Donna VanLiere

Donna VanLiere

Рождение : 1966-10-01, Ohio, USA


Donna VanLiere is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She's an in-demand conference speaker and gifted teacher and has 14 published books including six that have been adapted into movies. Donna is the recipient of multiple industry awards including a Retailer's Choice Award for Fiction, a Dove Award, a Silver Angel Award, two Audie Awards for best inspirational fiction, a nominee for a Gold Medallion Book of the Year and is an inductee in the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Hall of Excellence.


Donna VanLiere


Рождественский городок
Лорен Гэбриел уехала из Бостона, чтобы начать новую главу в своей жизни и карьере. По дороге в новую жизнь девушка попадает в городок Грэндон Фоллс, и он очаровывает её своими жителями и традициями.
Рождественское послание
Having just moved back to her hometown without her serviceman husband but with her young son, Gretchen Daniels finds her life in disarray as Christmas approaches. But she discovers new purpose when she helps to deliver a message to her neighbor, Melissa, which makes her an ally in the quest to find the neighbor's sibling she never knew she had. The women become bonded not only by the search, but by the understanding that being there for each other means they're no longer alone. This friendship becomes the greatest Christmas gift of their lives. Based on a bestselling novel by Donna VanLiere.
Рождественская тайна
While her life is falling apart, single mother Christine finds a magical family heirloom that leads to love and good fortune during Christmas.
Рождественская надежда
После гибели сына у Пэтти Эдисон осложняются взаимоотношения с её мужем Марком, и она решает посвятить себя работе в социальной службе. Пэтти занимается поиском приёмных семей для нуждающихся в этом детей. Но в канун рождества ей не удается найти приёмную семью для Эмили, которая неожиданно осталась сиротой, и Пэтти вынуждена оставить девочку у себя на время праздника.
Рождественское благословение
Nathan Andrews is all grown up. As a young doctor, Nathan finds himself questioning his career choice, so he goes to his hometown to soul search and reconnect with his father. Once home, a blossoming romance with teacher Megan Sullivan and a fast friendship with student Charlie Bennett teach Nathan to live life in the moment and embrace the time he has with friends and family.
Рождественские туфли
Мальчик пытается достать в подарок на Рождество туфли для своей умирающей мамы, в отчаянной надежде на чудо…