The story revolves around a master of the traditional funeral play called Jindo Dasiraegi. One day, his daughter returns home years after she left, saddled with debt. Their relationship remains uneasy as she is still in agony over the death of her mother in total disregard of her father, as his heart and soul were dedicated to performing Dasiraegi.
Кану Хён Су (Пак Ён Ха) не очень везло в жизни. Он твердо решил покончить с прозябанием, став трейдером. И, кажется, наконец-то ему удалось найти свое призвание. Но однажды невольно Кан Хён Су вмешивается в планы опасных мошенников. Само собой разумеется, что они недовольны этим. В наказание бандиты вынуждают его участвовать в крупной биржевой махинации на 60 000 000 долларов.
Commissioned by South Korea's National Human Rights Commission, If You Were Me is an innovative omnibus film project to promote tolerance and human rights and shed light on the hardships disadvantaged people face in Korea. After the success of the first anthology, a second series, If You Were Me 2, was released this year. Five notable Korean directors - Park Kyung Hee (A Smile), Ryoo Seung Wan (Crying Fist), Jung Ji Woo, Jang Jin (Guns & Talks), and Kim Dong Won - participated in the second installment, creating shorts on human rights issues of their choosing.
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Korean Film Academy, 20 of the academy's former students (who are respected director's today) were invited to shoot an omnibus movie consisting of 20 short films. Overall this work was very well received by the critiques at the 17th Tokyo International Film Festival. Films include Under a Big Tree, Sutda, Twenty Millimeter Thick, Innocence, *?!#@$ Up Shoes, Twenty Questions, The Twenty's Law, To the 21st, Pass Me and Alone Together.