

Pandrikku Nandri Solli
Fate brings together a cop, a gangster and an aspiring filmmaker, who hail from different places. After the initial misunderstandings and confusions between them, they form as a team and go in search of a unique pig statue and a huge sum of money. But little did they know that they would have to face unheard hurdles and riddles to possess the statue and money.
A thriller film directed by Basker Sinouvassene, starring Gogen, Dana Naidu and Baskar in the lead roles.
A young cop, who works in a police control room, tries to solve the mysterious case of a kidnapped girl.
Three men bury a woman they have murdered in the middle of the night. They get an unexpected visitor, who wants to do business with them. Soon, the ghost of the dead girl turns up before them sending them running for their lives.