Jack Cummings

Jack Cummings

Рождение : 1905-02-16, New Brunswick, Canada

Смерть : 1989-04-28


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John "Jack" Cummings (February 16, 1905 – April 28, 1989) was an American film producer and director. He was the second husband of Betty Kern, daughter of Jerome Kern. Cummings spent most of his career at his uncle Louis B. Mayer's studio, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where he began work in the 1920s. Mayer started his nephew out as an office boy and expected him to work his way up through the ranks. Cummings became a staff producer at MGM in 1934, where he worked in the B-feature unit for two years. In 1936, he produced the extravagant Cole Porter musical Born to Dance, which established his reputation as a respected producer. Cummings remained at MGM even after his uncle was fired from the studio in 1951, working with talent such as the Marx Brothers, Red Skelton, Esther Williams, and Fred Astaire and producing some of the era's best-known musicals, including 1953's Kiss Me Kate and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers in 1954, for which he received an Academy Award nomination. He left MGM to become an independent producer affiliated with Twentieth Century-Fox and produced the 1959 remake of The Blue Angel and the 1960 movie version of the Abe Burrows-Cole Porter Broadway musical Can-Can. In 1964, he returned to MGM one last time to produce the Elvis Presley musical Viva Las Vegas. Other credits included Easy to Wed, It Happened in Brooklyn, Three Little Words, The Last Time I Saw Paris, Interrupted Melody, and The Teahouse of the August Moon. Jack Cummings was the son of Ida Mayer Cummings, sister of Louis B Mayer. He had two sisters, Ruth (married to film director Roy Rowland) and Mitzi (married to film producer Sol Baer Fielding), as well as a younger half brother Leonard 'Sonny' Cummings. Mr. Cummings was survived by his four daughters, Julie Cummings Siff, of Manhattan, Kathy Cummings St. Aubin, of Los Angeles, Linda Kern Cummings, of Danville, Ky., and Carla Luisa Cummings, of Los Angeles.


