Dixie Gers


Deadly Dealings
Mary misses her brother. Her life has been full of regret since that fatal night. Milo her roommate offers the chance to speak to her brother again with a spirit board, reluctantly she accepts. What sinister entity has been unleashed?
Secrets of the Witch
A bush party goes wrong.
Secrets of the Witch
A bush party goes wrong.
A tale that follows two lovers, Aloe & Vera, living in a girl gang ruled dystopian society, on a quest to kill the last scumbag alive, Dirtbag Mike.
Bigfoot Exorcist
A demonic cult has summoned the ultimate beast, Bigfoot, to prowl the mountains and slaughter innocent victims. But when Claude is attacked by the creature, the curse of Bigfoot is passed down to him. Now Claude turns into a hairy, fanged beast at night, thirsty for warm blood. Only the power of a nun trained in exorcism can hope to set Claude free from this nightmare. But it may already be too late.
Truly, Madly
After her husbands untimely passing, a religious mother becomes negatively obsessed with her gay son and his lifestyle. Tragedy and murder ensue.
13 убийств перед Рождеством
News reporter
Двадцать четвертого декабря, в канун Рождества, пятерым, на первый взгляд, незнакомцам приходят письма-приглашения в бар. Собравшись в назначенное время, они решают поддержать старую традицию и скоротать время, рассказывая страшные истории.
The Dark Web Tapes
A group of friends looking for a good time decides to play an online game, but are totally unprepared for the terrifying results if they win or lose.
Чокнутая жирная Этель
После многих лет проведенных на психе, Этель оказывается у своей тётки, но многие, включая главную медсестру психиатрического отделения считают, что выпускать Этель не стоило...
Preexisting Conditions
Two gal pals go on an adventure to the local library in search of the titular tome, accompanied by an irrepressible woman out for revenge.
From producer Jessie Seitz and Vile Video Productions comes the first woman led extreme cinema anthology, FUKT. Featuring work by Dylan Greenberg, Brooklyn Ewing, Dixie Gers, Sydney Clara Brafman, Ashley Crewl, Megan Beck, and Jessie Seitz.
Kill Dolly Kill
Rose / Meat Hook Mike
BENJI is back. Now living as his alter-ego DOLLY DEADLY, he's all grown up and ready to kill...AGAIN.