He could have had women, he could have climbed the ladder of his accountancy career, and he could have stood on the podium next to the highest in the land. If only he had wanted to! But Farssmann, shaken by divorce and unwilling to better himself, wants to remain what he is: an ordinary bookkeeper like you and me. And so the dollar deal with Mr. Osbar from Utah (USA) is not the first time he comes into conflict with the very palpable unreality of a country called the German Democratic Republic.
Гюнтер и Гудрун Пизольд очень заняты своей карьерой телевизионного комика и актрисы, поэтому бабушка берет на себя домашние дела и уход за детьми. Но когда бабушка снова выходит замуж, Пизольды сталкиваются с хаосом в доме и животрепещущим вопросом: кто будет заботиться о домашнем хозяйстве?