Jack Cummings


Pipe Dreams
Pipe Dreams is a 1976 film starring soul singer Gladys Knight in her acting debut as a woman who attempts to regain the love of her husband played by real-life spouse Barry Hankerson. In this drama, her husband must choose between reuniting with her or giving in to pressure of the local boss.
Да здравствует Лас-Вегас
Лакки Джексон едет в Лас-Вегас, чтобы заработать на новый двигатель для своего автомобиля. Иначе ему никак не быть первым на Гран-при Лас-Вегаса. Прибыв в город развлечений практически на буксире, он устраивается работать официантом. Вскоре его мыслями целиком и полностью овладевает местная красавица. Возможно, музыка поможет завоевать ее сердце…
Bachelor Flat
Professor Bruce Patterson is constantly having to fight off the advances of his young female students and is engaged to Helen Bushmill. While Helen goes on vacation, Bruce decides to stay at her apartment but is surprised by the arrival of Libby, Helen's 17-year-old daughter. Having never been told by Helen of this daughter, Bruce assumes she's another student. During her stay, Libby is noticed by an amorous neighbor, Mike.
Монмартр, 1896 год. У владелицы кафе «Райский бал» Симоны Писташ неприятности. Ее обвиняют в том, что в ее заведении был показан канкан, считающийся неприличным танцем. Из-за отсутствия свидетельских показаний дело закрывается на первом же судебном заседании. Но молодой амбициозный судья Филипп Фросье решает доказать вину Симоны. Защищать молодую женщину берется адвокат Франсуа...
The Blue Angel
Remake of Josef von Sternberg's 1930 classic.
Operation Teahouse
Short promotional film for "The Teahouse of the August Moon". The cast and crew are shown arriving in Japan and being welcomed by the Japanese, and then shown in various clips around the set The location shooting is done at Nara, where a small town is constructed on approximately 11 acres of land. Local villagers watch the filming. MGM is praised for using Japanese locations, promoting international relations, etc. The short wraps up with construction of the Teahouse set and a clip of the feature film to show the result.
Прерванная мелодия
Фильм повествует об истории Марджори Лоуренс — успешной австралийской оперной певицы, сражавшейся с полиомиелитом.
Many Rivers to Cross
Packaged and sold as an outdoor actioner, Many Rivers to Cross is as much a comedy as anything else. Robert Taylor stars as 18th century trapper Bushrod Gentry, who is himself entrapped into marriage by the spunky Mary Stuart Cherne (Eleanor Parker). Escaping his marital responsibilities (which were impressed upon him on threat of death), Gentry heads into the North Country, with Mary in hot pursuit. Hero and heroine spend the rest of the picture taking turns rescuing each other from hostile Indians. Some of the humor is predicated upon the wholesale slaughter of the "redskins", and as such is a bit hard to take when seen today. Supporting Taylor and Parker are Victor McLaglen as the heroine's burly father, and TV-stars-to be James Arness (Gunsmoke) and Russell Johnson and Alan Hale Jr. (Gilligan's Island).
Семь невест для семи братьев
Семь крепких парней живут среди высоких деревьев дремучего леса Орегоны. Их быт и нравы просты, а о приличных манерах и как себя нужно вести в обществе они вообще не слышали. Однажды старший из братьев - Адам приводит в их «холостяцкую берлогу» свою очаровательную невесту. Милли - воспитанной городской девушке с крепкими нервами и железным характером суждено укротить дурной нрав мужской компании, научить этикету и в итоге помочь парням найти своих спутниц жизни
The Last Time I Saw Paris
Reporter Charles Wills, in Paris to cover the end of World War II, falls for the beautiful Helen Ellswirth following a brief flirtation with her sister, Marion. After he and Helen marry, Charles pursues his novelistic ambition while supporting his new bride with a deadening job at a newspaper wire service. But when an old investment suddenly makes the family wealthy, their marriage begins to unravel — until a sudden tragedy changes everything.
Поцелуй меня Кэт
Актер, приглашенный на главную роль, Фред Грэм пообещал роль своей подруге Лоис Лейн, но Портер написал главную роль для бывшей жены Грэма – Лилли Ванесси. В день премьеры, при полном аншлаге, букет цветов доставляют не в ту гримерную – романтические отношения изменятся, поющие мафиози будут угрожать, а Ванесси и Грэм поймут, что их любовь не угасла прямо перед зрителями.
Give a Girl a Break
When the temperamental star of a new Broadway musical revue in rehearsals walks out, director and choreographer Ted Sturgis suggests casting an unknown for the role. When it is announced in the newspapers, throngs of hopefuls show up. The revue's musical composer, Leo Belney, champions ballerina Joanna Moss, while gofer Bob Dowdy is enchanted by novice Suzy Doolittle. Then producer Felix Jordan persuades Ted's former dance partner, Madelyn Corlan, to come out of retirement to try out, much to Ted's great discomfort.
Mexican love stories follow a dying man, a bullfighter's sister and lovers from feuding villages.
Two Weeks with Love
The Robinson family are spending two weeks of summer vacation at a resort in the Catskills. Older daughter Patti vies with her friend, Valeria, for the affections of Demi Armendez but Patti is at a disadvantage because her parents think she is too young for boys. But with Patti singing at an amateur show and a dance, her adventures in quest of Armendez ends happily.
Три маленьких слова
В основе сюжета история 4-летней девочки, которая скиталась по сиротским приютам, и только в 13 лет обрела приёмную семью.
