A single mother of two daughters has to meet her ex-husband due to an illness of one of them. The family’s tragedy touches all the members of the family, who feel the need of a reunion.
Немолодая женщина живёт одна в лесу недалеко от города. Она очень любит природу и животных и безуспешно пытается вразумить местных охотников не убивать зверей. Однажды без следа пропадают две её собаки, а затем в округе начинают происходить загадочные убийства.
A handsome young chauffeur hired by a powerful and charismatic businesswoman discovers he has been made an unwitting party to fraud, but his moral outrage is complicated: the married man allowed himself to be seduced by the woman, who threatens to tell the man's wife.