История Кэтрин Грэм, первой женщины-издателя газеты «Вашингтон пост», и редактора Бена Брэдли. Они вступают в гонку с «Нью-Йорк таймс» за право пролить свет на государственные тайны, скрывавшиеся более 30 лет. Журналистам придется преодолеть свои разногласия и рискнуть карьерой и свободой, чтобы мир узнал правду.
The events on the night John Lennon was killed, seen through the eyes of those who lived it. The great men and women of NYC who did all they could to save a life, some without even knowing it was John Lennon himself. Based on a true story.
From the Union Square Theater in New York City, veteran comic Tom Papa discusses a variety of topics, ranging from living with the worst roommates in the world to the difficulties of keeping up with rapidly changing technology.
The mockumentary follows the contests, judges, and hostess of a go go boy dancing contest. With a little sex, sabotage, and a few dirty tricks, this movie will turn you on, bend you over with laughter and then give you a happy ending.