Somenath Pakre


Production Design
Mahi, a newly married woman, brings an antique Jewish box into her home. When Mahi and her husband Sam begin to have paranormal experiences, they soon learn that the box is a dybbuk containing an evil spirit. The couple then seeks the help of a rabbi to unravel its mystery. Will they survive this ordeal before their child is born?
Маргариту, с соломинкой
Production Design
Девушка Лейла, страдающая церебральным параличом, уезжает из Индии на учебу в Нью-Йорк, где она неожиданно влюбляется. Так начинается волнующее путешествие самопознания.
Shunyo Awnko
Art Direction
A citified executive meets an idealistic journalist who challenges his values as he negotiates with tribal peoples to acquire their land for mining.