Jeff Dubray


Леди Ашер
First Assistant Director
An updated re-telling based in the Gothic South with the Usher Family, led by Mother. The family has been cursed by madness, unrequited love and when Roderick comes home with his girlfriend Morgan, it spells the beginning of the end as her sister Madeline will stop at nothing to prevent their marriage as Morgan fights to take Roderick away from the madness that is the House of Usher.
First Assistant Director
Молодая корейская семья переезжает в американскую глубинку, где отец-мечтатель намеревается в чистом поле возвести сад, построить ферму и наконец-таки стать успешным членом общества. Следом приезжает бабушка, которая почитает традиции, относится ко всему с юмором, но становится незримой поддержкой для молодого семейства, которому предстоит испытать невероятные сложности на пути к осуществлению «американской мечты».
All Roads to Pearla
First Assistant Director
A Texas town awakes when a high school wrestler gets entangled with a drifter and her psychopathic lover. Lives then intertwine and spiral violently out of control once he becomes her escort driver.
You People
First Assistant Art Direction
An intelligent, white-washed black youth adopted by a Caucasian family has a crisis of ethnic identity while growing up in white suburbia with his urban culture obsessed, white best friend.