Direktor Schneider
GDR, August 1989: Hanna and Andreas became a target of the secret police and had to give up their plans for their future studies and desired professions. Instead, they face arbitrariness, mistrust and reprisals. Their only chance for a self-determined life lies in fleeing across the Baltic Sea. Fifty kilometres of water separate them from freedom - and only a thin connecting rope around their wrists saves them from absolute loneliness.
Gerhard Zöllner
Claudia Voss, honorary mayoress, is presented with a fait accompli when her Southern German district decides to build a refugee centre in her town. Some of the population are fuming and resistance grows, but there are equal amounts of willingness to help and empathy. Unexpectedly, the committed wife and mother attracts the attention of right-wing circles and faces attempts to intimidate her. The more Claudia Voss tries to mediate, the stronger the hostility becomes. A gripping contemporary thriller which paints a nuanced picture of the challenges brought by an increasingly polarized political reality. No exception, but instead a widespread, alarming phenomenon in today’s democratic societies.
Udo Fuhrmann
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Ludwig Roselius
Juro Schwarzbach
Hans Buttke
Matured through two years in prison, Babtou is looking forward to a new beginning with his buddy Dennis. A free man in a free world! But of all things, his welcome party where all the boys from the block are gathered ends in a police operation. Babtou has his hands cuffed again and is confronted with dramatic news. He will soon be deported to his “home country” of Senegal. To prevent a deportation, Babtou and Dennis are willing to do anything, including marriage.
Dr. Emanuel Pumpe
Everyone needs a favorite person. So Jule and Darius want to try again together. A joint trip to the country should help. However, Jule gets cold feet and as a precaution invites a few friends over. The excursion gets into trouble. The five friends are the classic elephant in a china shop and demonstrate how the search for this one favorite person shouldn't be approached.
13-year-old Jessy can hardly remember that her father Miro used to be an important part of her life. His unexpected return after seven years in prison and his intrusion into the safe space she and her mother have built severely disrupts their symbiotic relationship. Forced to deal with this stranger to her, Jessy increasingly trusts Miro. She learns to open up and set new boundaries. Then she meets Max, who strengthens her urge for freedom. Stirred up by new relationships and feelings, she begins to listen to herself and enjoys a sense of independence. (attention Berlin)
At a time when everything is interrelated, the sum of the parts can add up to a catastrophic whole. Places don't matter anymore, it can happen anywhere and on November 11th it hits a luxury hotel on the coast, in the pretty holy pond. The story is like an unpredictable sum of parts that make a fatal mixture. And since everything is interrelated, none of the characters can claim that they were not to blame for the catastrophe.
Herr Koch
Джафер родом из Косово, но так давно живёт в Германии, что лишь едва заметный акцент может обнаружить в нём иностранца. Во всём же, кроме произношения, он — типичный немец: работает на уважаемой должности в фармакологическом холдинге, у него добротный частный дом в престижном районе города и жена-немка, которая не желает числиться лишь женой и мамой и пишет кандидатскую диссертацию.
Manfred Bauer
Charting the rise and fall of three corrupt real estate agents who accumulate absurd wealth in no time but fall into a vortex of fraud, greed and drugs.
Joachim Sauer
Angela Merkel's decision in autumn 2015 to open the borders for refugees split the country - some praised the moral stance, others criticized the surrender of sovereignty. Yet what would appear to be well-planned activity is in reality a policy of muddling along, chance, trial and error. The Driven Ones is a chronicle of the refugee crisis which shows that the political actors are being driven along, crushed between self-imposed constraints and events that have spun out of control.
War correspondent Nathan Hold is confronted with attacks on his person after his picture of a dead refugee child is published. Gone underground in the solitude of the Italian Maremma, he evades questions of morality and ethics. Nathan returns to the roots of photography and falls in love with the interior designer Ewa, a clever and pretty young woman who opens up completely new sides of life for him. The medial flood of information accusing his brother Amon of being a con artist who scammed investors floats like the Sword of Damocles above everything. On the run from the law and from bounty hunters, Amon also goes underground and hides out in their parent’s former holiday home. During the sudden reunion of the two brothers, the past and present collide and an atmosphere of suspicion, mistrust and betrayal arises.
