Rogério Marinho


Nise: The Heart of Madness
Visual Effects
After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love.
Дневник Тати
Visual Effects
Тати - типичный подросток, неспособный изучать математику, но очень умный при создании планов избежать наказания матери. Летом ей нужно скрыть, что она должна заниматься математическими занятиями, чтобы улучшить свои оценки, завоевать Зеку, самого популярного мальчика в школе, а также заботиться о душевной боли ее матери, которая хочет попытаться найти новую любовь.
The Clown
Visual Effects
The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.
Não Se Preocupe, Nada Vai Dar Certo!
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Exposed by his girlfriend through a video on the Internet, Bruno tries to revive his reputation, but all he can do is get into a series of traps (Cilada, in Portuguese). is a comedy about love and betrayal that shows the power of the Internet to transform small intimacies and slips in fame and constraints globalized.
Corpos Celestes
Digital Effects Producer
An astronomer is forced to leave the city where he lives in order to save his relationship. He ends up returning to the place he never intended to come back: The small town where he was born, stage of a great childhood trauma. Once there, he will discover the truth that will change his life forever.
Corpos Celestes
Visual Effects
An astronomer is forced to leave the city where he lives in order to save his relationship. He ends up returning to the place he never intended to come back: The small town where he was born, stage of a great childhood trauma. Once there, he will discover the truth that will change his life forever.
Muita Calma Nessa Hora
Visual Effects
Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.
Visual Effects
Three childhood friends plan meeting for a day in order to reassert their friendships and fight for their differences. One of them is involved with crime, one is a famous football player and the other struggles to maintain a middle-class lifestyle.
В начале конца
Visual Effects
Фильм нарушает сразу два «традиционных табу» — гомосексуальность и инцест: речь идет о двух братьях, которые стали любовниками.
Digital Effects Producer
Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1945. Brazil's foreign policy aligns closely with that of the United States and opens a brief period of democratic rule after the end of World War 2. For years, hundreds of people were arrested and tortured by the Vargas regime. But with the external pressure, several political prisoners gain freedom.
Visual Effects
Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1945. Brazil's foreign policy aligns closely with that of the United States and opens a brief period of democratic rule after the end of World War 2. For years, hundreds of people were arrested and tortured by the Vargas regime. But with the external pressure, several political prisoners gain freedom.
Visual Effects
Амбициозный режиссер-нонконформист Педро убеждает актрису Анну, что страсть неотделима от страданий, и ставит в независимом театрике одну из самых печальных повестей на свете, предтечу всех последующих ромео и джульетт – о Тристане и Изольде. Сценический роман перекидывается в жизнь, а страдания приносит не столько любовь, сколько флирт Анны с телевидением: мыльная опера «Свиньи и бисер» – страшный соперник. Обстановка накаляется, когда Педро поступается принципами и заключает контракт с медиа-магнатом на адаптацию старинной легенды. И вот съемки в бразильской провинции в разгаре, а у Анны, похоже, намечаются серьезные отношения с молодым пройдохой, обманом добившимся роли Тристана...
Golden Oldies
Visual Effects
Quatro amigos que só pensam em curtir a vida, com grandes farras, mulheres e bebidas, são surpreendidos com uma ação de despejo. Precisando de dinheiro, a turma é obrigada a pensar naquilo que mais abominam: trabalhar! A confusão está formada quando cada um busca um meio fácil de conseguir dinheiro, com o mínimo de esforço. Os dias se passam as confusões hilárias só aumentam!
Крещение кровью
Visual Effects
C 1964 по 1985 годы Бразилия жила под властью военной диктатуры. В 60-е годы доминиканские монахи, братья Тито, Бетто, Фернандо и Иво помогали одной левацкой организации, но были арестованы и подвергнуты зверским пыткам по приказу начальника секретной службы Флери, который пытался выйти на след лидера оппозиционеров Карло Мариджелло. Тито и Фернандо не выдержали варварских пыток и предали Мариджелло, который был схвачен и убит агентами службы безопасности.
Visual Effects
Determined to escape their poverty-stricken lives, four talented young women living on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, form an all-female rap group but find their road to success is riddled with sexism, racism, and violence. One by one, they succumb to their grim realities...until they discover that out of struggle come strength, and out of strength, the courage to continue on.
Love for Sale
Visual Effects
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Irma Vap: O Retorno
Visual Effects
After many flops, theatrical producer decides to stage a former hit, "O Mistério de Irma Vap". But he is going to face many problems to find the right actors and get the necessary permissions.
Если бы я был тобой
Visual Effects
Клаудио и Хелена находятся на грани разрыва отношений, и пока этого не случилось, должно произойти нечто такое, что помогло бы им лучше понять друг друга….
What Is It Worth?
Visual Effects
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's short story "Pai Contra Mãe", having some of Nireu Cavalcanti's 18th Century chronicles as inspiration, the film traces parallels between life in during the slavery period and in modern Brazil.
Mais uma Vez Amor
Visual Effects
In Rio de Janeiro, the teenagers Lia and Rodrigo have opposite behaviors and personalities. The clumsy Rodrigo is responsible and good student, while the emancipated Lia is totally irresponsible. They have their first sexual intercourse together on April 23rd, and they schedule to meet each other every year in the same date. Along the years, Rodrigo graduates in engineering and gets married with Clara (Christine Fernandes), having a son. The single mother Lia has a life without any commitment, moves to Paris and comes back to Brazil later. After a comedown, Rodrigo leaves his family and quits his job to live with Lia. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Visual Effects
He is a tightrope walker. She is a whore. Asymmetrical dreams take place in the geometry of São Paulo.
Up Against Them All
Visual Effects
A story about the lies, treachery and vengeance of a middle-class family living on the outskirts of São Paulo. Four characters try desperately to change their lives, but are unable to escape their destiny.
Um Show de Verão
Visual Effects
Andréa, a poor telemarketing salesgirl, dreams of being a singer. Her rich boyfriend Fred hires a musical producer, Marcelo, to turn her into a star. But she and Marcelo end up falling in love.
Overwhelming Women
Visual Effects
An attractive, 30-year-old successful graphic designer with a captivating personality hasn't had a good date in over a year, and she's not alone - her best friends share the same problem. They all dream about finding their prince charming and all too often settle for the frog. At the agency, instead of Mr. Right, Laura meets Miguel, a blue-collar, and Tiago, an irresistible, compulsive womanizer.