Sandro Continenza

Рождение : 1920-07-13, Rome, Italy

Смерть : 1996-11-21


Perché non facciamo l'amore
Индийский кактус
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
Индийский кактус
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
Куда ты едешь в отпуск?
Три комедийных новеллы, объединенные одной темой: человек и его свободное время. 1) "Я буду вся твоя". Нагулявшись, Энрико решил, наконец, пожить на вилле с женой. Но Джулиана устраивает ему настоящее испытание воздержанием и флиртом с молодыми красавчиками. 2) "Да, Бауна". Незадачливый путешественник Вильсон прибыл в Африку охотиться на зверей, но вынужден был переквалифицироваться в проводники для туристов сафари. 3) "Культурный отдых". Взрослые дети убедили родителей впервые в жизни культурно отдохнуть и отправиться в путешествие по Италии. Это привело ко множеству курьезных приключений.
Бесславные ублюдки
Вторая мировая война, Франция, 1944 год. Из американской военной базы в лагерь везут группу военных преступников. Компания тут подобралась разношерстная — воры, убийцы, дезертиры. По дороге на колонну нападает немецкий самолёт, в результате выживают только пятеро — лейтенант Робер Егер, попавший в тюрьму из-за систематического неподчинения приказам, Тони и рядовой Кэнфилд — убийцы, Ник — вор и мародер, а Бэрл — дезертир. Нападение произошло недалеко от границы со Швейцарией, так что наши герои решают отправиться к границе и таким образом скрыться от правосудия и войны. По дороге они попадают в неприятный инцидент — по ошибке убивают американскую группу разведчиков, переодетых в немцев. После чего решают заменить их для выполнения сложного и опасного задания — похищения секретной немецкой разработки — боевой ракеты V2.
Бесславные ублюдки
Вторая мировая война, Франция, 1944 год. Из американской военной базы в лагерь везут группу военных преступников. Компания тут подобралась разношерстная — воры, убийцы, дезертиры. По дороге на колонну нападает немецкий самолёт, в результате выживают только пятеро — лейтенант Робер Егер, попавший в тюрьму из-за систематического неподчинения приказам, Тони и рядовой Кэнфилд — убийцы, Ник — вор и мародер, а Бэрл — дезертир. Нападение произошло недалеко от границы со Швейцарией, так что наши герои решают отправиться к границе и таким образом скрыться от правосудия и войны. По дороге они попадают в неприятный инцидент — по ошибке убивают американскую группу разведчиков, переодетых в немцев. После чего решают заменить их для выполнения сложного и опасного задания — похищения секретной немецкой разработки — боевой ракеты V2.
Love in 4 Easy Lessons
Four stories focused on the fair sex, dealing with the most varied and improbable sentimental and non-sentimental situations.
Il gatto mammone
Lando Buzzanca plays a man desperate to father a male heir. However, his wife (Roseanne Podesta) is apparently barren. They decide to use a surrogate mother, which, since this was in the days before artificial insemination, means Buzzanca will have to impregnate the surrogate the "old-fashioned" way. After a mishap involving a VERY unattractive but fertile widow, Buzzanca sets his sights on young girl (Gloria Guida) at an orphanage for unwed mothers (who has already given an illegitimate child up for adoption). They hire her as a maid, but she is under the impression they're going to adopt her, leading to some quasi-incestual misunderstandings...
School of Death
Girls of a corrupt orphanage are being sold by the sadistic matrons to a badly disfigured doctor. His sinister motive is to use the girls as guinea pigs in his experimental brain surgeries.
Пускай мертвые лежат в могилах
Отправившись на выходные из Лондона в провинцию, торговец антиквариатом Джордж ввязывается в решение проблем новой знакомой, симпатичной девушки Эдны. Помимо её семейных неприятностей в английской глубинке начинает твориться настоящая чертовщина — недавно погибший местный бомж восстал из могилы и шастает по округе, жаждая крови.
