Theater and film actor, Mykola Veresen' dies on the set while performing the role of Ivan the Terrible. In the moment of death, his karma transforms into the bloody murderer he embodied, and he falls into Sheol, a common grave for all the dead. The time has a different flow here, the only feelings left are fear and pain. In hell Mykola learns about the confrontation that last for centuries between the white and black vampires, he becomes a puppet in the cruel guerrilla of these two supernatural groups.
Executive Co-Producer
В центре сюжета молодой еврейский мальчик, который ищет убежища в лесу в Польше во время Второй мировой войны, встречая на своем пути множество разных людей.
События фильма происходят в украинской провинции, где разворачивается история пятилетней Витки, её двоюродной сестры-подростка Ларисы и её любимого молодого бандита Шрама. После смерти отца перед Ларисой остро стоит вопрос её дальнейшего будущего. Лариса хочет сама быть хозяйкой собственной судьбы, но за любовь к бандиту Шраму её осуждает семья. Бабушка, которая переживает только за то, что скажут люди, и измученная мать Ларисы подталкивают её к стереотипному сценарию жизни. Лариса и Шрам планируют сбежать вместе подальше от бандитов, разрухи и родственников.
The film through allegory tells a story of the relationship between two ends of one shoelace while they still are not aware of being one thing.
The old man Lyosha and his lady Christie decided to die happily in one day. But Lyosha has to finish something very important first. He does desperate things to implement his secret plan and convince his woman to delay the day of their death.
Alina was abandoned by her mother, so now she lives with her aunt, Alina thinks she is spiteful and doesn't love her. The only one who loves Alina is her doll. Accidentally girl found an announcement about recruiting in a children's dance group 'Vinochok'. This is the chance for Alina to break away of this miserable world, full of dirt uselessness and misunderstanding.
Lesya fights against the society stereotypes. She starts dealing with her own body - trying to gain weight.
Selling the homestead can be painflully difficult. The hero is forced to confront the past when she tries to complete the sale of her grandfather’s house. In the place of her childhood she finds some answers to questions about life.