Boris Rösner

Рождение : 1951-01-25,

Смерть : 2006-05-31


Cesta ke štěstí
Bonus DVD contains: - Discography by Hana Zagorova and Biography
Hodina tance a lásky
Karl Kleinburger
Ze života pubescentky
Tom v kozí kůži
O třech ospalých princeznách
Milenec lady Chatterleyové
Ptačí král
Rok na vsi
V erbu lvice
Pohádka o věrnosti
Семь воронов
История о том, как мать в момент гнева проклинает своих непослушных сыновей и они превращаются в семерых воронов. Их сестра, став взрослой, решает спасти своих братьев, но прежде чем ей это удается, она преодолеет много трудностей.
Cerni baroni
voj. JUDr. Macháček
Life of Czechoslovak soldiers in a military unit for the so called "politically unreliable" - the Technical auxiliary battalions, aka "the black barons". Although it might seem like a political satire and it's mostly funny, it shows the reality and the absurdity of military service under the communist regime. Based on a novel by Miloslav Svandrlik.
Ariadnina niť
Ecce Constantia
Wolfgang A. Mozart
Antonio Salieri
When rumors spread about a "child prodigy" among the Mozarts in Salzburg, the archbishop orders an investigation in which the seven-year-old Wolfgang has to demonstrate his talent before a committee of scholars. Soon afterwards, Leopold Mozart and his son are traveling all over Europe to play for patrons and admirers. The new Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Colloredo, is not very enthusiastic about Mozart and dismisses him. Mozart marries Constanze Weber, settles in Vienna and has his first successes, earning him commissions and the goodwill of Josef II. In the last years of his life, his situation worsens; Mozart runs into financial difficulties and health problems, but still works incessantly.
The Magpie in the Wisp
Přes padací mosty
Víla z jeskyně zla
Duch času
Rubín má barvu krve
Dokonalý muž, dokonalá žena aneb Návštěva mladé dámy
npor. Beneš
Pepa Rajšl
Merry Christmas Octopus
Eva and her younger brother Johnny own two sentient octopuses made out of strange matter. Will their parents divorce and ruin Christmas? Will a scientist find a way to use their pets as fuel? Live action film with stop-motion octopuses.
Dva na koni, jeden na oslu
The musical version of the successful play of Oldřich Daněk was transferred to the screen by director Jiří Sequens in 1986. It takes place in the 14th century in Bohemia during the reign of King Wenceslas IV. Heroes of the story are three mercenaries who always fight on the wrong side and are always beaten, but they are moral winners of all conflicts and skirmishes.
Opožděná vražda
The Octopuses from the Second Floor
While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.
Sen noci Svatojánské
Puk / Filostrates
Oldrich and Bozena
At the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries Boleslav's kingdom fell apart in the fratricidal war between the Přemyslovci and the other clans the main profiteer of this being the German emperor. At that time it seemed as if the Czech state and the lineage of its princes was awaiting its end..." It is with these words that the tale of this film begins, whose narrative is based upon the the play by František Hrubín of the same name.
Prague – The Restless Heart of Europe
This distinctive documentary portrait of Prague extolls the beauty, significance and spirit of the ancient city adopting modern way of life. The form and content of the film share a common underlining principle. The author doesn't simply list out the sequence of events, but rather approaches them in a broader context of their historic implications and circumstances. The content of the film covers a large period from the pagan times to these days. The facts are grouped under several general headings (paganry, the spread of Christianity, renaissance, baroq and modern times) with allusions to the modern life of Prague and Praguers that has its roots in those times.
Muž na drátě
Kmotři z blat
Záchvěv strachu
Přezůvky Štěstěny
The Last One Will Go to Hell
pasovský voják Sepp
A historical film that takes place on the eve of the thirty year war combines aspects of fairy-tales with historical dramas, fencing with a child heroes who find themselves in great dangers. We are in the year 1611 and mercenaries that had previously invaded Czech lands now have to withdraw before the Hungarian king's army. In this chaos a magical bottle, that fulfills the owner one single wish, appears among some fugitives - however after the fulfillment it has to be sold for half it's price to a new owner. The director Ludvík Ráža has created an attractive and surprisingly cruel film aimed not only at young viewers.
A Yellow Flower
A poetic story about eleven years old girl who is mostly sitting at home on her wheelchair but with the help of a green balloon is able to find new friends.
Proč se vraždí starší dámy
Беги, официант, беги!
vyšetřovatel Bačák
Далибор Врана - продавец в книжном магазине. Из-за своей любвеобильности он вынужден платить алименты бывшим женам, а оставшихся денег хватает лишь на очень скромную жизнь. А тут как назло, бывшие одноклассники устраивают встречу, где каждый так и норовит похвастаться успехами и достатком. А у пана Враны лишь один приличный костюм, да притом такой, что его то и дело принимают за официанта. И тут ему приходит в голову этим обстоятельством воспользоваться...
A young man seeks freedom and eventually gets conformed. To escape society, he wanders south. After some adventures he returns to his lover, where he expects a civil career.
Don Juan
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