The Household
A butler for wealthy clients has a problem--he can't seem to stop getting sexually involved with the wives and daughters of his bosses.
Playing the Field
A small-time soccer referee gets the chance of a lifetime when he gets to referee a major-league game. He becomes a celebrity and suddenly finds himself having to choose between his future as a referee and the temptations that come his way, especially the women, now.
White Fang to the Rescue
Set at the end of the 19th century in Canada's gold rush Klondike area, wolf-dog White Fang teams up with a prospector when his master is killed. Together they try to avenge his death.
The Legend of Blood Castle
Countess Elizabeth Bathory conspires with her husband to acquire the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty.
Все сыновья святейшей мамочки
В двадцатые годы, в Чикаго, бушует война между сицилийскими и ирландскими гангстерами. Но один умный и смелый новичок, сделает все, чтобы это изменить и стать лидером преступного мира.
Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmate
Везет богачам
Герой этой ленты - контрабандист Джеремия, снабжающий швейцарскими сигаретами всех известных людей в городе, включая мэра. В то же время он является шурином полицейского Аугусто. Чтобы заработать они пытаются перевезти с грузом через границу некоего господина. На границе незнакомца задерживают пограничники, а в его вещах Джеремия с другом находят огромную сумму денег. Они богаты!… но, как из бедняка моментально превратиться в богача, и чтобы это ни у кого не вызвало подозрений…
The Crimes of the Black Cat
A blind pianist tries to figure out who is responsible for a string of murders using a black cat with its claws dipped in curare.
The Eroticist
Senator Pupis feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to grab women's bottoms, a habit than can lead to embarrassment, especially if the woman in question is head of another state and the occasion a state visit. In his desperation Pupis turns to the clergy for spiritual and psychological help.
Hector the Mighty
A pimp named Horny Hector operates a brothel on property coveted by Cardinal Giove. The Cardinal comes up with a plan to force Hector into selling him the land by kidnapping Helen, triggering a small gang war.
The Iguana with the Tongue of Fire
In Dublin, the acid-scarred, razor-slashed corpse of a young woman is discovered in the boot of the Swiss Ambassador's limousine. The Ambassador, his family and employees all become immediate suspects. Faced with the problem of diplomatic immunity, the police officer in charge of the case brings in John Norton, an ex-Inspector known for his brutal methods, to carry out an "unoffical" investigation. While Norton develops a relationship with the Ambassdor's attractive daughter, several more gruesome murders occur...
Mazzabubù... quante corna stanno quaggiù?
During a monologue on the theme of adultery, a man reviews a series of famous and anonymous cases of conjugal betrayals ...
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Fifth Floor Neighbour
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
Расследуя убийство владельца бара, в перестрелке погибает честный полицейский. Понимая, что законными способами наказать убийц напарника невозможно, детектив Фавенен прибегает к незаконным...
Where Are You Going All Naked?
Young bank employee is very surprised by his bride behavior...
Murder by Music
Katharine Milford commits suicide by jumping out the window. Her brother, Richard refuses to believe the police story about suicide, and when it is discovered that more people had contact with Katharine died in the same way he starts a private investigation, which leads the man into Londons 'dirtiest hippie clubs. It seems that music is the common factor in all suicide - or was it murder?
Murder by Music
Katharine Milford commits suicide by jumping out the window. Her brother, Richard refuses to believe the police story about suicide, and when it is discovered that more people had contact with Katharine died in the same way he starts a private investigation, which leads the man into Londons 'dirtiest hippie clubs. It seems that music is the common factor in all suicide - or was it murder?
Фильм рассказывает о трех друзьях, которые встретились спустя много лет.
Stuntman Johnny gets tired of putting his life constantly at risk and instead joins up with a bunch of international thieves who are looking to steal a priceless statue, but that's where the trouble starts....
I Married You for Fun
Pietro is a young bourgeois lawyer who married Giuliana, a pretty girl who was a little unscrewed, and met at a party of artists. Despite the premises, everything between the two seems to work best.
