A 35 year old woman, Kate, awakes from an eighteen year coma following a tragic accident to an unfamiliar world. As she tries to make sense of what has happened her family and old school friends are reluctant to dig up the past.
Ian Rearden
Psychological thriller about a woman child-protection officer tramautized by her stillbirth who befriends a woman in hospital and then becomes convinced that the daughter is being abused.
In South Yorkshire, a small group of railway maintenance men discover that because of privatization, their lives will never be the same. When the trusty British Rail sign is replaced by one reading East Midland Infrastructure, it is clear that there will be the inevitable winners and losers as downsizing and efficiency become the new buzzwords.
Школьные друзья из Лондона создают группу под названием «Время по Гринвичу» и пытаются пробиться в индустрии музыки. Но оказывается, что путь к успеху очень непрост и не все из них способны выдержать испытание. И тот, кто сходит с дистанции, легко попадает в сети наркобизнеса — мир, где время может остановиться навсегда!
Flamboyant Soloist (Bone)
Несколько разнообразных историй, которые объединяет одно — случились они в лондонском метро.
Billy Harper
How far will she go for money? "Don't you see, Billy, people like them owe people like us." Young, beautiful and living on the breadline with a feckless husband and a sickly child, Angela Harper decides to take matters into her own hands in order to save her family from the poverty trap. She hits on the perfect plan after noticing a newspaper feature on the once divorced and once widowed lord, Sir Fabian Ormoerod. She will marry the man and then hit him for a massive divorce settlement. And so the stunning Ms Angela Harper, successful lingerie buyer with an alluring independent streak is born...
PC One
Drama based on the real life events of April 1989, when ninety-six Liverpool supporters were crushed to death during an F.A. Cup Semi-Final match against Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough Stadium. This movie follows three Liverpudlian families before the match, during the tragedy and at the ensuing court battles which tried to decide who was to blame and what went wrong.