Wolfgang Behn
War correspondent Nathan Hold is confronted with attacks on his person after his picture of a dead refugee child is published. Gone underground in the solitude of the Italian Maremma, he evades questions of morality and ethics. Nathan returns to the roots of photography and falls in love with the interior designer Ewa, a clever and pretty young woman who opens up completely new sides of life for him. The medial flood of information accusing his brother Amon of being a con artist who scammed investors floats like the Sword of Damocles above everything. On the run from the law and from bounty hunters, Amon also goes underground and hides out in their parent’s former holiday home. During the sudden reunion of the two brothers, the past and present collide and an atmosphere of suspicion, mistrust and betrayal arises.
Voice (voice)
Tucson, Arizona, September 1996. At the request of his son Martin, George Goldsmith tells him of his past in Nazi Germany as a member of a family of Jewish musicians and the strange history of the Jüdischer Kulturbund, a Jewish organization sponsored by Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels.
It's the summer of 1990, two teenagers in Germany fall in love - an innocent first love, shortly before the German reunification. Katja (16) is from West-Berlin, Thorben (17) from GDR. Their families are fighting over a house in Kleinmachnow (a suburb of East-Berlin), where Thorbens family has been living since the 70ies, but where Katjas father grew up. The family had to emigrate to West-Berlin in 1961, just before the Berlin Wall was built. Later, the house was dispossessed under GDR-rule. Now, Katjas father demands restitution. The conflict grows bitterer and threatens to tear apart both families. It is about old wounds and new prejudices. While being in the middle of Germanys swiftly progressing process of reunification, Katja and Thorben have to fight for their love.
Paul Herzfeld
Lars Moewig
Мало того, что ограбление, которое планировала Мэл, пошло не по плану, так ещё и её заложница — Фрэнни, оказалась крайне впечатлительной особой, склонной к паническим атакам. И теперь, когда на хвосте копы, уже не понятно кто в этой паре является большей жертвой. Но, несмотря на всю разницу между ними, у этих двух девушек есть что-то общее. И в какой-то момент они уже сами перестают понимать, кто они друг для друга: враги или лучшие подруги.
Paul Herzfeld
Roland Grone
Walter is a 60-year-old removal man for forced evictions. He recognizes in one of the tenants about to be evicted his estranged son, Jan. In order to help Jan, Walter has to confront not only his crooked boss but also his own past.
Maik Miessner
While investigating of a murder case, widowed police commissioner Lenders makes a confusing discovery; one of the victims comes from a different time. Did an implanted chip make this time travel possible? More victims follow. What is the motive behind the murders? And what is the connection between the victims? Can he use the chip to change his own life story?
Dr. Reinhard
Ленни — тусовщик, который привык сидеть на шее у отца. Где-то в одном городе с ним живет мальчик Дэвид с врожденным пороком сердца. Отец Ленни решает наказать своего сына и поручает ему заботиться о мальчике. Внезапно Ленни и Дэвид обретают связь, которая крепко соединяет их жизни.
One day she is sitting at his door. In her red wedding dress and worn-out sneakers. She does not speak his language, is actually too young for him and comes from a completely different world. She also loves different than him - and yet the two become a couple. Johnny, failed DJ and club owner from Hellersdorf, and Sophia, the Romni. Whether she really got away from her wedding, actually comes straight from Belgrade, truly loves him as she claims? Johnny does not know. And at some point he does not care. The supposed bride has conquered his heart. Then her family comes to visit ...
Konrad Kiebick
Max Bretschneider pretends to be a communist in order to conduct the last interview with Erich Honecker.