Tiffany Memorandum
A journalist and secretary get involved in espionage.
Please Don't Shoot Your Gun
A criminal organization commits to the highly skilled thief Paul Lefèvre the theft of a revolutionary invention.
Master Stroke
An actor is approached by a group of men offering him a job posing as an executive at a diamond exchange to help them pull off a robbery.
How We Stole the Atomic Bomb
Franco, an Italian fisherman, witnesses a U.S. Air Force plane crash in the Mediterranean off Egypt carrying a nuclear weapon, and he is then persued by shady spy, named Ciccio, working for a spy organization led by the sinister Dr. Si (Yes) to find the atom bomb before anyone else does to blackmail the world, which leads to Franco and Ciccio forming an unlikely alliance to get the bomb for themselves.
How We Stole the Atomic Bomb
Franco, an Italian fisherman, witnesses a U.S. Air Force plane crash in the Mediterranean off Egypt carrying a nuclear weapon, and he is then persued by shady spy, named Ciccio, working for a spy organization led by the sinister Dr. Si (Yes) to find the atom bomb before anyone else does to blackmail the world, which leads to Franco and Ciccio forming an unlikely alliance to get the bomb for themselves.
Your Turn to Die
When Gordon Smash tries to get away with the loot from a successful diamond heist, his fellow conspirators shoot him in the back. Smash manages to get a clue to newspaper reporter Robert Foster, who sets of to retrieve the diamonds. Despite becoming a target for the rest of the gang, Foster prefers to rely on fashion model Arabella and news paper photographer 'Flash' instead of the more seasoned Inspector Chandler.
Джанго стреляет первым
Отец Джанго, который ведет дела вместе со своим напарником Кластером, застрелен наемным убийцей. Джанго наследуя часть отцовского бизнеса, намерен свести счеты с Кластером...
Ради нескольких долларов
Северяне уже вовсю теснят по всем фронтам южан, общая победа предрешена, но война ещё не окончена.. Одного из пленённых южан Гэри Диамонда, которого сыграл героический Джулиано Джемма, просят в качестве проводника довести двух северян до форта Юма…
Pleasant Nights
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Pleasant Nights
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Special Mission Lady Chaplin
Lady Chaplin is a beautiful woman, she is a fashion stylist and she owns an atelier in Paris. Zoltan is a rich American specialized in submarine researches. Dick Malloy is an American secret agent. What have the three in common? Perhaps a sunk American atomic submarine with sixteen missiles still on board? And why every other scene one, two, ten or more men are trying to kill Malloy in every conceivable way?
2 Mobsters Against Al Capone
For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.
The Desert Renegades
In the deserts of the Middle East, circa 1930s, a half-Arab-half-French adventurer named Aldar woos the Princess Yasmin while engaged in selling guns to warring factions.
The Amazing Doctor G
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
The Amazing Doctor G
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
From the Orient with Fury
A scientist who has invented a weapon capable of disintegrating solid matter is kidnapped by a criminal gang, which intends to sell the scientist and his weapon to the highest bidder. A secret agent and the scientist's daughter set out to track down the kidnappers and rescue the scientist.
From the Orient with Fury
A scientist who has invented a weapon capable of disintegrating solid matter is kidnapped by a criminal gang, which intends to sell the scientist and his weapon to the highest bidder. A secret agent and the scientist's daughter set out to track down the kidnappers and rescue the scientist.
Mission Bloody Mary
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
Five Thousand Dollars on One Ace
Los Pistoleros de Arizona known in the United States as Five Thousand Dollars on One Ace is a 1965 Spanish, Italian and West German Spaghetti Western film directed by Alfonso Balcázar.
Letti sbagliati
Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.
Letti sbagliati
Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.
The Revolt of the Seven
Peplum movie from 1964.
