Inspired by the tale of Telemachus in Homer’s Odyssey, young Adam’s mother is persecuted by the state police because his father fought in WWII as a pilot before disappearing. Adam fantasizes about his father and one day, while watching Godard’s Contempt in the cinema, finds himself transported into the dressing room of Brigitte Bardot and into a world where he meets a coterie of her contemporary celebrities.
Piotr comes home on the day of the 16th birthday of his daughter Kamila. He finds the girl unconscious, in a pool of blood. Doctors’ diagnosis is a shock for the man. From now on, their life will not be the same. The father takes care of his daughter in the cruel world.
Little girl
В послевоенной Польше Владислав Стржемински преподает в Лодзинской национальной школе изобразительных искусств. Студенты боготворят мастера и считают его «мессией современной живописи». Однако за несоответствие догмам социалистического реализма Владислава отстраняют от преподавания и исключают из Союза художников, что приводит жизнь Стржеминского к драматической развязке...