Claus Stutthalter
Bürgermeister Koppelberg
Full of anticipation, the young and ambitious Commissioner Carsten Lanner (Florian Lukas) is moving from Berlin Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony for a further education. However, he did not expect the outspoken chutzpah of the Berliners and, above all, the rude nature of his colleagues, who in no way received him with open arms. And so he slips more accidentally than wanted shortly after his arrival in Berlin in his first case.
Major Immert
Klara can hardly believe it when her friend Jens separates from her. For the cyber-agent at the BND, the relationship is completely unexpected and she is outraged when she learns that Jens already has a new girlfriend with Susie. Without further ado, she uses the advantages of her job, in which she has just been given extensive intelligence by the BND by her boss, Immert, in an attempt to sabotage their relationship.
История, основанная на реальных событиях, о талантливом молодом человеке, который больше всего на свете мечтает о стажировке в самом престижном отеле Мюнхена. Ничто, даже внезапное ухудшение зрения, которое он сохраняет в тайне, не сможет встать у него на пути. Немного удачи, помощь друзей и вера в себя — вот рецепт его успеха.
Martin Ritzenhoff
Jonas (Benno Fürmann) and Marit (Maja Schöne) lead an unconventional relationship. They moved from Cologne to Berlin because Marit got a lucrative job there. This makes Jonas temporarily unemployed - but one has to take care of children and household.Talking together, being open and honest and making music together is the basis of this family, where everyone can make their own thing and feel at home at the same time, a family where parents see themselves as life-long companions of their children. This modern family code is put to the test when the couple meets a pioneering agreement after 14 years of relationship -both of them do not want to miss family as it is now , but they do not want to give up their sexual needs completely for the sake of domestic peace.
Клара вот уже два года скорбит по своей большой любви. Не желая мириться с утратой, девушка посылает сообщения романтического характера на старый телефон своего умершего парня. Она и не догадывается, что его номер теперь принадлежит другому человеку, журналисту Марку. Полностью очарованный текстами сообщений, при поддержке своего друга, он пускается на поиски неизвестной отправительницы.
Alan, Jan and Liya, born in Kurdistan, raised in Stuttgart, want to grant their deceased mother her final wish: to be buried beside her husband, who died in the war, in their home village in Kurdistan. The clan objects, but the three set out anyway. A risky journey to a homeland wracked by strife.
Wilhelm Voigt
60-е годы, рыбацкий посёлок на Балтийском море. К началу учебного года после нескольких лет жизни в Англии в поселок возвращается Стелла и устраивается учителем английского в местную школу. Там и вспыхивает у нее бурный роман с 18-летним Кристианом. Но только длился он недолго…
Jens Möller
После нескольких лет странствий по миру Эмма Майер решает осесть в немецком Мангейме. Она надеется получить место на радио-передаче «Ночной психолог», где сможет помочь советом радиослушателям. Всё оказывается не так, как она себе представляла. В первом же ее эфире поступает звонок от неизвестного, утверждающего, что он захватил заложников на автозаправке и грозится их всех убить. Недолго думая, Эмма вместе с шеф-редактором спешит в самую гущу событий, чтобы начать с преступником переговоры. Их результаты непредсказуемы…
Берлин, 1940 год. Отто и Анна Квангель, пара из рабочего класса, узнают, что их единственный сын погиб на поле боя и решают самостоятельно противостоять нацистскому режиму. Вскоре гестапо начинает охоту на эту «угрозу».
kleiner Geschäftsmann
Richter Rupert Heindl
Security Guard
Жизнь юной девушки Тины не отличается от жизни большинства её сверстников. Всё своё свободное время она проводит в компании друзей — заядлых тусовщиков. В один из обычных вечеров, возвращаясь с вечеринки, Тина сталкивается с необычным уродливым существом. В последующие дни она встретится с ним ещё не раз, в том числе и в собственном доме. Но почему окружающие отказываются признавать реальность непрошеного гостя?