Un mostro e mezzo
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
Un mostro e mezzo
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
Easy Love
A Game of Crime
In an isolated villa, Davide Lugani lives with his wife, Carlo, his brother, and their secretary Paolo. Wheelchair-bound Carlo is blind and mute, but his abnormal sensitivity allows him to predict events before they happen. Davide dies of a suspected heart attack and Carlo's nurse is shot dead. The police suspect Davide's widow as well as Paolo, who seems to be her lover. Just as the pair are about to be arrested, there is a twist...
Heroes of the West
Two stage robbers impersonate the heirs to a gold mine but end up defending the families they intended to rip-off.
Samson and His Mighty Challenge
Four muscular heroes fight the evil ruler of an oppressed people.
I cuori infranti
Two surreal/satirical comedy episodes.
The Secret Seven
Greece is under the power of Rabirius, from which rise a few patriots led by Axel. He is taken prisoner and condemned to die of hunger and thirst. But his brother Leslio, who fears no one, makes him free. The next step Leslio takes, is to dissolve a group of mercenaries, without listening to his brother, who begs her to join the fight for freedom.
Самый короткий день
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
Поход на Рим
Фильм одного из отцов итальянской комедии, Дино Ризи, в трагикомической форме показывает историю возникновения фашизма в Италии с 1919 г. по 1922 г. (знаменитый Поход на Рим) глазами Доменико Роккетти и Умберто Гаваццо. Первый - хитроумный римлянин, после войны оставшийся без работы и перебивающийся попрошайничеством на улицах Милана. Второй, его бывший товарищ и сослуживец, а ныне безработный батрак и наивный простак, выгнанный своим зятем из дома. Примкнув к зарождающемуся фашистскому движению, они оказываются приговоренными к двум годам лишения свободы за нападение на полицейского во время забастовки дворников и освобождаются из тюрьмы товарищами-фашистами как раз накануне Похода на Рим. Постепенно разочаровавшись в идеалах фашизма и придя в ужас от жестокого и бессмысленного убийства ни в чём не повинного работника железной дороги, друзья оставляют фашистов, как раз в тот момент, когда Муссолини приходит к власти.
Поход на Рим
Фильм одного из отцов итальянской комедии, Дино Ризи, в трагикомической форме показывает историю возникновения фашизма в Италии с 1919 г. по 1922 г. (знаменитый Поход на Рим) глазами Доменико Роккетти и Умберто Гаваццо. Первый - хитроумный римлянин, после войны оставшийся без работы и перебивающийся попрошайничеством на улицах Милана. Второй, его бывший товарищ и сослуживец, а ныне безработный батрак и наивный простак, выгнанный своим зятем из дома. Примкнув к зарождающемуся фашистскому движению, они оказываются приговоренными к двум годам лишения свободы за нападение на полицейского во время забастовки дворников и освобождаются из тюрьмы товарищами-фашистами как раз накануне Похода на Рим. Постепенно разочаровавшись в идеалах фашизма и придя в ужас от жестокого и бессмысленного убийства ни в чём не повинного работника железной дороги, друзья оставляют фашистов, как раз в тот момент, когда Муссолини приходит к власти.
Gladiators 7
Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.
Totò e Peppino divisi a Berlino
Antonio goes to West Berlin and meets Giuseppe. But Antonio looks like Canarinis, a wanted war criminal, So the daughter of the criminal pays Antonio to impersonate him.
Desert War
A woman is discovered in a shelled-out truck in the Libyan Desert by a small group of soldiers.
The Swordsman of Siena
A 16th-century Spanish overlord hires Thomas Stanswood (Stuart Granger) to protect his, less than eager, fiancee (Sylva Koscina) from rebels. Thomas finds himself drawn to both the fiancee and the rebels side.
The Two Marshals
September 1943: in the general confusion a thief dressed as a priest and a sergeant exchange clothes and roles.
The Two Marshals
September 1943: in the general confusion a thief dressed as a priest and a sergeant exchange clothes and roles.
