Takis Kontos


Ο Αχαΐρευτος
My Brother, the Lord
Sound Engineer
A car electrician, Charis, spends all his money on tailors in order to give the appearance of a "lord". He constantly fights with his brother, Vasilis, who is also a day laborer (painter), saddled with all the joint expenses of the house. Charis believes that his looks will someday attract a rich wife and thus change his life and solve all his problems. Martha, however, the wealthy daughter of the shipowner Karapezis, falls in love with and marries his brother Vasilis (after he saved her life) without regard for her father's opinion or Vasilis' lack of money.
Ησαΐα χόρευε
Post Production Technical Engineer
Isaiah and Anargyros are partners and keep together a wedding bureaux office. Things are not going well lately, and Isaiah's wife, Kallirroi, is in charge of helping the situation. She finds a bridegroom for her daughter, a wealthy family. But the groom is not as rich as he is in fact the son of the groom. The situation is getting even more confused since her daughter is not the daughter of a shipowner as he presented her!
The Thief
Sound Engineer
Short film about a pickpocket. A police officer catches a pickpocket after some illegal activity on a bus, but is willing to hear what led him to the crime.
A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush
Sound Engineer
The daughter of a miser grocer react to their father's effort to marry with the man he approves. When her uncle from America and her older sister arrive, the situation radically changes, because the new arrivals happen to be open-minded and view things in a different light.
If Luck Favors You
Sound Recordist
A poor but very decent teacher, Telis, who has resigned from his job, finds a winning lottery ticket in the street. Suddenly, his life changes radically. But he then discovers that someone has put it in front of him deliberately.
Молодые Афродиты
Sound Mixer
Действие картины разворачивается на неведомом острове, где местные жители живут идиллической жизнью. В то время как все мужчины деревни находятся в море, с гор спускается группа чужаков (пастухов), и юный пастушок пленяется красотой местной девушки. Не зная, как привлечь её внимание, он приносит ей свою добычу — мёртвого пеликана. Девушка заинтригована, но не уверена в чувствах мальчика. Случайно дети становятся свидетелями запретных любовных игр более старшей пары. Тем временем и за юными героями наблюдает мальчик постарше, грубо вмешиваясь в ход событий, что приводит к драматической развязке.
Ο Χρυσός και ο Τενεκές
Sound Recordist
Μήτρος και Μητρούσης στην Αθήνα
Sound Recordist
Two friends from the province dream of going to Athens. On board the train, however, two smugglers are being asked and offered to hire them as waiters in the nightclub as a showcase.
Τα ντερβισόπαιδα
Sound Recordist
Erotic Stories
Sound Engineer
A modest film of three independent parts showing sad couple stories.
Fanouris and His Kin
Sound Engineer
A good-natured paterfamilias who is struggling to make ends meet rests his hopes on his successful expatriate brother to finally see their older sister get married. However, is the wealthy sibling willing to help?
Jeep, Periptero Ki Agapi
Sound Recordist
Ο Γυναικάς
Paschalis Zoumpoulos, an otherwise decent family man and director of the house Frabalas & Co. belonging to his wife Corinna, is an incorrigible skirtchaser. His assistant Aristos covers as it can, but someday found himself in the dock because Paschalis stung a woman in the street. In court, where he ordered course a poor but clean-cut girl is in dire need of money, and that the way of obliging Paschalis to hire her as a secretary. When Paschalis flirting Alki, she immediately leaves her job and Aristos, resigns.
Фальшивая монета
Assistant Sound Engineer
Из рук в руки переходит фальшивая лира, которую на беду себе изготовил афинский гравер Анаргир. Нет, не принесло ему богатство ремесло фальшивомонетчика. Сколько волнений, сколько страха натерпелся Анаргир, пока сумел сбыть монету слепому. Так начала свой путь фальшивая лира. Где только не побывала она: в дырявом кармане нищего, в худенькой руке девочки-сироты, в рождественском пироге скупца-богача и в копилке молодого талантливого художника...
Γλέντι Λεφτά κι Αγάπη
Assistant Sound Engineer
Angelos, a law student in Athens, is expecting Lavrentis, his rich uncle from the village, hoping that with his money, his luck will change. His uncle though is very sick and the doctors suggest rest and calmness. Youyou, Angelos' girlfriend though suggests otherwise in order to push the rich uncle closer to his death. And so, Angelos, with two friends from his village, Damian and Sarantis start partying with Lavrentis whose health starts getting better and better. In the meantime Angelos meets Myrto, falls madly in love with her and decide to finish his studies and marry her.
Sound Assistant
The story of a young,wild woman who doesn't want to compromise and settle down. Stella is a restless, rebellious Greek woman who plays with men and enjoys her life as much as she can. But when she meets a young football player, things get mixed up. She loves him but she loves her freedom too. So it's about time she made an important choice.
The Tower of Knights
Assistant Sound Engineer
A down-to-earth grocer yields to pressure and decides to follow his wife's advice to put to good use his deceased Jewish associate's gold sovereigns, even though he cherishes his simple lifestyle. In the end, can money bring happiness?