Aline Huber


Far From You I Grew
For a long time, Nicolas has been getting by on his own. He is now 13 years old, loves the story of Ulysses and Jack London's books, and lives in a foster home in the Bruche valley with his friend Saef, who travelled from far away across the sea. Together they go into the woods to listen to their music and talk about girls or mopeds. Or to run away. From time to time, Nicolas sees his mother for a christening, a trip to the fairground, or a soda. Soon, he will have to find his place.
Мой легионер
Sound Mixer
Двадцатилетняя Ника следует за своим женихом, украинским солдатом Владом. Действия разворачиваются на тренировочной базе на Корсике, перед отправкой легионеров в Африку. Встреча с Селин, женой лейтенанта второго класса Максима, меняет представления Ники о своем будущем.
Cows With No Name
Sound Editor
Cows With No Name is almost a diary, filmed one day at a time, of each stage of this process, documenting the operation of the farm with critical and incisive humour. But it is also an intimate documentary. By filming scenes of daily life on the family farm, around the kitchen table during meals, or in front of the TV in the evening while everyone falls asleep on the sofa, more personal questions are raised: the farmer’s connection to his herd, or even the handover that Hubert has chosen not to ensure.
When Comes the Night
Sound Director
Marie, 22, works in her parent’s hotel-restaurant, a place of hard-work where three generations mix but barely speak to each other. Suzanne, 42, shows up for the night. She ends up staying two nights, then three and finally settles for a moment. To Marie, she’s a simple customer. Yet Suzanne did not choose this hotel by accident.
Sound Designer
A young woman struggles to overcome lost love, unplanned motherhood and ghostly apparitions.
Sound Engineer
Captain Power si the superhero star at Global Electric. It only takes a mistake to lose what he thinks is most important in his life. How will our superhero cushion his fall?