Ursus in the Valley of the Lions
Bodybuilder Ed Fury stars as the legendary Ursus in this above-average sword-and-sandal adventure from veteran director Carlo Campogalliani. The plot concerns Ursus' attempts to rescue his kidnapped fiancee, aided by a pretty blind slave girl. Now an evil queen, Ursus' former love throws him into a gladiatorial arena with a bull, which manages to smack the slave girl in the head and restore her eyesight before Ursus defeats it and his enemies. The bullfight is particularly well-staged, and this exciting spectacle may be the highlight of Fury's erratic screen career. ~ Robert Firsching, Rovi
Pastasciutta nel deserto
Pastasciutta nel deserto
White Slave Ship
The Albatross travels from England to the New World in 1675, with a number of passengers, a couple of political prisoners along with a dozen other women convicts, these to be sold into slavery on arrival. The woman activist frees the dozen of low-cast women, and they take over the ship. After a storm, the captain takes back control of his ship. Since mutiny is punishable by death in the New World, the mutineers try to reroute the course, tossing Desny and Purdom in the brig. A practical male mutineer wants to throw the women overboard to save rations, but the women free Purdom and the captain to battle the mutineers. A British warship comes to the rescue, and the captain pardons Angeli and Purdom for having saved his life.
Hercules in the Haunted World
Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.
Hercules in the Haunted World
Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.
Геркулес покоряет Атлантиду
Царь Фив Андроклис узнает, что Греции угрожает опасность, исходящая с запада из-за моря. Он пытается собрать команду из своих друзей и отправиться в экспедицию на поиски таинственной земли, источающей зло. Но его никто не хочет поддержать в опасном и благородном предприятии. Сын Зевса Геркулес не прочь бы испытать себя еще раз и помочь Андроклису, но он пообещал своей жене больше никогда не покидать ее. Тогда Андроклис решается на хитрость и заносит спящего Геркулеса на отплывающий корабль.
Геркулес покоряет Атлантиду
Царь Фив Андроклис узнает, что Греции угрожает опасность, исходящая с запада из-за моря. Он пытается собрать команду из своих друзей и отправиться в экспедицию на поиски таинственной земли, источающей зло. Но его никто не хочет поддержать в опасном и благородном предприятии. Сын Зевса Геркулес не прочь бы испытать себя еще раз и помочь Андроклису, но он пообещал своей жене больше никогда не покидать ее. Тогда Андроклис решается на хитрость и заносит спящего Геркулеса на отплывающий корабль.
Геркулес покоряет Атлантиду
Царь Фив Андроклис узнает, что Греции угрожает опасность, исходящая с запада из-за моря. Он пытается собрать команду из своих друзей и отправиться в экспедицию на поиски таинственной земли, источающей зло. Но его никто не хочет поддержать в опасном и благородном предприятии. Сын Зевса Геркулес не прочь бы испытать себя еще раз и помочь Андроклису, но он пообещал своей жене больше никогда не покидать ее. Тогда Андроклис решается на хитрость и заносит спящего Геркулеса на отплывающий корабль.
Mariti a congresso
A porte chiuse
The movie is about the celebrated trial of Olga Duvovich, very beautiful woman accused of killing her husband, a wealthy financier.
Il corazziere
In fascist Italy, Urbano Marangoni aspires to become Corazziere, like his late father, but it is a dream destined not to come true because of his short stature.
Il corazziere
In fascist Italy, Urbano Marangoni aspires to become Corazziere, like his late father, but it is a dream destined not to come true because of his short stature.
The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete
King Minos sacrifices the 'required' virgins to the Minotaur. As his wife lies dying, she confesses that her daughter has a twin she has secreted to avoid giving one of the girls to the Minotaur. The daughter raised by Minos tries to have her twin killed, but failing in her first attempt, continues to try to have her given to the Minotaur. Theseus, the Greek hero, tries to prevent it.
Little Girls and High Finance
A low level official and a prostitute both try to commit suicide and fail, afterwards he becomes a pimp and the prostitutes take over the country.
