Jake Mann


National Theatre Live: King Lear
Burgundy / Lear's Knight
Considered by many to be the greatest tragedy ever written, King Lear sees two ageing fathers – one a King, one his courtier – reject the children who truly love them. Their blindness unleashes a tornado of pitiless ambition and treachery, as family and state are plunged into a violent power struggle with bitter ends.
Ричард II
О судьбе короля Англии Ричарда II и захвате власти его двоюродным братом Генрихом Болингброком, впоследствии ставшим королем Генрихом IV.
Benjamin Britten: Peace and Conflict
James Klugmann
A feature film about Benjamin Britten, released as part of the 100 year celebrations of his birth. Britten is the most performed British composer worldwide. This film premiered at Gresham's School, which he attended, and focuses on how his life-long pacifism influenced his life and music. Written and directed by Tony Britten (In Love With Alama Cogan), narrated by John Hurt and with a superb cast of young people, including many supporting roles taken by students of Gresham's School, the film weaves dramatisation with a documentary narrative.