Maria João Mayer


A Cup of Coffee and New Shoes On
In today’s Tirana, Agim and Gëzim, two inseparable deaf-mute identical twin brothers in their forties, live under the same roof. Ana, Gëzim’s girlfriend, a young high-spirited woman in her thirties, visits them quite often. One evening, Agim is driving back home with Gëzim, when his sight gets blurred and a fatal accident nearly occurs. At the ophthalmologist, a few days later, the two brothers discover that due to a genetic and rare disease, they will separately, but progressively and irreversibly go blind. Slowly immersing into an unbearable silenced darkness, not being able to see the world and each other anymore, only Ana by their side, the two brothers have to make a strong decision around a cup of coffee with new shoes on.
Six Portraits of Pain
Several images follow one another to the work of António Pinho Vargas, Six Portraits of Pain, played in full.
Всемирно известный футболист Диамантино теряет квалификацию и с позором заканчивает свою спортивную карьеру. В поисках новых жизненных целей бывшая звезда отправляется в безумную одиссею, в ходе которой ему придётся противостоять неофашизму, миграционному кризису, генным модификациям и искать источник гениальности.
Saint George
In 2011 Portugal began the so-called "year of the Troika" (EU, IMF and ECB budget cuts and economic restructuring), with the level of debt among the Portuguese people reaching staggering amounts and a growing number of families and companies unable to repay their installment loans. Jorge is an unemployed boxer on the verge of losing his son and his wife, who has decided to return to Brazil. As a means of paying off his debt and persuading his wife to remain in Portugal, Jorge accepts a job with a debt-collection agency, which will drag him into a world of violence and crime.
Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.
Ивон Кане
After her daughter's death, Rita returns to the African country of her childhood to investigate the death of Yvone Kane, a former political activist and guerrilla fighter. There, she becomes embroiled in a journey into the past of a land haunted by war and evil.
A look at the art of two pairs of brothers, plastic artists: João Queiroz, Jorge Queiroz; Pedro Tropa and Francisco Tropa.
The Children's Republic
In a war-torn African country, a small group of young people, led by Mão-de-Ferro, a traumatized and violent war child, arrive in a mysterious city where children, abandoned by adults, have created their own utopian republic.
Cerro Negro
Developing from an idea of diptych, the story of Anajara and Allison is told from two perspectives in continuity. If late night work complicates the life of one of them, the incarceration in jail of the other determines a cycle of separation. Salaviza's skill to direct amateur actors is showed in this film, one of his more precise works.
Rafa is a 13 years old kid concerned with his mother, held in a police station for driving without a license. The director shows a day in the life of a teenager who lives on a problematic area and discovers that her mother was arrested because of an automobile accident.
O Dia Mais Feliz da Tua Vida
A couple sees the happiness and future threatened by a disease that can destroy body and soul. A disturbing story made ​​of silences, glances, routines ...
Luz da Manhã
On a summer's day, a mother, daughter and granddaughter's care-free day trip comes to an abrupt end. Beautiful and restrained.
Странный случай Анжелики
Однажды ночью молодого фотографа Исаака, постояльца пансиона Донны Розы в Регуа, срочно вызывают в дом богатой семьи, чтобы сделать последний портрет их дочери Анжелики, умершей сразу после свадьбы. Исаак поражен красотой девушки. Когда он собирается сфотографировать Анжелику, молодому человеку кажется, что она возвращается к жизни, и только для него одного. Исаак тут же влюбляется… С тех пор образ Анжелики днем и ночью неотступно преследует его до полного истощения сил…
Cold Day
A portrait of a first relationship, previous to the external world, the one of the family. In a winter in Lisbon, father, mother, son and daughter trace the path of a day by themselves. A film that develops through characters who have for their antagonist life itself, with nothing (and everything) heroic about it.
A young man under house arrest spends his time in the best way he can by making some tattoos. His relative peace is strangely disturbed when he's attacked and robbed by three kids from the neighborhood. From then on, he'll try to find the kids who took his money and maybe give them a lesson. But with those actions, comes the reflection of how things were and are in this place filled with violence and hostility. Is change possible?
Причуды одной блондинки
Молодой человек, работающий на своего дядю счетоводом, однажды видит в окне напротив прекрасную молодую девушку и тут же влюбляется в нее. Но дядя против женитьбы, и парень в обиде уходит искать другую работу, чтобы найти денег для будущей семьи. Задумывался ли он, какой невестой окажется та красавица в окне напротив?
April Showers
April 1974 saw the fall of a long lasting dictatorship. The young democracy developed in the midst of much social and political turmoil. The armed wing of a leftist group changed the future of one family - the father disappears without trace, the mother denies their past, and the son grows up with unanswered questions. As a young man, Pedro is determined to reach for answers, aided by his apparently batty grandmother. Collecting clues and meeting people who would rather prefer to remain forgotten. His inner journey leads him Portugal to Spanish through the deserted roads of Alentejo. Pedro will find himself, but there is a price to pay.
Goodnight Irene
Two solitary men embark on a journey to find a missing woman...
Era Preciso Fazer as Coisas
Brave Dance
Documentary that explores the history of the Portuguese pop band ‘Heróis do Mar’. Confronting imagery of old Portugal versus modern Portugal.The ideas, the ideals, and the dynamics of popular portuguese music of the 80’s voiced by its musicians and non-musicians.