Letto a tre piazze
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
Любовные подвиги Геракла
Многих врагов уничтожил Геракл и хочет теперь мира и покоя, но кровь рождает кровь... По приказу царя Эврита его советник Леко собрал верных ему людей и напал на родовое гнездо Геракла. Потекли реки крови, солдаты убивали мужчин, насиловали женщин и не щадили детей. Все пали в этой страшной мясорубке - даже прекрасная Мегара - супруга Геракла, была заколота кинжалом на глазах у злодея Леко. А затем и самого царя Эврита, чтобы отвести от себя подозрения. Дочь Эврита - Деянира - готова искупить вину отца любым способом. В этой роли одна из легендарных секс-символов Голливуда - Джейн Мэнсфилд. Даже только что похоронивший жену Геракл не устоял... Но, прежде чем получить красавицу, Гераклу предстоит победить ужасную Лернейскую Гидру, побывать в Долине Смерти, вступить в связь с королевой амазонок Ипполитой... А Ипполита любила превращать своих любовников в деревья...
Madri pericolose
Love and Larceny
Gerardo, an aspiring actor, trying unsuccessfully to cross over from comedy to tragedy, is involved, due to his ability to mimic dialects of Italy, in a scam concocted by Lallo against a rich cloth-merchant.
Сага о талантливом полководце Ганнибале, перешедшем со своей армией через Альпы, и железной волей сломившем великую Римскую империю
Cerasella escapes just before his marriage with Alfredo and meets Bruno, the son of a wealthy industrialist.
Альберто Нарди - молодой человек, полный энтузиазма, стремится к большому бизнесу, но не имеет возможностей, необходимых для его успешного осуществления. В результате своего опасного желания, Альберто часто попадает в серьезные неприятности и вынужден прибегать к помощи своей жены Эльвиры, богатой и мудрой женщины. Но однажды Эльвира, устав от безумства мужа, отказывает ему в любой помощи.
Uncle Was A Vampire
Baron Osvaldo Lambertenghi is forced to sell his ancestral castle, staying on as a bellboy when it's converted into a hotel. However he becomes vampirized when his mysterious uncle comes to stay.
Le cameriere
Gabriella, a maid, wears a jewel at a dancing party which belongs to her mistress, and when it is stolen she is accused of the theft and sent to jail. Some other maids organize a search party for the real thief who seems to be a moustached youth who continually sings a popular song.
Le cameriere
Gabriella, a maid, wears a jewel at a dancing party which belongs to her mistress, and when it is stolen she is accused of the theft and sent to jail. Some other maids organize a search party for the real thief who seems to be a moustached youth who continually sings a popular song.
The Sword and the Cross
Mary Magdalene, a notorious harlot, must choose between her lascivious lifestyle and the love and affection of her decent-minded brother.
Bread, Love and Andalucia
Determined to postpone his own wedding, a former marshal leaves his bride-to-be and participates in an international music festival in Spain, where he falls for a young dancer.
Кармела и кукла
Кармела открыто не повинуется воле отца, который хочет выдать ее замуж за барона Просперо, и каждую ночь невероятным образом оказывается в комнате некоего Тото.
Тото на Луне
Владелец популярного журнала «Субретка» - Паскуале Беллафронте - довольно своебразный человек, самодур и управленец. Поэтому он совсем не замечает, что его дочь Лидия влюбилась в курьера Акилле Паолони. Но Акилле довольно непрост. Он пишет фантастические романы, и, к тому же, как случайно выясняется, в его крови содержится глюмоний, что означает, что он может лететь в космос! И никому неведомо, что одновременно за попытками землям вырваться в межпланетное пространство смотрят внимательные глаза неких инопланетных существ, стоящих на гораздо более высокой ступени развития, умеющих делать клонов человеческих существ...
Кармела и кукла
Кармела открыто не повинуется воле отца, который хочет выдать ее замуж за барона Просперо, и каждую ночь невероятным образом оказывается в комнате некоего Тото.
