The director of the company Restaurants and Canteens arrives to attend a screening of a film made in various restaurants. A group of villagers come in to one of the restaurants for their lunch. The two waiters carry on chatting and ignore their customers. The head waiter finally brings them a crumpled menu, but whatever they order, he crosses off the menu and urges them to order something they do not want. In another restaurant a customer complains he has found a button in his sauce. The waiter promises to get him another portion but, once out of sight, he simply takes the button out of the food and brings back the same plate on which he has carelessly rearranged the food. Other customers are trying to pay but the staff point to the waiter with the wallet; he, however, is absorbed in watching a chess game and is neglecting his duties.
The director of the company Restaurants and Canteens arrives to attend a screening of a film made in various restaurants. A group of villagers come in to one of the restaurants for their lunch. The two waiters carry on chatting and ignore their customers. The head waiter finally brings them a crumpled menu, but whatever they order, he crosses off the menu and urges them to order something they do not want. In another restaurant a customer complains he has found a button in his sauce. The waiter promises to get him another portion but, once out of sight, he simply takes the button out of the food and brings back the same plate on which he has carelessly rearranged the food. Other customers are trying to pay but the staff point to the waiter with the wallet; he, however, is absorbed in watching a chess game and is neglecting his duties.
The director of the company Restaurants and Canteens arrives to attend a screening of a film made in various restaurants. A group of villagers come in to one of the restaurants for their lunch. The two waiters carry on chatting and ignore their customers. The head waiter finally brings them a crumpled menu, but whatever they order, he crosses off the menu and urges them to order something they do not want. In another restaurant a customer complains he has found a button in his sauce. The waiter promises to get him another portion but, once out of sight, he simply takes the button out of the food and brings back the same plate on which he has carelessly rearranged the food. Other customers are trying to pay but the staff point to the waiter with the wallet; he, however, is absorbed in watching a chess game and is neglecting his duties.
На почтовое отделение небольшого городка совершают нападение бандиты и похищают 50 тысяч крон. В момент нападения на почте находились три чиновника. Один из них был случайно убит. Второй слегка ранен; от страха он упал, ушиб голову и не оказал сопротивления. Третий пытался защищать кассу, но, видя бессмысленность борьбы с вооруженными людьми, отдал её бандитам и остался жив.
Все окружающие осуждают поступок молодого человека, считая, что он проявил непростительное малодушие. Не только близкие друзья и знакомые отвернулись от него, но даже невеста отказалась встретиться с ним. В выигрыше оказался чиновник, который упал и разбил голову. В глазах жителей городка он герой. Его назначают начальником почты.
В дальнейшем обстоятельства складываются так, что молодой человек узнает, как и кем было совершено нападение. Не желая выдавать сознавшегося ему преступника, он находит оригинальный способ реабилитировать себя...