A documentary short follows Matthew Ballard, an aging Brooklyn locksmith struggling to unlock a higher acceptance to the changes in his life and city.
Director of Photography
In this documentary, Wendy Williams, the self-anointed Queen of all Media, sheds her private persona and speaks directly to the camera, discussing every inch of joy and humiliation she has experienced since childhood.
The Savage X Fenty Show gives a look into Rihanna's creative process for her latest lingerie collection. Modeled by incredible, diverse talent; celebrating all genders and sizes; and featuring performances by the hottest music artists.
Director of Photography
Кто из вас сталкивался с рекламой в сети, из-за которой вам казалось, что микрофон встроенный в ваш девайс подслушивает разговоры? Мы не заметили, как персональные данные стали основой для ведения корпоративных, культурных и политических войн. Этот документальный очерк пройдёт по тёмной стороне эксплуатации «больших данных» в ходе нашумевшего скандала Cambridge Analytica / Facebook.
Director of Photography
In this deeply personal film, director Roger Ross Williams sets out on a journey to understand the complex forces of racism and greed currently at work in America's prison system.