La nipote Sabella
Donna Sabella accompanies her nephew Raffaele and Lucia on their honeymoon in Rome when he meets two Americans who want to go to Pollena because there seems to be oil in the soil "The bubbles".
La nipote Sabella
Donna Sabella accompanies her nephew Raffaele and Lucia on their honeymoon in Rome when he meets two Americans who want to go to Pollena because there seems to be oil in the soil "The bubbles".
The Girl of San Pietro Square
Armando Conforti, his family and his friends have a business: they sell souvenirs near St. Peter's, in Rome, they change dollars, in short they get along.
The Day the Sky Exploded
Scientists discover that a group of meteors are hurtling on a collison course with Earth, and if they hit, the planet will be destroyed.
Adorable and Lying
Corporal of the day
A young woman brings a baby to some military barracks. There is a note on the child - it says that the baby is hers and a soldier called Felice.
Corporal of the day
A young woman brings a baby to some military barracks. There is a note on the child - it says that the baby is hers and a soldier called Felice.
The Italians They Are Crazy
In a German prison camp, some Italian prisoners bet with the commander that they will be able to build a church in two hours.
You, Your Mother, and Me
In 1950s Naples, a couple struggles to be together against the will of the mother-in-law. In the end, not only will they be together, but the mother-in-law-to-be, a widow, finds love as well.
You, Your Mother, and Me
In 1950s Naples, a couple struggles to be together against the will of the mother-in-law. In the end, not only will they be together, but the mother-in-law-to-be, a widow, finds love as well.
Maid, Thief and Guard
Otello, an amateur thief, tries a burglary on New Year Eve but he finds the maid Adalgisa in the supposedly empty house. Adalgisa likes Otello who, all things considered, is a good guy, unlike Amerigo the night watchman who tries to profit from the situation.
The Mighty Crusaders
The Mighty Crusaders (Italian: La Gerusalemme liberata) is a 1957 film about the First Crusade, based on the 16th-century Italian poem Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso. This film was directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia.
Husbands in the City
In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.
Husbands in the City
In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.
Ambush in Tangier
An American police detective's investigation into a series of murders leads him to drug smugglers in North Africa.
Donatella is a simple and honest roman girl, daughter of a bookbinder and girlfriend of Guido, a gas station owner. One day she finds a woman's handbag containing valuables and documents, and decides to return it to her owner, a wealthy American lady, who offers Donatella a job as a secretary as a reward: she has to manage the lady's villa during her absences. There, Donatella casually meets Maurizio, a rich, elegant and well-educated young man, and ends up falling in love.
Giovanni dalle bande nere
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
Любовница Нерона
Император Нерон большой любитель музыки и песен,хочет посвятить себя искусству и заботиться о красивой молодой жене.Но амбициозная Агриппина толкает своего сына Нерона к возобновлению войны в Британии.Справиться со всем этим помогает Нерону Сенека.
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy
Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).
I giorni più belli
What a Woman!
A photographer named Corrado snaps a picture of Antonietta. When it shows up on the front page of a magazine, she wants to take him to court over it.
What a Woman!
A photographer named Corrado snaps a picture of Antonietta. When it shows up on the front page of a magazine, she wants to take him to court over it.
The Bachelor
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?
Der goldene Falke
Piccola posta
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
Piccola posta
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
The Miller's Beautiful Wife
A lecherous governor of Naples in 1680 lusts after the wives of several peasants, particularly after the miller's wife Carmela. The miller himself plans to avenge his honor by seducing the wife of the governor.
The Queen of Babylon
In this Biblical epic, a brave Chaldean rebel takes on his evil nemesis, a cruel Assyrian king. En route to his fateful meeting, the rebel hides in the humble hut of a luscious peasant girl.
The Queen of Babylon
In this Biblical epic, a brave Chaldean rebel takes on his evil nemesis, a cruel Assyrian king. En route to his fateful meeting, the rebel hides in the humble hut of a luscious peasant girl.
