Wayne Wightman


Моя большая греческая свадьба
Assistant Art Director
Афродита, богиня любви и красоты, не благосклонна к Туле Портокалос. Ее регулярный ночной кошмар — уже за 30 и еще не замужем. В толстых очках и c обвисшими прядями, она обслуживает клиентов в семейном ресторане своих многочисленных родственников и спит и видит, куда бы сбежать от всех этих тетушек, дядюшек и бабушек.
The Promise
Art Direction
Lisa's husband, Bill, abuses her. With her sister's encouragement, she takes their three kids and leaves her husband. Bill keeps interfering with Lisa's attempts at a new life. She gets an order of protection against him, but the police can't do anything else to help her. One night Bill breaks into Lisa's apartment and shoots her. As she dies in the hospital, Lisa asks her sister to promise to take care of her three children. The sister takes the kids into her home, but Bill is still on the loose, an ever present threat.