Liliana Gałązka

Liliana Gałązka

Рождение : 1955-01-19, Łódź, Polska


Liliana Gałązka


Miłość jak miód
Makeup Department Head
Makeup Artist
After a court order sends him to work at a hospice, an ex-criminal strikes up a friendship with a compassionate priest who changes his life.
Vivaldi: Stabat Mater
Makeup & Hair
A short music film, a feature illustration of Vivaldi’s opera Stabat Mater performed by Jakub Józef Orliński and Capella Cracoviensis. The music here accompanies events in which the theme of the Sorrowful Mother is originally interpreted by the director and set in an undefined contemporary time. Atmospheric, strangely wandering, emotional narrative with a surprising finale, starring Jakub Józef Orliński himself, not only as a countertenor but also as a stirring actor.
25 лет невиновности. Дело Томека Коменды
Makeup Artist
Обычная жизнь Томаша Коменды переворачивается с ног на голову, когда его ошибочно обвиняют в жестоком убийстве и приговаривают к 25 годам лишения свободы.
Solid Gold
Makeup Artist
Kaja Miller is a police officer that is abducted and abused on one of her missions. Eight years later she meets her former boss Nowicki, who takes her to Gdynia with the task of exposing a large criminal circuit.
Как кошка с собакой
Makeup Artist
Когда старший из братьев Анджей неожиданно заболевает, младший, несмотря на различия и стену недопонимания, которая за все годы выросла между ними, начнет заботиться о своем нуждающемся в помощи брате.
Makeup Artist
Гражданин Ян Братек. Где бы он ни появлялся, везде происходит череда неожиданных происшествий. Словно Форрест Гамп, Братек принимает участие в самых важных событиях своего времени. На счастье, а может скорее от невезения, он всегда находится в тех местах, где история как раз изменяет свой бег. Судьба бросает его как в коммунистическую, так и в современную демократическую Польшу...
The Career of Nikos Dyzma
Makeup Artist
Nikos is a master of funeral ceremonies (that's undertaker to you and me) who doesn't expect much from life. After drunkenly insulting a diplomat at a party, weird things begin to happen for Nikos. The news that a mysterious stranger offended the hated Deputy Prime Minister galvanizes the political elite assembled at the banquet, and a rumor that Nikos can take care of anything spreads like wildfire, making him an idol of the masses.
The Career of Nikos Dyzma
Nikos is a master of funeral ceremonies (that's undertaker to you and me) who doesn't expect much from life. After drunkenly insulting a diplomat at a party, weird things begin to happen for Nikos. The news that a mysterious stranger offended the hated Deputy Prime Minister galvanizes the political elite assembled at the banquet, and a rumor that Nikos can take care of anything spreads like wildfire, making him an idol of the masses.
Лики смерти
Makeup Artist
1942 год. Чудом выбравшись из оккупированного нацистами Кракова, 12-летний Ромек находит убежище у своих дальних родственников. В тихой деревушке никто не будет искать сына добропорядочных евреев, решившихся на разлуку ради его спасения. Но и здесь, среди католиков, Ромек вынужден скрывать свои корни. Здесь, оставшись наедине со своим страхом и отчаянием, увидев своими глазами смерть и предательство и поняв истинную цену дружбы, он быстро повзрослеет, навсегда усвоив простую истину — человек остается человеком, если даже перед лицом смерти хранит верность своей совести и своей душе.
Weekend Stories: Dilatory Line
Makeup Artist
A young TV producer struggles with his conscience when he becomes convinced that his TV program is covering up a lie, but the more he tries to reveal the truth the more uncertainty he discovers.
Weekend Stories: Deceptive Charm
Makeup Artist
An idealistic scientist is encouraged by his wife to use his good looks to get ahead, but his new job carries with it temptations and traps.
Weekend Stories: The Soul Sings
Makeup Artist
A classical singer who put his career on hold to raise a family gets a big break when a major company hires him for a televised New Year's Eve concert, but his shot at fame is threatened when, against his better judgment, he goes out on a rainy night and gets a cold.
Weekend Stories: Little Faith
Makeup Artist
A rational young man and his devoutly Catholic wife believe their sickly son may have leukemia. As they await further tests over a weekend they both struggle with a crisis of faith in both science and Catholicism.
Weekend Stories: A Woman's Business
Makeup Artist
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
Ga-ga: Glory to the Heroes
Makeup Artist
In the 21st century, prisoners aboard penitentiary space ships explore unknown worlds. Scope, one of the prisoners is sent on a planet though to be lifeless, until he found "Humans" on it.