Жаль, что ты каналья
Когда молодая и привлекательная Лина, воровка, как и все члены ее семьи, решает обокрасть таксиста Паоло, она даже не подозревает, что это раз и навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Жаль, что ты каналья
Когда молодая и привлекательная Лина, воровка, как и все члены ее семьи, решает обокрасть таксиста Паоло, она даже не подозревает, что это раз и навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Sins of Casanova
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
Sins of Casanova
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
An American in Rome
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
An American in Rome
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
The Cheerful Squadron
The Cheerful Squadron is a 1954 Italian war-comedy film directed by Paolo Moffa and Interpreted by movie stars like Paolo Stoppa, Vittorio De Sica, Alberto Sordi and Silvana Pampanini. Based on the military environment novel The Allegro Squadron by Georges Courteline (1886), this film presents a series of sketches on military life in the late nineteenth century.
Naples 1821. Alphonse, a young poet belonging to a noble French family, is caught by a storm at sea. Fortunately the boat manage to reach the shores of Procida, where Alphonse is welcomed by the family of Andrea. Here he meets the beautiful Graziella.
"Elena" cannot marry the man she loves, so enters into a loveless marriage with the wealthy "Andrea". Gradually she falls in love with him, but he never reciprocates. Things become further complicated when a letter from her first love "Carlo" is discovered.
A Slice of Life
Nine episodes about life in Italy in the period just before its economic boom.
Il matrimonio
An Italian historical comedy film consisting of three segments, based on three stage plays by Anton Chekhov.
Mid-Century Loves
Anthology of tragic love. A noblewoman falls for a commoner. A doctor keeps quiet about his patients' infidelities. Expectant father is sent to fight in WWI. A 1920s fascist enjoys Rome's nightlife. WWII airman falls for a girl in Naples.
Один день в суде
Четыре истории, рассматриваемые в суде в течение одного дня…
The Country of the Campanelli
A fake magician makes the inhabitants of a village believe that when one spouse betrays the other they will ring the bells.
Один день в суде
Четыре истории, рассматриваемые в суде в течение одного дня…
Elena, after a date with his boyfriend Guido, comes home finding his father tried to kill himself with gas because he lost a lot of money due to some wrong investments.
Elena, after a date with his boyfriend Guido, comes home finding his father tried to kill himself with gas because he lost a lot of money due to some wrong investments.
I'll See You on the Balcony
Ignazio Panizza goes from one failure to the other until he meets a singer, Caterina, provided with an exceptional voice.
Funniest Show on Earth
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
Funniest Show on Earth
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
Турок неаполитанец
Одного мошенника, Феличе бросают к тюрьму, где уже сидит другой мошенник, Фаина. Довольно быстро подружившись, они сбегают, после чего, после недолгих приключений едут в Сорренто, где Тото выдает себя за турка и нанимается в услужение к очень ревнивому владельцу магазина, у которого молодая жена и еще более молодая дочь.
Турок неаполитанец
Одного мошенника, Феличе бросают к тюрьму, где уже сидит другой мошенник, Фаина. Довольно быстро подружившись, они сбегают, после чего, после недолгих приключений едут в Сорренто, где Тото выдает себя за турка и нанимается в услужение к очень ревнивому владельцу магазина, у которого молодая жена и еще более молодая дочь.
Times Gone By
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
The Dream of Zorro
An old gentleman, a direct descendant of Zorro, has a single son named Raimundo in whom there is no trace of proud pride.
Appointment for Murder
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
Appointment for Murder
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
O.K. Nero
Two American sailors, Fiorello and Jimmy are slugged while sight-seeing in Rome and, together, they dream they are back in Rome in the days of Nero.
Totò cerca moglie
Aunt Agatha writes to Toto, informing him that she won't send him another penny until he is married.
Totò cerca moglie
Aunt Agatha writes to Toto, informing him that she won't send him another penny until he is married.
Totò le Mokò
Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.
Totò le Mokò
Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.