Four for None
Associate Producer
Four people with different values and standards meet in the urban chaos of Copacabana. Rita and Waldick come from the country, and befriend two Rio de Janeiro native guys, upon arrival: the playboy and surfer Paulo Roberto and a pimp called Tim. Written by
Ворчание острова
В конце 1960-х Эвита приезжает в Мозамбик, чтобы выйти замуж за Луиша, студента-математика, который там исполняет воинскую службу
Daqui p'ra alegria
Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.
In Favour of Light
Portrait of Pedro Cabrita Reis, one of the most important artists of the young generation in Portugal as seen by one of the most famous woman director of her generation! Pedro Cabrita Reis has an important body that fills the screen with power. He creates spaces of huge dimensions where poetry rises. The documentary culminates with his participation in the last Venice Bienal with two gigantic light structures.
Sans elle...
Johnny, aged 20, can't live without Fanfan, his twin sister. There is a very particular intimacy between them. They walk together everywhere, share the same room, the same tastes, the same bike, the same camping tent. But also a conflict principle sets in. Oppressed by his overbearing need, she decides to head for the south of Portugal, the country of their parents. His dreams are shattered; he feels deeply betrayed by his sister. Caught between his father who is preparing to retire to Portugal and his mother who refuses to leave France, he tries to work out his own identity. His passion for rock music gets him involved with his sister's former lover. By following this charismatic leader preaching dubious ideology, he risks losing his "gentle half" forever. Meanwhile in Portugal, she becomes disillusioned. Will they manage to grow up without each other?
Аппарат, летающий низко
В недалёком будущем население планеты медленно вымирает, на свет появляются преимущественно «Зоты» — дети с сильными генетическими отклонениями, и они подлежат уничтожению. Молодая пара приезжает в отель с подтверждением, что их будущий ребёнок будет нормальным…
O Fato Completo ou À Procura de Alberto
"At first everything was relatively simple. I was looking for a boy of African origins, between 16 and 18 years old to incarnate the role of Alberto in the film I had just written. As they were not actors, I asked candidates to tell me a story of their choice. What they gave me was a lot of life, and they did it with such generosity and authenticity that I was the one concerned. Would I be able to find the same strength, the same emotion?" - Inês de Medeiros
A poignant personal story. Do we want to know it? Sérgio tries to understand the troubled past of his mother, Fleurette, 79 years old. Notwithstanding her resistance to his questions, little by little, throughout the film she reveals almost another life where love is closely related to politics. From occupied France and Nazi Germany to the Brazilian dictatorship and the Portuguese revolution.bright and powerful speech magnetizes the audience.
Natal 71
Natal 71 is the name of a record given to the soldiers of the portuguese colonies overseas for Christmas 1971. Niassa's Songbook is the title of an audiotape illegally recorded by soldiers during the war years, in Mozambique. They are memories from a country which was shut from the rest of the world, poor and ignorant, laid to sleep by a stale and primitive propaganda which tried to hide all the conflicts from us and kept us from thinking and recognising the repressive nature of the regime we lived in.
Чужая земля
После смерти матери юный бразилец Пако, оставшийся без цели в жизни и без гроша в кармане, решает поехать в Испанию, где он никогда не был, но куда всю свою жизнь мечтала вернуться его мать, давным-давно уехавшая в поисках лучшей доли. Чтобы заработать на дорогу и попасть на родину матери, о которой он и сам мечтал, Пако соглашается на предложение контрабандиста Игоря. Дело совсем простое: перевезти в Лиссабон какую-то скрипку, передать и получить деньги! Но наивный юнец даже не подозревает, что является разменной монетой в жесткой партии, суть которой - отчаяние, а цель - выжить.
It's September in Lisbon… Elsa’s young daughter leaves with her father, and Teresa, a friend’s friend, comes to stay in her room. One night the two women go out and meet Raul, a vagrant lover of Elsa. A triangle takes form. They finish the night on a boat by the name of Pandora, but in the morning Raul sails away, alone. Elsa and Teresa will start a new life...
Manual of Evasion LX94
“Manual of Evasion LX94” is a thought-provoking Dadaist film about time by the Portuguese director Edgar Pêra. It was shot in Lisbon in 1994 and stars Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker. Time is explored from many unusual angles, while Pêra fills the screen with a wide variety of bizarre and mind-warping imagery.
The story of an egg trapped inside a frying-pan trying to escape its fate, symbolized by a huge spatula, determined to attack him.
On the Edge of the Horizon
Executive Producer
Spino, a pathologist, receives an unidentified body which looks familiar to him... himself, 30 years younger.
A portrayal of Futurist artist José de Almada Negreiros, who said: "I wanted others to say of me: 'Look, a man!' The same way they say: 'Look, a dog!' when a dog passes by; or how you say: 'Look, a tree!', when there is a tree. Which means as an entity, without the use of adjectives, only as one whole: A man!"
Requiem for a Daffodil
Executive Producer
Miguel is what is commonly known as a Don Juan. He seduces women and afterwards takes them to take a picture next to Torre de Belém. Or so it was until he met Bárbara.