Charlotte Marchal


Director of Photography
Новый фильм Камиль де Лё
Dreaming Like Louis
Director of Photography
On a summer holiday in the countryside, Louis and Paul spend the time alone making love throughout the day. But as Paul becomes distant, Louis finds connections in his dreams but sometimes his dreams aren't always the safest escape.
Большой мир
Корин на несколько недель едет в Монголию, чтобы забыть о смерти Поля, её любимого мужчины. Встреча девушки с шаманом изменит всю её жизнь — у Корин открылся дар, который шаман намерен развивать.
Director of Photography
Baptiste and his two siblings have moved to a village rooted by strong beliefs in spirituality. As he is believed to have mystical abilities, villagers seek his help. Then a little girl asks him to wish a boy dead, out of justice…
Wolf's Skin
Director of Photography
After a long absence it is hard for Soo Min, a young mother and cello player to resume her place in the family. She feels she has to compete with her six-year-old daughter for her husband's love.