Jimi can't locate her, finding her becomes an obsession.
Foley Editor
Нидерланды 40-х годов. После вторжения нацистов агенты Сопротивления пытаются внедрить своего человека в дом экс-кайзера Вильгельма II. На этом фоне между офицером СС и прекрасной молодой еврейкой вспыхивает страстный роман, последствия которого оказываются непредсказуемыми как для влюбленных, так и для самого кайзера.
Goodbye Carmen
Recording Supervision
In 1975, 10-year-old Amar lives in a village in northern Morocco with his violent uncle, waiting for the unlikely return of his mother, who has left for Belgium. He finds a friend in Carmen, his neighbor, who is a Spanish exile and who works as an usher at the village cinema. Carmen helps him discover a world previously unknown to him.