Jan Erik Düring


Deilig er fjorden
I mange år har Terje Svahberg spart til hytte. Men så skjer det noe, brått og uventet. Han blir båtkåt. Og før noen egentlig vet ordet av det, har han foretatt seg transaksjoner som gjør ham til en stolt innehaver av en båt i luksusklassen...og alt som derav følger.
A young woman hits a dog with her car, and escape the accident in pure panic into a art shop. The game is on.
Arme, syndige menneske
The alcoholic Oslo journalist Erik Mogensen goes to Copenhagen to make a story about youth and drugs. Inevitably this goes wrong for Erik.
Norwegian: The late 19th century Christiania (Oslo) could offer a rich variety of entertainment. There were several variety theatres and brothels, and poor women could earn money based on their looks. The beautiful variety actress Lucie (Inger Lise Rypdal) has met a lawyer by the name Gerner (Gösta Ekman), a refined gentleman. Flowers and encounters outside the theatre develops into an erotic relationship. Lucie knows how to play on Gerner's jealousy and masculine pride, and finally she reaches her goal: becoming Mrs Gerner. For Lucie this means climbing the social ladder, but she'll soon notice the problems. Living in the upperclass society keeps reminding her of her poor background and her lack of etiquette. All this affects Gerner in a negative way, who is plagued by jealousy regarding people from Lucie's past. The relationship between the married couple keeps getting worse.
Norwegian: The late 19th century Christiania (Oslo) could offer a rich variety of entertainment. There were several variety theatres and brothels, and poor women could earn money based on their looks. The beautiful variety actress Lucie (Inger Lise Rypdal) has met a lawyer by the name Gerner (Gösta Ekman), a refined gentleman. Flowers and encounters outside the theatre develops into an erotic relationship. Lucie knows how to play on Gerner's jealousy and masculine pride, and finally she reaches her goal: becoming Mrs Gerner. For Lucie this means climbing the social ladder, but she'll soon notice the problems. Living in the upperclass society keeps reminding her of her poor background and her lack of etiquette. All this affects Gerner in a negative way, who is plagued by jealousy regarding people from Lucie's past. The relationship between the married couple keeps getting worse.
Kjære Maren
Set in Rodeløkka of Kristiania eastside around the year 1900 and is a rough sketch of how it was to be young and unmarried working girl at the time.
Bør Børson Jr.
Bør Børson Jr. will become a great man quickly, but will be ridiculed when lower class in Olderdalen crashes with modern Norway.
Bør Børson Jr.
Bør Børson Jr. will become a great man quickly, but will be ridiculed when lower class in Olderdalen crashes with modern Norway.
Bør Børson Jr.
Bør Børson Jr. will become a great man quickly, but will be ridiculed when lower class in Olderdalen crashes with modern Norway.
Knut Formos siste jakt
Knut Formos siste jakt
Together with colleagues Jan goes to a seminar on the Canary Islands. Already on the first day we starts an erotic relation to a stewardess, and during a swim with his boss his life changes dramatically.
Hjelp - Vi får leilighet!
A classic Norwegian comedy about achieving ones own first flat...
The Chasers
Set Decoration
A love triangle of two men who desire the same woman. We follow them through three days of grouse hunting, a chase that ends violently. Or does it?
Elias rekefisker
A family on an island in Southern Norway rescues a carrier pigeon. When the father and son later are lost at sea, the bird comes in handy.
Emergency Landing
An American bomber is shot down on the Norwegian coast during World War II. The airmen bail out and land at different locations. In spite of the German search for them, the Norwegian resistance picks them up and hides them in the attic of the local church, a center of operations. Things become tense, however, when the hideout is spotted by a notorious collaborator, and soon the protagonist, Hans, has to get the airmen to Sweden.
Unknown Man's Story
Erik Dahl escapes from prison where he is serving a sentence for smuggling. He seeks out his family, but the police have already been there, and he will have to flee. Erik alters their appearance and start a new life as fishmonger in a small town, but he plans to leave the country...
Dei svarte hestane
Ambros Fornes owns two large farms and stunning four horses. These horses comes to fill his life because his young beautiful wife, Lisle, does not manage to love him as he loves her.
Buss og trikk
A long time ago, people traveled collectively to Oslo City by horse-drawn vehicles. This was the beginning of Oslo Sporveier (Oslo Tramways). Today, in the city that awakens to life in the morning, lots of people travel by buses and trams. We also get a dramatized tram stop, before we get a view of Oslo Sporveier's daily work.
Jørund Smed
Assistant Director
The Swedish blacksmith Jörund, who left Sweden innocently suspected of murder, arrives at a Norwegian farm and falls in love with the farmer Marja.