

Visual Effects
A middle-aged man wins a lottery and a group of people aim at this prize money. The plot is unveiled through a lot of twists and turns giving an unexpected twist to the thrilling tale.
CBI 5: The Brain
Title Designer
Series of bucket-killing murders happening in the city. Failure to resolve by police, a team of CBI Officers under CBI officer Sethurama Iyer take up the investigation to resolve the never experienced mystery.
Kanakam Kaamini Kalaham
Title Graphics
As Pavithran and Haripriya's marriage withers away, he plans a trip to bring things back on track. But his marital bliss is threatened by a bunch of nutjobs.
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Visual Effects Supervisor
Фильм снят в формате видеоконференции через интернет. Главный герой картины Джимми встречает девушку Ану на сайте знакомств. Она ему сразу же понравилась, и он влюбился в неё с первого взгляда. Довольно скоро главный герой решает жениться на этой девушке, и с этого момента начинается всё самое интересное. Мать Джимми отправляет кузена Кевина на задание, согласно которому он должен раздобыть как можно больше информации о будущей невесте её сына. Кевин и предположить не мог, что такая прекрасная и обаятельная девушка, как Ану может скрывать такие ужасные секреты. Вскоре он узнает о ней очень много нового, и всю полученную информацию он должен будет как можно скорее передать своему кузену…
Opening Title Sequence
Revolves around the life of Ambili, a simple, innocent person, and how his adorable persona wins over the love of the people around him.
Fancy dress
Opening Title Sequence
Two con-artists scheme to pull off the biggest scam of their career, hoping that it will revive their fortunes. With some unexpected twists and new players entering the fray, will they be able to accomplish their dream?
Thanneer Mathan Dinangal
Opening Title Sequence
A rom-com based in a school where a schoolteacher named Ravi Padmanabhan comes into the lives of Jason and his friends.
Marconi Mathai
Opening Title Sequence
Maarconi Mathaai, though a lone wolf, is everyone's favorite. He loves and cares for everything but never got around starting his own family. When Anna joins the bank as cook-cum-cleaner, Mathai's friends urge him to woo Anna into his life.
Title Designer
A murder happens at Ananthapuram Kottaram and DYSP Aana Esthappan is assigned to investigate the case. The initial investigation hints that Kallan Pavithran will be able to help in finding the murderer and DYSP Aana Esthappan requests one month parole for him.