Двое англичан приезжают в 1917-ом году в уэльсскую деревушку в качестве картографов и наталкиваются на местный холм Финон-гавр, которому не хватает всего 16 футов, чтобы стать горой на карте. В Англии — если высота не менее 1000 футов, то это гора, а если менее 1000 футов, — это холм. Недовольные и эксцентричные жители деревни требуют перемерить гору, но упрямые картографы этого делать не желают. Тогда местные пускаются на хитрость, решая нарастить холм землей с местных полей…
An adaptation of the novel by Kingsley Amis about a group of university friends reunited in retirement. Alun Weaver has found success as a celebrated London-based writer. After returning home to Wales with his alluring wife Rhiannon he reunites with old friends who chose to remain in the valleys. Long dormant romance are rekindled and rivalries resurrected in this turbulent story of ageing, friendship, lust, nostalgia and nationalism.
Young aristocrat Anthony Raine returns home from India to find the farmers of Pembrokeshire protesting about the rates of a tollgate run by The Whitman Turnpike Trust, headed by the drunken Lord Sarn. So Raine dons a mask and, calling himself Rebecca, instructs his followers to dress as women as they attack the tolls, leading the common people to victory over their masters.
Former Welsh rugby hero Bleddyn Morgan has his life in New Zealand interrupted by a deathbed confession that leads to a replay of a controversial 1966 All Blacks/Wales rugby match - with the original teams. The now old men pull on their jerseys one more time while Morgan deals with his past on his return home. (from IMDB)
The story covers eighty years in the lives of a pair of Welsh identical twins with an unusual bond, as they go through war, love affairs, and land disputes.
A group of travellers, each with a personal problem that they want to hide, arrives at a mysterious Welsh country inn. There is a certain strangeness in the air as they are greeted by the innkeeper and his daughter.. TV remake of the 1944 film THE HALFWAY HOUSE.