John Keegan

Рождение : , Northern Ireland


A Man You Don't Meet Every Day
It's the mid-nineties in London and a couple meet through a lonely hearts column. She is an middle class English married woman, he is an lonely Irish mechanic. Despite the gulf between them they start an affair.
You, Me & Marley
A group of bored Roman Catholic teens from Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom steal cars and joyride around the city, causing havoc among the nearby Protestants and local Irish Republican Army members, all of who are outraged by the youths' nihilism. The gang, led by ace thief Sean (Marc O'Shea), is connected with the IRA but couldn't care less about the group's politics. But things turn serious when an IRA member captures one of the boys, Marley (Michael Liebmann), in an effort to end the mayhem.
Тайный план
Det Sgt Hughes
Фильм рассказывает о расследовании убийства американского правозащитника, произошедшего в Северной Ирландии. В процессе дознания раскрывается информация о секретной операции ЦРУ по оказанию влияния на британские парламентские выборы.
Dick Francis: Twice Shy
Ted Pitt
A fool-proof formula for picking winning horses on a computer disc is the Maguffin sought by Cleveland and others.
A Casualty of War
Mick Lynch
David Threlfall stars as Tom Rowse, a retired British secret service agent turned thriller novelist who is brought back into the world of espionage for one last job. The mission - foiling a Libyan plot to supply the IRA with a massive shipment of high-tech weapons in order to wreak revenge upon the UK for their support and co-operation with the US during the 1986 bombing of Libya and the attempted assassination of Colonel Gaddafi .
Rat in the Skull
In a cell in a London police station, a suspected I.R.A. bomber, Roche, has been detained for questioning. To help them in the interrogation, the London coppers have summoned Nelson, a detective from Northern Ireland's predominantly Protestant police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
Жизненная сила
Космическая экспедиция исследует комету Галлея и натыкается на новую форму разумной жизни — нечто вроде космических вампиров, вместо крови черпающих энергию из своих жертв. Забрав этих чудовищ в образах очень красивой обнаженной женщины и двух мужчин на борт, космонавты совершили страшную ошибку. Мало того, что все они, кроме Рэйлсбэка погибли, вампиры проникли на Землю, где начали массовую заготовку жизенной силы, забирая ее у людей, превращавшихся в нечто вроде зомби. Все это напоминает конец света.
Four Days in July
Mr McCoy
Two couples, one Catholic, one Protestant, exist on two sides of the chasm that is everyday life in Northern Ireland.
The Cry
George Harbinson
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and dragged away. When he investigates, witnesses seem to melt away, and life-long friends reveal a sinister indifference. Or is it fear?
Liam Doyle
Maeve returns home to Belfast after a long absence. Her arrival in the city stimulates a series of memories of childhood and adolescence both in herself and other people.