Дочь Нептуна
Легкомысленная Бетти Барретт принимает массажиста Джека Спратта за капитана южноамериканской команды по игре в поло Хосе О`Рорка. Спратт не прочь поразвлечься с красоткой, он быстро соглашается со своей ролью популярного спортсмена. Но простой невинный флирт переходит в серьезное чувство — они влюбляются.
История Страттона
Бывший бейсболист, путешествуя по привинции, замечает молодого талантливого игрока Монти Стрэттона. Он убеждает его пробиться в профессиональную лигу, помогает ему в этом. Карьера Стрэттона будет яркой, но недолгой.
The Romance of Rosy Ridge
A mysterious Civil War veteran courts a Missouri farmer's daughter amid postwar unrest.
Прекрасная купальщица
По рассказам Кеннет Эрл, М.М. Массельмэн, Кертис Кенион. Композитор Стив Эллиот (Ред Скелтон) влюблён в прекрасную Кэролин Брукс (Эстер Уильямс). Их свадьбу расстраивает коварный импресарио Джордж Адамс (Бэзил Рэтбоун), который боится, что Стив перестанет сочинять ему песни. Кэролин в слезах возвращается на прежнее место работы - колледж. Стив, горя желанием вернуть свою возлюбленную, решает туда поступить, но, проблема в том, что этот колледж - для девушек...
Broadway Rhythm
Broadway producer Johnny Demming is only interested in big-name talent and scoffs that his sister, father and other small-time talent could be used in a successful show.
Я сделал это
Джо Ренолдс — безобидный, несколько странный молодой человек, большой специалист в своей работе — гладить одежду постояльцев в прачечной фешенебельного отеля. И он безумно и безнадежно влюблен в артистку Кони Шоу, не пропускает ни одного ее выступления, тратя все свои сбережения на билеты. Казалось бы, что у Джо нет никаких шансов, тем более, что у Кони есть жених. Но любовь и стечение обстоятельств помогают ему добиться многого…
Ship Ahoy
Miss Winters is a dancer with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and is asked to secretly transport a prototype magnetic mine to Puerto Rico. She thinks that she is working for the US Government, but fails to see why she would be involved.
Go West
Старый золотоискатель владеет участком, который не приносит золота. Однако даже пустая земля может дать прибыль — если продать её для строительства железной дороги. Но когда документ на владение землей попадает в руки недотёп, всем участникам сделки приходится несладко.
Broadway Melody of 1940
Johnny Brett and King Shaw are an unsuccessful dance team in New York. A producer discovers Brett as the new partner for Clare Bennett, but Brett, who thinks he is one of the people they lent money to, gives him the name of his partner.
Listen, Darling
To stop Pinkie's widowed, struggling mother Dottie from marrying a well-off older man they know she doesn't love, teenager Pinkie and her best friend Buzz kidnap her in the family travel trailer to live a carefree life on the open road. They then get the idea to find Dottie a financially secure husband whom both she and Pinkie would like.
Yellow Jack
A fairly accurate historical account of Walter Reed's search for the cause of "Yellow Jack" or Yellow Fever and those who risked their lives in the pursuit.
Broadway Melody of 1938
Steve Raleight wants to produce a show on Broadway. He finds a backer, Herman Whipple and a leading lady, Sally Lee. But Caroline Whipple forces Steve to use a known star, not a newcomer. Sally purchases a horse, she used to train when her parents had a farm before the depression and with to ex-vaudevillians, Sonny Ledford and Peter Trott she trains it to win a race, providing the money Steve needs for his show.
Рожденная танцевать
Фильм основан на простеньком действии, но сам по себе бесценен музыкальными номерами. После долгого отсутствия подводная лодка приходит к родным берегам. Среди экипажа есть три друга, один из которых женат и не видел жены целых четыре года. Он и не знает, что у них родилась дочь. Когда он с друзьями в увольнение приходит в клуб, жена его не сразу узнает, поскольку брак был скоропалительным, после танцевального марафона, и новоиспеченный муж сразу же завербовался на флот. Пришедших с ним два друга сразу же находят себе девушек, поскольку они все пришли в "Клуб одиноких сердец".
The Winning Ticket
A barber tries to find the winning lottery ticket he hid from his moralistic wife.
Jail Birds of Paradise
While the warden is away, his daughter attempts to turn prison into 'Paradise" Considered a Lost Film.
Plane Nuts
Ted Healy and His Stooges alternate mildly risque vaudeville routines with semi-elaborate Berkeleyesque musical numbers with beautiful chorines.
Hello Pop
A stage director is trying to put on a musical/comedy revue, but has to contend with temperamental musicians, an inept stage crew and his three idiot sons.
Beer and Pretzels
Ted Healy and The 3 Stooges are fired and evicted from a theatre because Ted is annoying women working there. They then get jobs as waiters at a nightclub. Chaos ensues.
Nertsery Rhymes
Three boys play are told some "bedtime stories" by their parents.
Swing High
Swing High is a 1932 American Pre-Code short documentary film directed by Jack Cummings. In 1932, it was nominated for an Academy Award at the 5th Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Novelty). The film documents The Flying Codonas, a family of flying trapeze artists.
Over the Counter
In this musical short, the son of a department store owner replaces the regular sales girls with chorus girls.
Crazy House
Benny Rubin takes a tour of the Lame Brain Sanitarium and meets some of its strange patients.
Gems of M-G-M
Benny Rubin performs vaudeville routines between singing and dancing acts.