Torsten Liebach
Cem is mid 20's and is making its voluntary service in the retirement home. There he falls in love with Astrid, which helps as a dance therapist residents to renewed vigor. And Cem loves Berlin-Neukölln. There he grew up, and he wants his neighborhood defend: against Nazis, speculators and displacement. But how to do that anyway? Who are the real enemy here? And how does the fight? a compensation Cem looking at his other great passion, football. In one game he gets violently with Roman together. Roman threatens him. The next day the windows are smashed in the restaurant from Cems parents. An Accident? Cem swears revenge. But the battle is attracting larger circles. When Astrid gets suddenly targeted by novel, the conflict escalates dramatically. Suddenly a matter of life and death.
Ullrich Schröder
German family Schroeder is spending their Christmas holidays on the Thai island, Phuket. Of all the things, deep within the sleazy tourist bars and alleys of Patong, the youngest son Felix falls in love with a gorgeous Thai girl Fai who in return appears to mutually attracted to him.
Нелли Ленц, жертва Холокоста, которой удалось выжить в концлагере. Она ранена, у неё сильно искалечено лицо. Сотрудница Еврейского агентства Лене Винтер помогает Нелли добраться до Берлина, где ей сделали пластическую операцию. Поправившись после операции, Нелли начинает искать своего мужа, Йоханнса. Когда она наконец нашла его, Йоханнес не узнал свою жену, которую считает погибшей. Тем не менее, он признает, что эта незнакомая ему женщина похожа на его «покойную» жену. И тогда Йоханнес делает деловое предложение Нелли — она должна будет изображать его жену, чтобы получить состояние, которое ей досталось от семьи. Нелли соглашается…
A tragic comedy about an 18-year old girl growing up near the new Berlin airport's construction site
It is not out of love that Ines gives her boyhood friend Moritz the vow, not even because he is rich. On the contrary. For the financial expert the dreamy loser type is interesting as a low-income earner. The fictitious marriage with him brings a lot of tax savings for Ines. On paper, everything is perfectly sophisticated, except for the last place after the comma. Unfortunately, a conscientious financial officer moves into the same apartment building. In order not to be unmasked as unscrupulous tax evaders, Ines and Moritz must play him the newly in love couple - with unimaginable consequences.
Люди в пригороде Бранденбурга боятся волков. Их вой пугает население. Но ночь заканчивается, а на краю леса вместо волков появляется незнакомец с самурайским мечом…
Eckhard Willinger
Dirk Baalke
The promise of a better life is pivotal in ten-year-old Fee’s decision to travel from her home in Romania to Germany. But she falls victim to child traffickers and is forced to work as a prostitute in a Berlin sex club. She is freed, however, after a police raid. When commissioner Wegemann takes up this serious case of sexual abuse, there’s a shocking discovery: a respected judge is a customer of the crime ring – and the state attorney helping her is a good friend of the judge. Are the police capable of protecting the young girl? Who can be trusted in this quagmire of lies and corruption? This crime drama addresses serious flaws in our society and their weakest victims: children.
Michael Pacht
Swastikas were scratched into the windows of the University of Stuttgart and have caused considerable property damage. Far-right vandalism? The case is quickly closed, but the young Commissioner Bernau wants to enlighten the mysterious attack. He returns at night back to the crime scene and has an appearance that make his blood freeze! When he turns to the medium Morgana, he lifts the veil on a cruel mystery.
Мариса, 20-летняя немка, которую воспитал дед — солдат вермахта. Мариса ненавидит иностранцев, евреев, полицейских. Она считает их виновным в проблемах своей страны. Она наци. И она провоцирует драки и погромы. Ее новая татуировка будет портрет Адольфа Гитлера. Единственное место, где она чувствует себя как дома это со своей нео-нацистской группой, к которой она принадлежит, где правят ненависть, жестокость и насилие. Когда 14-летняя Свеня присоединяется к группе, Мариса для нее, как образец для подражания. Но убеждения иногда меняются… Мариса случайно знакомится с афганским беженцем. Она начинает понимать, что принципы наци не единственный путь. Сможет ли она выбраться из группы своих бывших сподвижников?
Marens Kollege