Takashi Hisaoka


Akko-chan's Got a Secret!: The Ocean! The Curse!! The Summer Festival
Everybody goes to the ocean for a summer festival and the guys sneak off to a cursed island.
The Tale of Jean Valjean
In 19th century France, an escaped convict seeks redemption while caring for a young woman whose mother he once protected, and aligning himself with a band of student revolutionaries.
Storyboard Artist
Экранизация сказки Дж. Р. Р. Толкина о необычайном путешествии хоббита Бильбо Бэггинса, волшебника Гэндальфа и компании гномов к Одинокой горе, где дракон Смог сторожит сокровища, исконно принадлежащие гномам.
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Storyboard Artist
When a town learns that Santa Claus has struck it off his delivery schedule due to an insulting letter, a way must be found to change his mind.